I don't know, maybe so far you just don't have enough dissatisfaction with your current state of disbelief.
Quite the opposite, in fact. I've spent 35 years or so refining my current thinking, and though it is not perfect, I see no reason to disregard it.
GOD says you do, if you want a relationship with him and a cooler eternal abode. You can take that up with him.
Again -
why? I don't believe in gods and have no reason to. I have absolutely no reason to assume there is an eternal life for some part of my consciousness.
Functioning logically has it's limitations too.
None that I have yet run across in 44 years. In fact I would like to be more logical at times, but there is plenty of room for joy and love and emotion in my life without needing a supernatural being to provide it. And as mentioned above, the pitfalls of functioning illogically are both much vaster and more immediately real.
Yourself and your limited logic?
I see the smiley and I do not take offense at this comment, but I view those things as my greatest achievements, not my gravest dangers.
I'm not sure thats the right question.
IMO the real question is: If there is, why not engage and embrace it. Especially if there is eternal and temporal benefits involved.
But you still haven't answered
why? Why embrace something that has zero evidence of its existence? Why choose your one particular aspect of the limitless number of things that
may exist even though there is no proof?
Your only answer so far has been "Why not?" for the first part, and silence for the second part. You have assumed that there is an eternal benefit because you have assumed there is an eternity. I'll take your word for it that deciding to believe in a god has cheered you up, so I won't argue about the temporal benefit - I will just say that
don't make the mistake of assuming that is a universal result.
I mean, if I was going to embrace a deity, I prefer the Flying Spaghetti Monster, whose eternal afterlife includes a beer volcano.
I don't know that only people who want to get saved, get saved.
Thats somewhat of an oxymoron.
I don't see an oxymoron at all; quite the contrary. Nearly every testament I've ever heard has mentioned "you have to want to be saved, and until I wanted it, nothing happened".
If I deny God's existence and refuse Him, how am I going to be saved against my will?
Good question. I guess you might be duped.
Although I know nothing of those, only the one of which I speak.
How do you know
you haven't been duped? And if you haven't even compared your god to other gods, how can you begin to imagine that you have successfully chosen the correct one?