Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
No, but since you insisted I should tell you you don't have to I thought it was the best way to avoid it. lol.

It's just because I posted it repeatedly because the person I was trying to get to watch it ignored it over and over. It does, however, point out legitimate contradictions (things such as the bible saying no man has seen God, even though multiple people—according to the bible—have, among other things).

Well it's not that I dismiss the fact that this seems odd, but I am 100% sure that there is an explanation to be found and that God made the different times for a reason.

Looking at it from a non religious view, Mark was not an Eye-witness but he investigated by talking to eye witnesess, he has been close to them I mean he lived in Jerusalem as far as I know, so I don't know exact dates but he must have written it before 70AD of course.

John, on the other hand was an eye witness but he went to Turkey and was imprissoned at Pathmos where he wrote (first probably) the Book of Apocalypse/Revelation and his gospel, as an old man of about 90 yrs in about 95 - 100AD.

So given that Mark as a young man, dependant on what people told him in contrast to a 90 yr old imprissioned and almost a whole generation in between the two, a difference of 3 hours is not really bad.

But of course I have a problem now, because I believe in the scripture beeing inspired by God, I must come to the conclusion that it has a deeper meaning, so I'll spent my free time with a Bible in my hands instead of my G27.

I know you will not understand or better said, agree with me but that's just how I am. I found my status/my way and it is perfectly cool to me. :)

To be fair, it could just be nothing more human error as to when it took place, as that seems the most likely.

I regard the bible as mythology FYI, though I admit someone named Jesus could very well have been crucified, I don't believe he was the son of God.
If someone has a question about islam, he can send messages because this conversation is going too fast in this thread.
mighty powerful people a thousand years ago, wow an agenda kickin to this day...

And Rockefeller and Rothschild are soon going to build up their New World Order huh?

I'm pretty sure he's just saying that people a thousand years ago are pretty much the same as people now and will take opportunities to increase their own power. Unless every member of the council was in direct contact/directly controlled by The Big Guy Upstairs, or absolutely perfect, they would have had their own agendas to try and give themselves power.
Then I can't say anymore, if you are that stubborn I'm speechless, really.
How does that make me stubborn?

The passages are quite clear, that you feel the need to add in layers of 'interpretation' rather than accept that they may be contradictory is to my mind a much more closed and stubborn approach (the Bible can't have any contradictions so I'm going to make damn sure it doesn't).

So? I said between 9 and 12. John isn't specific, he said 'about noon', and Mark says 'it was about the third hour when the crucifiction took place'.

Well I don't have a single problem with 3 or 4 hours difference from two men who lived almost a generation apart.

"He died at 8:36" "No, No he died at 11:45"
As has been said this is not a small mistake and its a rather significant event so the difference is one worth looking at. Its also not as the different times were a one off from them either, both were sure enough to state it twice.

Jesus, until the soldiers made Simon carry it!
According to Mark that's correct (however Mark actually makes no mention of Jesus carrying the cross at all). It rather odd however that John makes absolutely no mention of this person (Simon) at all:

John 19:16-18: Then delivered he him therefore unto them to be crucified. And they took Jesus and led him away. And he bearing his cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha where they crucified him.

You see John seems quite insistent that Jesus carried it the entire way.

Now of course one of them could simply have been wrong (twice), but that does then raise the issue of how trustworthy anything else they said is and also which one. Now that would mean that we have an element of doubt over the content both of them provided.

So now he's been crucified (at different times), arriving (with or without assistance), they buried him. Who then got to the tomb first?

I have no understanding...blind faith....
Blind Faith - you accept the word of the Bible as truth, despite the contradictions (that you go to some lengths to try and get around or simply ignore) and the fact that its been re-written countless times by mortal men.

round and round and round we go

mighty powerful people a thousand years ago, wow an agenda kickin to this day...

And Rockefeller and Rothschild are soon going to build up their New World Order huh?
What an utterly bizarre leap to make?

At what point did I mention (or indeed have ever mentioned) New World Order conspiracy nonsense? That would be never.

My post was quite clear that it was in regard to the motives these men had within the contemporary world they lived and the position they held within it. This leap to a New World Order says more about your own sub-conscious that it does about mine.
Depends on the version really... Could be a lengthy answer so you might Google it.

But, generally the modern versions are because of language translation differences and changes over time.

Older versions might simply be because the text didn't exist in that language.

Cultural differences.

Different denominations adopt different books/letters into their bibles.

A king ordered it be done.

etc. etc.
Slightly off Topic ish ,but why are there different versions of the bible?

They are all various translations of the original. The original was written mostly in Hebrew and Greek, with parts in Aramaic if I recall correctly.

As an agnostic (I dont care or worry about whether a religion is right or not), it confuses me that I know this. And almost 10000 posts, I just came in here to congragulate everyone, well done all 👍 many posts... :lol:
They are all various translations of the original. The original was written mostly in Hebrew and Greek, with parts in Aramaic if I recall correctly.

As an agnostic (I dont care or worry about whether a religion is right or not), it confuses me that I know this. And almost 10000 posts, I just came in here to congragulate everyone, well done all 👍 many posts... :lol:

but aren't there a few differences between bibles ?

Oh and 4K posts give this man a prize
but aren't there a few differences between bibles ?

Oh and 4K posts give this man a prize

Just different translations of the original. For example, most christian bibles call god 'god', while Jehovah's Witnesses call god by the name 'Jehovah', as that is how their bible was translated into english, they believe that Jehovah is his name and he should be addressed as such. Other christians may disagree with that, but at the end of the day, they're all praying to the same god.

