Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
And you're right. There really isn't a need for belief in a supreme being, but people still do.

For many reasons yes . I've never seen a need to personally , as a belief in a creator solves no problems for me individually at all . And indeed us as a collective .

Human understanding and co-operation on long term issues on this planet should be our main focus I feel . As when you have countries waging wars and killing in the name of their invisible creators , it just gets a tad ridiculous in my view .
For many reasons yes . I've never seen a need to personally , as a belief in a creator solves no problems for me individually at all . And indeed us as a collective .

Human understanding and co-operation on long term issues on this planet should be our main focus I feel . As when you have countries waging wars and killing in the name of their invisible creators , it just gets a tad ridiculous in my view .

And there is always the political aspect of theism vs atheism, especially in the United States. Where religiosity beliefs tend to mesh together with political beliefs, and everyone who isn't Christian suffers.
Nope, god was made up by primitive people.

God is real. How can the sun & the moon & the human body & everything just become? Just go outside & think about it, how could the trees & birds & everything just become without a wonderful Creator I know God is real.
God is real. How can the sun & the moon & the human body & everything just become? Just go outside & think about it, how could the trees & birds & everything just become without a wonderful Creator I know God is real.

The Sun exists due to a remarkably long process that takes place in a local nebulae.
The moon exists because large rock falls into orbit.
The human body exists because of meiosis and mitosis.
Everything just "becomes" due to Big Bang, which brings me back to Superstring theory.
And there is always the political aspect of theism vs atheism, especially in the United States. Where religiosity beliefs tend to mesh together with political beliefs, and everyone who isn't Christian suffers.

Absolutely . I couldn't live somewhere whereby a belief in god dictated so much in regards to my everyday life . Where I currently am , the north east of Scotland , hardly anyone believes in God at all . To guestimate a percentage . based upon beliefs of everyone I know , I would say <20% or so .

And of those people that have steadfast beliefs in God , and their chosen religion , tend to be prude hypocrites who hide the parts of their past from everyone whilst pretending to be whiter then white and better than everyone else .

Kind of sickening really I guess . Not a game i'll be partaking in anytime soon .

God is real. How can the sun & the moon & the human body & everything just become? Just go outside & think about it, how could the trees & birds & everything just become without a wonderful Creator I know God is real.

False .

But you are entitled to believe that is true if you wish .
In my little part of the east coast of the US, almost everyone around me is at least some form of theistic.
It wouldn't be unreasonable to say that I am the only liberal in my town.
In my little part of the east coast of the US, almost everyone around me is at least some form of theistic.
It wouldn't be unreasonable to say that I am the only liberal in my town.

I couldn't live there for sure , it would drive me nuts :lol:
God is real. How can the sun & the moon & the human body & everything just become? Just go outside & think about it, how could the trees & birds & everything just become without a wonderful Creator I know God is real.

Why isn't it Allah (etc.) that you are praising?

Let me say to you what I said to Kingland (though I think he missed it).

Well then what about all the Greek gods? What about Allah? What about every single god besides the Christian God? I bet you'd be willing to agree they were all made up, but still protest that yours is real.

"I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."
-Stephen F Roberts
God is real. How can the sun & the moon & the human body & everything just become? Just go outside & think about it, how could the trees & birds & everything just become without a wonderful Creator I know God is real.

I go outside and think about these things all the time; each time I do so, I realize more and more that there is no need for a God to exist.
The Sun exists due to a remarkably long process that takes place in a local nebulae.
The moon exists because large rock falls into orbit.
The human body exists because of meiosis and mitosis.
Everything just "becomes" due to Big Bang, which brings me back to Superstring theory.

God created the world & everything. Not a big bang
The Sun exists due to a remarkably long process that takes place in a local nebulae.
The moon exists because large rock falls into orbit.
The human body exists because of meiosis and mitosis.
Everything just "becomes" due to Big Bang, which brings me back to Superstring theory.

But how can life come from nothing? Only God can make that happen
God created the world & everything. Not a big bang

This has been covered endlessly in this thread. Please take a bit to read at least the past few pages before making absolute statements that can not be absolute.

And please read my recent posts in this thread as well, since I tend to have the less hardline science approach to why God does not exist. Rather, I've come to approach it from a philosophical and personal quest to place meaning on life. In doing so, what I've concluded is the idea of Christianity and God, along with redemption and damnation, cheapens the meaning of life and this world.

But how can life come from nothing? Only God can make that happen
Considering we are getting closer and close to creating life from scratch, I'd say there is no need for a God in this case.
Absolutely . I couldn't live somewhere whereby a belief in god dictated so much in regards to my everyday life . Where I currently am , the north east of Scotland , hardly anyone believes in God at all . To guestimate a percentage . based upon beliefs of everyone I know , I would say <20% or so .

And of those people that have steadfast beliefs in God , and their chosen religion , tend to be prude hypocrites who hide the parts of their past from everyone whilst pretending to be whiter then white and better than everyone else .

Kind of sickening really I guess . Not a game i'll be partaking in anytime soon .

False .

But you are entitled to believe that is true if you wish .

I'll tell you right now. I'm not perfect. I've sinned. I'm not better then anybody else. The Bible says sin is sin. & I know God is real. We all deserve to die & go to hell, but Jesus died for our sins & my sins.
I'll tell you right now. I'm not perfect. I've sinned. I'm not better then anybody else. The Bible says sin is sin. & I know God is real. We all deserve to die & go to hell, but Jesus died for our sins & my sins.

Please address the points being made instead of repeating yourself ad nauseum.

According to a book, written by several different people, translated by many others, a man who supposedly was birthed from a virgin was in fact the son of a god (and in many beliefs, is god at the same time) and then proceeded to die to cleanse us all of sins that were committed by ancestors that may or may not have existed.

