Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
Drunk Religious Guy at Party full of scientists
All your evidence, science and equations are great and all.
But this right here, this ancient book details the beginning of the universe.

I see your equality for women & gays and abolishment of slavery is pretty nice.
But this right here, this ancient book details my morals.

Hey yo stephen H, nice equations and all.
This book right here tells me everything I need to know about the age of the universe.

Hey Dick Dawkins, You're a leading evolutionary Biologist,
well Dicky I found this mother*&&* book from over a thousand years ago that says your wrong.

All you jerks have are your precious "theories",
well I have an anecdotal hypothesis. No idea what that means but hey.
F*&^* it.

Sums it up.
We must take this serious. I'm betting there will be a lengthy post coming to explain it.
"I fear that I am not just now in a philosophical frame of mind as regards this particular question, but am contentious, like quite uncultured persons. For when they argue about anything, they do not care what the truth is in the matters they are discussing, but are eager only to make their own views seem true to their hearers. And I fancy I differ from them just now only to this extent: I shall not be eager to make what I say seem true to my hearers, except as a secondary matter, but shall be very eager to make myself believe it. For see, my friend, how selfish my attitude is. If what I say is true, I am the gainer by believing it; and if there be nothing for me after death, at any rate I shall not be burdensome to my friends by my lamentations in these last moments. And this ignorance of mine will not last, for that would be an evil, but will soon end." - Socrates

We're all ignorant, and neither the religious, the atheists, nor the lovers of science will admit it, because we are selfish and simply want to make ourselves (and usually others) believe what we believe to be true whether it's actually true or not. We can look forward to death because in death, ignorance also dies.

"Let us not admit into our souls the notion that there is no soundness in arguments at all. Let us far rather assume that we ourselves are not yet in sound condition and that we must strive manfully and eagerly to become so."
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After all those posts directed at you, you still don't understand. Please, go buy a dictionairy, and learn what words mean what. Untill then, please don't post here anymore.
After all those posts directed at you, you still don't understand. Please, go buy a dictionairy, and learn what words mean what. Untill then, please don't post here anymore.

I would be a fool to take advice from someone who can't spell dictionary. Your contribution to this thread is...?

I am done posting here though, because people who cannot recognize their own ignorance and fallibility are not worth wasting any more time on.
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We're all ignorant, and neither the religious, the atheists, nor the lovers of science will admit it, because we are selfish and simply want to make ourselves (and usually others) believe what we believe to be true whether it's actually true or not. We can look forward to death because in death, ignorance also dies.

Except that scientist and plenty of atheists have absolutely no problem admitting ignorance where it exists.
I would be a fool to take advice from someone who can't spell dictionary. Your contribution to this thread is...?

I am done posting here though, because people who cannot recognize their own ignorance and fallibility are not worth wasting any more time on. We must all work towards exploring inside ourselves and less towards exploring outside of ourselves.

Well. Seeing you post makes me think you are a fool. See that flag beneath my name?

I made an error with my spelling, you speak utter nonsense, I know what is worse.

You speak of ignorance, but you still think we "believe" in science.
I would be a fool to take advice from someone who can't spell dictionary. Your contribution to this thread is...?

I am done posting here though, because people who cannot recognize their own ignorance and fallibility are not worth wasting any more time on.

Given your past history of abusive comments and the volume of warnings and infractions for that history, you are indeed done.

With GT Planet.
Except that scientist and plenty of atheists have absolutely no problem admitting ignorance where it exists.

:banghead: You just can't let me leave, can you? Atheists do not admit ignorance because they truly believe there is no God. That is ignorant! To believe that there is no creator SO DEEPLY, is ignorant. If someday it turns out there is a creator and he comes down to say hello, those atheists will eat their beliefs. If those atheists are on a plane and it begins to nose-dive, those atheists will say God's name a thousand times. It is ignorant to believe in God, and it is ignorant not to.

Agnosticism is the admittance of ignorance.