Unless you're referring to non-christian bibles (if they're called bibles anyway), in which case I'm not sure.

Congrats on 4K posts, and if you respond quick your prize might be also having gotten the 10K post in this thread :lol:
Just different translations of the original. For example, most christian bibles call god 'god', while Jehovah's Witnesses call god by the name 'Jehovah', as that is how their bible was translated into english, they believe that Jehovah is his name and he should be addressed as such. Other christians may disagree with that, but at the end of the day, they're all praying to the same god.

Unless you're referring to non-christian bibles (if they're called bibles anyway), in which case I'm not sure.

Congrats on 4K posts, and if you respond quick your prize might be also having gotten the 10K post in this thread :lol:

:lol: well thanks for the info and DOOOOUUBLEE WINNNNEEERRR :lol:
Slightly off Topic ish ,but why are there different versions of the bible?

Well, let Google Translate show you. I've taken a text, translated it into three languages and then back to English, always starting with the original.

Original text (from a SpeedHunters article):
Currently, there are almost countless numbers of automotive sub-cultures. When you consider each manufacturer, each model, each model variant, each era, each region and each approach it adds up to a number beyond definition. However, and I am not trying to over-simplify things here, but I think that we can break down our modified world into two distinct categories – form and function. These two categories are of course not independent of each other, and they can be combined with great success. By and large though, most people will come down on one side or the other, and it is usually around this time that the arguments begin to kick off.

Translated to German and back:
Currently, there are almost countless automotive sub-cultures. If you think every manufacturer, every model, each model variant every period, each region and each approach, it adds up to a number beyond definition. However, and I try not to over-simplify things here, but I think that we break our modified world into two different categories - form and function. These two areas are of course not independent, and it can be combined with great success. By and large, however, most people will fall on one side or the other, and it's usually around this time that the arguments start to kick off.

Now, translated to Hebrew and back:
Currently, there are almost countless number of vehicles subcultures. When you see any manufacturer, any model, any alternative model, each period, each region and each approach it adds up to a beyond description. However, I'm not trying to over simplify things here, but I think we can break our world different from two distinct categories - form and function. Both of these categories are of course not independent, they can be successfully integrated. In general though, most people fall on one side or another, and it is usually about this point arguments to kick start the.

And now, translated to Japanese and back:
Currently, there are almost countless number of sub-culture, of a motor vehicle. When each manufacturer, for each model, each model variant, each era, think of each region and each approach, you climb to the number of it outside the definition. However, I'm not trying to simplify over things here, but I personally think we will be able to break down our world has been changed into two categories - form and function. Of course not independent from each other, these two categories, they can be combined with great success. In general, these days, most people, and will come down on either side, it will begin to kick-off argument is usual.

See the differences?

Now add human error and interpretation, and there's your answer.
Human error. Which is how Moses came to cross the Red Sea instead of the Reed Sea.

Then add to it censorship, rewriting, forgery, more rewriting, more censorship and mistranslation in order to further some political or theological goal... over a period of two millenia... and you get the modern Bible. Or Bibles. Or whichever one you believe supports your view of homosexuality, sin and the divinity of Christ...
Human error and manipulation is one thing, but google translate? :lol:

I hope it's not how texts from Georges Lemaître reached the general public.
Depends what is meant by a God. The way religion describes God is nonsense. However, I did read a scientific publication there is a greater probability that the Universe is just a simulation created by a computer program instead of the Big Bang actually happening. So the creator (or creators) of this simulation would theoretically be "Gods" of some sort.
That's not helping the cause lol. I'd like to read it all the same though, source?

Oh why not...

http://[domain blocked due to malware]/instances/400x/33987853.jpg​
That's not helping the cause lol. I'd like to read it all the same though, source?

Oh why not...

http://[domain blocked due to malware]/instances/400x/33987853.jpg​

I did not find it myself, a friend had it and let me read through it so I can not giv you the exact publication but this might be helpful for any information you want to find. Or just Google "simulated universe theory".
Depends what is meant by a God. The way religion describes God is nonsense. However, I did read a scientific publication there is a greater probability that the Universe is just a simulation created by a computer program instead of the Big Bang actually happening. So the creator (or creators) of this simulation would theoretically be "Gods" of some sort.

The only problem is, wouldn't you need a computer the size of our universe to model ours?
The only problem is, wouldn't you need a computer the size of our universe to model ours?

The theory uses Moore's law which states that computing power doubles every 18 months. Right now, we only have enough computing power to simulate a universe 10^-15 long. In maybe a few hundred years if Moore's law remains correct then we could have the computing power to simulate a universe 10^26 metres long (which is how big our universe is currently). You don't need a vast amount of space to create the simulation just a vast amount of computing power. Just like you don't need a PS3 the size of Los Angeles to play LA Noire or GTA IV.
The theory uses Moore's law which states that computing power doubles every 18 months. Right now, we only have enough computing power to simulate a universe 10^-15 long. In maybe a few hundred years if Moore's law remains correct then we could have the computing power to simulate a universe 10^26 metres long (which is how big our universe is currently). You don't need a vast amount of space to create the simulation just a vast amount of computing power. Just like you don't need a PS3 the size of Los Angeles to play LA Noire or GTA IV.

Surely you would run against issues with the size of components, as in the size of an atom. I thought we were reasonably close to that anyway?
^ True dat, IIRC Moore's law will reach that limit (atom-sized transistors) in about 20-30 years.
Surely you would run against issues with the size of components, as in the size of an atom. I thought we were reasonably close to that anyway?

Which is why it is just a theory. However, we don't know what kind of new technology we will create. Quantum computing is the future as quantum computers are not transistor based.

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