Just think about it for a bit.
Let me say to you what I said to Kingland (though I think he missed it).

no, I saw what you said. There's been no signs whatsoever that the greek gods ever existed. But like I said before, God has revealed himself to humanity all throughout history and there are still signs today. Like all life on earth. There's no way life can spontaneously generate, it has to be created.
God created the world & everything. Not a big bang
Incorrect , I really don't think you understand what the big bang theory actually states at all . If you did you wouldn't say ' a big bang ' didn't do it , ' god did ' etc ...

But how can life come from nothing? Only God can make that happen
Read this and you will have your answer . And incorrect . An imaginary man made being can do nothing of the sort .

I'll tell you right now. I'm not perfect. I've sinned. I'm not better then anybody else. The Bible says sin is sin. & I know God is real. We all deserve to die & go to hell, but Jesus died for our sins & my sins.

Nobody is a perfect human . What you're saying here is just a by product of your particular religion .... It's almost like that's been drummed into you over many years from what i can see .
But how can life come from nothing? Only God can make that happen

I don't really see the argument here. It assumes that humanity knows everything there is to know about biology.

Life was created from something, something existed before life. Look up abiogenesis.

And even with your viewpoint life would have to have come from something
Because allah isn't real. I praise God because He is.

So you easily denounce every single other God but then assert that your God is real. Unless you can provide evidence for your claims you're being a tad bit hypocritical. Other religions would say the same things as you, just for their God, and be just as convinced that they are correct. It doesn't mean they (or you) are, though.

no, I saw what you said. There's been no signs whatsoever that the greek gods ever existed. But like I said before, God has revealed himself to humanity all throughout history and there are still signs today. Like all life on earth. There's no way life can spontaneously generate, it has to be created.

To be fair, to the greeks, from the rain and thunder, to the sun rising and setting were evidence (or signs as you said) of those gods. It is the same as you saying "God revealed himself".

Are you saying this out of ignorance on the subject or have you actually extensively researched it? If it is the latter then I would love to see some sources.

God created life, and he existed before all life on earth

Proof please.
no, I saw what you said. There's been no signs whatsoever that the greek gods ever existed. But like I said before, God has revealed himself to humanity all throughout history and there are still signs today. Like all life on earth. There's no way life can spontaneously generate, it has to be created.

So where's the concrete proof of your God, whichever one he may be?

We're not talking signs of the corporeal existence of Christ or the historical Temple of David.

We're not talking about the Pyramids either, nor the Hajj.

These are evidence of belief. Not evidence of non-corporeal Gods.


And if you fall back on "revelation" being through visions, then I invite you to read the Qu'Ran, the Talmud (which is the basis of both the Bible and the Qu'Ran), the writings of Siddhartha Gautama and the millions of lines of Hindu holy text, each of which counts as "revelatory" and each of which are believed by millions around the world.

God created the world & everything. Not a big bang

Prove it.

I'll tell you right now. I'm not perfect. I've sinned. I'm not better then anybody else. The Bible says sin is sin. & I know God is real. We all deserve to die & go to hell, but Jesus died for our sins & my sins.

No matter how many times I hear that, I am still no closer to being Jewish. So... nope... sorry.
Honestly, I think both sides of this argument are ridiculous, and I'll tell you why.

Perception is reality. Therefore, If you think God exists, than he exists. And if you think he doesn't exist, than he doesn't. The simple fact of the matter is that at this time, there is no concrete evidence proving that a greater being doesn't exist. That being said, there is no concrete evidence to prove one does. However, some in this thread beg to differ, claiming God has had a real and significant impact in history, and using the world we live in as "evidence." This takes me back to my main point. If you believe he has done this, than in your universe, he has. Same goes the other way.

People have different truths. And until more evidence is uncovered that both sides can accept as real and truthful proof, nothing will change, and this thread is a perfect example of that.
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God created life, and he existed before all life on earth

That's just your opinion . But conversely it is also not your opinion .

It's just what you have been told to be true without knowing the truth about the world around you .

I'm presuming that you are a younger person , and that you do not have knowledge of these matters yet perhaps ?
So where's the concrete proof of your God, whichever one he may be?

We're not talking signs of the corporeal existence of Christ or the historical Temple of David.

We're not talking about the Pyramids either, nor the Hajj.

These are evidence of belief. Not evidence of non-corporeal Gods.


And if you fall back on "revelation" being through visions, then I invite you to read the Qu'Ran, the Talmud (which is the basis of both the Bible and the Qu'Ran), the writings of Siddhartha Gautama and the millions of lines of Hindu holy text, each of which counts as "revelatory" and each of which are believed by millions around the world.

Prove it.

No matter how many times I hear that, I am still no closer to being Jewish. So... nope... sorry.

So I take it you don't want any proof then.

I'm a Christian and I know that Hinduism isn't the basis of the Bible (no offense to Hindus) and most Jews don't believe in Jesus as the Messiah

How's that an opinion? It's logic. (and i did quickly skim that article you provided a link to, and it looked like a bunch of hypotheses.)
Does it matter if I'm a younger person?
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Because allah isn't real. I praise God because He is.

That is easily one of the most ignorant, illogical posts I've read in this thread. You also gave no attempt to back up your claim, other than stating that another religion is wrong. One thing I don't understand is how some Christians (note I said some) can't accept another's beliefs. I guess living in a predominantly Christian society can do this to you. I suggest you take a comparative religions class and/or travel outside of your comfort zone. To make a claim like this with no real knowledge of Islam as a religion is just plain wrong.
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But how can life come from nothing? Only God can make that happen

You don't really answer anything by saying God made it happen.
The question then becomes "how can god come from nothing?"

If you answer that with "I don't know", you should just save a step and answer the question "But how can life come from nothing?" with "I don't know"