No he isn't unless you are only considering the part of his paragraph you chose to bold. And even then I would dispute that what those rodents did was because they THINK or because they CARE about others. That's a bold claim, although I do think animals care about others, without the need for rodents to tell me that. I know dogs care about other dogs and usually care about the humans they belong to.
I've only used the version of 'think' he provided in terms of answering him and that definition fell over quite quickly, unless you dispute that animals can and do solve problems?
zzz_pt mentioned higher and different notions of thought and caring. And until someone shows me a simphony created by a mouse, or a painting created by a cat, or a poem created by a dog, It'll still remain an undisputed truth that there's no equivalent in animal world to the human mind.
Then, you can go about it the scientific way. I find it very interesting myself:
Actually I mentioned differing levels, zz-pt initially dismissed the concept of thought in qanything other than humans entirely, hence his animals don't meet this definition of 'think;' post.
And you can, of course, deny any difference between Man and other living beings (animal or vegetal) resulting from anything other than a specific brain characteristic that allows Man to be, well ... different from all others known in this planet.
Species differ in many, many different ways, that I have clearly and repeatedly stated. Humanity is not however unique in being able to think.
That, I think, is where atheists don't go. Fine. The way I see it, the fact that we - all Mankind - came this far is all the evidence I need about an higher conscience and intelligence.
This would appear to answer quite a few things.
It would appear that you already have an outcome and are happy to accept the facts that support that view, but not the ones that don't.
Personally I would rather accept the outcome that all the facts support
In fact, we are probably, in relation to God, as our dog is in relation to us. The dog has some "glimpses" of what we are and of what we do and of what we say and want. Doesn't get it fully, just enough so we can, at a very basic and primitive level, connect.
Rather slight difference, both dogs and humans can be shown to exist, once again we run into a problem with that as far as deities are concerned.
There is no evidence to prove it is false, so I will not retract my claim until proven completely false. Not only that but I did not state the exact number, I claimed a multitude of Jews, not a million.
Remembrance of Passover and the Hebrews slavery in Egypt is a core religious tradition celebrated by Jews and Christians, for me to be asked to retract my claim would in part be asking me to renounce my faith, which I will not do. In respect to all moderators and the policy's of GTPlanet, I stand in the faith that I chose and I refuse to use words that would lead to the renouncing of my faith.
No one is saying that you can't believe it, or even claim to believe it.
What you did however was state that you could prove it happened, proof and belief are quite different things.
However as far as accepting it as possibly being an allegorical story would stop you being Jewish because it would be a rejection of holy text? I don't buy that at all given that plenty from the text gets ignored on a regular basis.
I asked you this question in a slightly different manner before, when was the last time the state of Israel stoned someone to death for being gay or blasphemy? As they are not doing so they are going against the direct word of god, does this make them no longer Jewish?
By the way, you didn't make a claim of numbers of slaves, your religious text however does (and you are staining that you can't go against that), and its put the number at 1 million plus.