You quite clearly do not understand how probability works (and its not the same as possibility).
Car accidents occur, that is provable to a scientific standard. I drive a car, as such a probability exists of an accident occurring. Ergo I insure (aside from the fact that its a legal requirement in the UK).
The existence of God has not been proven to a scientific standard, as such its a zero probability event.
One has a probability of occurring the other doesn't.
You quite clearly, want to continue to ignore the
fact you have a double standard of evidence,
after it has been repeatedly and clearly shown that you do.
only probability involved, is for the event itself.
There is absolutely no inclusion of
you, personally in the event equation.
For you, it is a possibility only, and that is the sum total of what you are insuring on.
The God of the Bible is a possibility as well.
As a matter of fact, 2.1 billion Christians world wide, the largest religion,
say he is more than a possibility.
In light of that, I find it borderline comical, when you make a statement like:
"The existence of God has not been proven to a scientific standard, as such its a zero probability event."
Odd because my stance has not changed one iota, nor has the standard I have asked you to use to demonstrate God exists.
As such I have not done any of the items I have been accused of.
Again, the only thing that has not changed is your refusal to admit you have a double standard.
How is asking you to use the single most established standard of evidence ludicrous?.
I already explained that.
What part did you not understand?
Its a standard that can be used to prove the existence of everything and has a 100% success rate at doing so..
Some things, not everything.
I find it rather ironic that you accuse me of sidestepping yet when faced with a perfectly valid method of testing resort to insults and petty digs (ones that I notice seem to now focus on my status as an atheist)..
God is not one of them.
It's a valid method of testing his handiworks, but not for him.
The Bible is about
So you are happy to acknowledge that human hands have chosen what words of God are right and which ones are not right..
You don't get it.
God chose them and had men pen them.
By way of the Holy Spirit.
The same spirit I have.
Since you don't have it, it seems impossible, for you to comprehend.
It seems odd that the words of a perfect God should need this doing to them, are they not all perfect?
Depends on your standard, or perspective, of perfect
Oh and given that they edited out the bits that were wrong I do have one question.
Since you didn't wright the book, how do you know, they are wrong?
Why did they leave in the bits about Jesus given that they are quite clearly borrowed from another religious event (and from another religion) that predates Jesus be over 600 years?
How so?
Then why on earth did you feel you were in a place to comment directly on me?
I already explained that.
Twice, if I'm not mistaken.
I get out all the time, had the misfortune of seeing a Christian preacher in town today shouting at little kids about how they were going to hell..
He's just warning about the bridge being out.
In regard to being a mad scientist, I would much rather spend my life working to understand the universe and using methodology that actually tests theories to destruction that live in the darkness of blind faith..
Your faith in that is just as blind, if you think its all there is.
This testimony can easily be tested to a scientific standard, you go and observe the bridge. It also meets the standard of falsability..
Your jumping the gun.
Your not at the bridge yet, and can't verify that.
As such while the testimony alone is not evidence to a scientific standard, it can easily lead to testing that does meet that standard..
In a physical sense, yes.
In a spiritual sense, no.
No its generally true.
Thats why, as said, collaborative testimony is more evidential.
That is unless you now freely acknowledge that Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Shintoism, faeries, ghost, transformers, etc, etc, etc. are all real..
No again.
The religions just signify, the realization, for most people, that there is a God.
The number of people believing in something has no bearing at all to the validity of it.
Likewise, not believing in something has no bearing at all to the validity of it.
Further likewise, the probability of an accident or insurance loss has no validity on it happening to you personally.
It's all in the same category:
"a possibilty"
Perhaps we have hit upon another of your double standards?
One rather big problem with this (as you actually acknowledge in a minute) is that all of the other items can be tested to a scientific standard, the bridge can be examined to see if it is 'out' how structurally sound it is, etc. The test is also falsifiable.
Again, in the case of this "thread bridge" it cannot be verified yet, other than personal discovery.
The existence of God can not be tested in the same manner and as such does not meet the same standard of evidence at all.
Yes and no.
Something I said earlier, is, "all evidence is established by way of testimony".
So "yes" in that it must be established that way.
"No" in that the testimony of those restricted to scientific method, have excluded and denounce any other form of evidential testimony.
Your evidence is no such thing at all, its personal testimony, faith and belief. All of which I have not issue with as long as they remain that. You can believe that God exists as much as you like, its doesn't provide any evidence that can be subjected to the same testing as everything else in the universe and as such doesn't constitute proof of existence.
Well now I must ask you, who appointed you God, to declare to everyone else what constitutes proof and what exists and what doesn't?
What puts you in the "all knowing" position to claim what is evidential and what is not?
Thats because "faith is the vehicle" of verification.
Not science
You just got through saying, the number of people that believe something has no bearing on validity.
That includes believing in science as the only evidence of anything.
You must think, belief in science is a one way street to nirvana.
Sorry to disappoint you, it's not.
To the contary, it has unveiled some very scary stuff.
I must admit it is strictly testimonial, but it is not strictly evidentially absent faith and belief.
Amplified Bible
1 Corinthians 12:7
But to each one is given the manifestation of the [Holy] Spirit [the evidence, the spiritual illumination of the Spirit] for good and profit.