Great ban me for getting into arguments and debates. That's real nice. Guess I'll kiss goodbye by time trial thread which is more of a contribution to this site than most of you have ever done.
:banghead: You just can't let me leave, can you? Atheists do not admit ignorance because they truly believe there is no God. That is ignorant! To believe that there is no creator SO DEEPLY, is ignorant. If someday it turns out there is a creator and he comes down to say hello, those atheists will eat their beliefs. If those atheists are on a plane and it begins to nose-dive, those atheists will say God's name a thousand times. It is ignorant to believe in God, and it is ignorant not to.

Agnosticism is the admittance of ignorance.

Atheism is a lack of belief. It's not that hard to get.

I'm atheist, and I admit that there could be a god. I just don't believe there is, since I haven't seen any evidence whatsoever for it. If however a god comes down and says hello, I'll change my position since that's the only rational thing to do. I'd admit I was wrong. I have no problems admiting that I'm wrong when proven so.

Maybe you should step away from this thread. You seem a bit upset and you're just rambling on.
Great ban me for getting into arguments and debates. That's real nice. Guess
No you were banned for your inability to discuss a subject without insulting and attacking others, as such you have no-one but yourself to blame.

I'll kiss goodbye by time trial thread which is more of a contribution to this site than most of you have ever done.
Level of contribution doesn't allow you to ignore the AUP and attack other members.
:banghead: You just can't let me leave, can you? Atheists do not admit ignorance because they truly believe there is no God. That is ignorant! To believe that there is no creator SO DEEPLY, is ignorant. If someday it turns out there is a creator and he comes down to say hello, those atheists will eat their beliefs. If those atheists are on a plane and it begins to nose-dive, those atheists will say God's name a thousand times. It is ignorant to believe in God, and it is ignorant not to.
Luckily you've got your definitions wrong.

NONtheists actively believe there are no gods.
Atheists do not believe there are gods.

"Theism" comes from "Theos" meaning "God" and refers to active belief in gods. It's Greek. "A" means "absence of". It's Greek. Absence of active belief in gods.
Agnosticism is the admittance of ignorance.
Agnosticism may be either the belief that there is not enough evidence or a conclusion arrived at from the lack of evidence for there being or not being gods. Again "A" means absence of, but "gnosis" means "knowledge", from "gnostikos" means "that which has been learned". Absence of knowledge.
Great ban me for getting into arguments and debates. That's real nice. Guess I'll kiss goodbye by time trial thread which is more of a contribution to this site than most of you have ever done.
Oh, I know I've personally done joss all for this site.
Are they on at the same time, then? Big Bang every time for me. That Sheldon cracks me up!

Ugh. That big bang theory show. I find it insulting to real engineers. I don't like how they dumb down engineering. You know how they talk dowm to that one guy with the beatles like haircut. I think his name is Howard.
It's pretty easy when you learn about the processes which form that complexity without requiring a creator.
Personally, I don't see how one can look at the complexity of the world around us and not see a designers hand.

Look in a few text books. Geography, physics and biology should do the trick.

And read some of this guy's stuff.

I thought this was pretty good.

Personally, I don't see how one can look at the complexity of the world around us and not see a designers hand.

Personally I don't see how anyone can look at the complexity of the world around us and imagine any being capable of such design.

I think science can at times directly attack religion.Well I have spent time in many college level science classes and they always say in a very indirect way; "keep your mind open and question everything". I always liked this approach. But there are many scientist that are atheist or even denounce christ and go as far as saying that the universe was created with the big bang event and that it happened for sure, because, well it did ( they force it as fact even though it has never been proven as so, kind of like the people who think civics make good race cars). Even though there are many objects in the universe which are at the same distance away from some location, yet have different red shift. (The supposed evidence to the big bang, yet if they are of different wavelength, that sort of puts the big bang in question). It is just that the hearts of men hate being wrong (evidence; super debates on these forums), and they don't like to admit that they simply don't know where the universe came from, and that we probably never will. Even Darwin questioned his own theories.
That sound way to reminiscent of the oath I made to get into the Coast Guard...and even then the "So help me god" bit was optional. You could be silent for that part if you wanted.

That's just wrong in so many ways even aside from the forceful religious aspect.