And every single one of those agree on every area do they?
By signing on to the agreement, it is clearly established that,
yes they unequivically and absolutely do.
Otherwise if they did not, they could have abstained from signing.
A simple fact of reality.
So now, even though it was not necessary, I have provided formal documentation of Global agreement on the use of subjective evidence, which,
you repeatedly insisted upon, yet you still will not admit it is a fact of reality.
Citation definitely required.
Right now in the UK we have a political debate going on regarding the differentiating interpretations of the European Human Rights act, that a large difference on the subjective nature of two bodies on a single piece of legislation.
And you expect us to believe that global agreement exists on how subjective laws and evidence is accepted?
This alone disproves any such claim:
Sorry, that disproves absolutely nothing.
Political debate rages on about everything under the sun.
It has no relevance to the facts of reality concerning the
already established definition, practice, and authoritative use of subjective evidence.
And as has been clearly proven by formal documented agreement.
At such time a consensus is reached and something is formally established,
then it maybe relevant. Or it may not be.
If that's not the point you are trying to make then quite frankly what are you going on about and why are you wasting everyone time? As if its not an agreed standard then it is both unreliable and falls a long way short of the standard offered by objective evidence.
There is someone attempting to waste time here, but you appear hopelessly confused on who it is.
Now it is your turn.
Where is your source to show what I have clearly established regaurding subjective evidence, is not a fact of reality?
And on what basis, do you claim this?
Which is of isuffiecent standard to establish anything if that is all you have.
That is up to the individual to decide.
And Islam is a direct extension of Christianity and its impossible to separate the two.
I hope you will be praying toward Mecca five times today and have stopped eating pork.
They are different religions of the same root, they are not the same religion.
And where is your source for this claim?
Odd as I'm quite certain that an almost equal number of Muslims say the same thing in regard to there texts (and every other religion, ever).
Now just to recap you claimed that "Although if you read the New Testament, it is clearly evident it offers something totally unique, and as far as I can tell, apart from any other religion. " and the unique happens to be something that is shared by three other religions (which are the same but not depending on what you feel like) and you still have not show why "it is clearly evident" that it sets it apart from "from any other religion".
No, you just continue to ignore it, so there is no reason to continue reiterating it.
"The term "
smoking gun" was originally, and is still primarily, a reference to an object or fact that serves as conclusive
evidence of a
crime or similar act."
Conclusive (as in objective - has been shown to not be false) not subjective.
Tell me how it can be established apart from testimony?
I'll save you some time.
It can't be.
Bollocks again.
Objective evidence has to be put into context and is often presented to show that subjective testimony is untrue.
In reality, it may show support for true, or untrue.
In addition if the objective evidence does not support a subject claim a person is making then the subjective evidence will and does show the inaccuracy of that evidence.
A women could accuse a man of fathering her child, his subjective testimony could be that he is not the father, however an objective DNA test (and for the sake of argument here lets say a number have been run by a range of different labs all with the exact same result) shows he is the father.
The Objective evidence will either support or disprove the Subjective evidence, but not the other way around, and any legal system that will convict on subjective evidence only needs looking at in a rather big way, which is exactly why the scientific method requires a much, much higher standard.
Yes, and you can write your government representative about how you would like it changed.
In the mean time and from practically time eternal, it is what it is.
BTW, I have previously already stated the obvious.
That being that objective evidence is better than subjective evidence.
You however seems would be quite happy to jail someone for murder if enough people said he did it, no matter how much the testimony they gave differed, no matter how long a period it was complied over and no matter if we couldn't truly establish who all the sources were, even when not a shred of objective evidence of a crime can be shown. After all you are happy to base the existence of a deity on that, which is a much bigger deal than a murderer.
As such you either have no idea how evidence works (more than possible given the track record) or you are once again attempting to redefine to suit your own needs.
I have not implied or indicated I would be happy to jail someone, on any evidential basis.
So I would appreciate you not inferring that I would.
Well first you have to know what evidence is, before you can know how it works.
Apparently, I'm ahead of you in that respect.
In fact of reality, you could be chosen to serve on a jury, to judge a primarily circumstantial case.
That does not absolve you of the responsibility to scrutinize and weigh the evidence accordingly, even if it is circumstantial.
Likewise the only objective evidence for what I am testifying too, is personally, or individually attainable.
But is subjective in any relatability.
As discussed previously, there is no physical objective evidence for spiritual phenomenon.