A quite significantly flawed video, IMO, for several reasons.
Firstly, there's an interesting "mix" of terminology in the video. When the narrator says things like "not only are these forces finely tuned for our existence" (once again: life adapts to conditions, conditions aren't put there in order to support life) you can't take the video seriously.
I certainly can't take "Philosopher of Science" at Messiah College seriously. Science isn't a philosophy. It ceases to become science. We've had this problem already in this thread, with people asking science to explain
why the universe exists, when it can't. Mr. Philosopher of Science attempts to use science to support the theory of a higher power having designed the universe specifically so we can observe it, a theory I don't buy in the slightest. Not least because it's not "theory" in the scientific sense, more "theory" in the "in theory" type sense.
When the video links to a site whose about page says this:
From the expansional rate of the Universe to the location of Earth in the Solar System, from percengates of athmospheric gases to properties of sunlight, innumerous equilibriums are sustained each second and each hour. Not even one of these arrangements may occur by chance. All obey the infallible wisdom of God exhibiting His might and art.This web site displays the evidence for the creation of the Universe and it reveals the eternal might and wisdom of God, who created this great universe from nothingness
...and when Paul Davies, the "scientist" in the glasses featured in the video has a quote like this on the website:
The explosive vigour of the universe is thus matched with almost unbelievable accuracy to its gravitating power. The big bang was not evidently, any old bang, but an explosion of exquisitely arranged magnitude
(...bearing in mind that we already know the big bang wasn't actually an explosion - a rather fundamental mistake for a scientist to make, don't you think?) the video and site are little more than ill-informed half-way houses between science and religion. And as a "scientist" he should probably be aware too that
"The explosive vigour of the universe is thus matched with almost unbelievable accuracy to its gravitating power" is simple physics, rather than magic or design. A star with enormous mass (and therefore gravity) will also burn more violently and brightly, otherwise it wouldn't be a star - there has to be some form of equilibrium, just like there is with a smaller mass star, which burns less violently. It's never total equilibrium anyway, as eventually all stars expend all their energy and die.
The things being said look accurate enough to seem suspiciously genuine, but inaccurate enough for much of what's included to be a pile of rubbish.
As I mentioned above, their statements that small variations in forces would immediately result in zero life are inaccurate. Earth's gravity varies constantly and depending on where you are on the planet, by several fractions of a percent in places. That already debunks the video's theory that the smallest of changes would result in no life, since there already
are small changes. Likewise, small fluctuations in our distance from the sun might have caused life to develop differently from the way it has, but wouldn't have prevented it entirely (since we already know that life can live in the extremes of temperature on our planet).
There are other universal constants of course, but the fact we can view them "easily" is just an indication of how our species has developed to discover these things. We already know we don't know everything (so the universe can't be
that easy to figure out), and there are places in the universe where the fundamental laws of physics fall apart - black holes, for example. If the universe was so easy for us to understand, why to black holes still stump us?
I'm sorry, but all of that video is tosh.
I don't see why we keep coming back to this either. Why keep trying to bring up these "scientific" justifications for the supposed evidence of intelligent creation, when God's existence cannot be proven, neither by evidence nor by proxy?
Just in case you missed it again: The universe isn't finely tuned for life. Life finely tunes itself to work in the universe.