Just because an outside observer can view our universe as a whole (with the time dimension laid out as another spatial dimension, and not as the dimension of "time" as
we perceive it, does not automatically make that outside observer a "God".
Specifically if that observer cannot control the outcome of events.
Our Universe
is predetermined in a sense. But only in the sense that time itself is only an illusion, and all that has happened and that will happen is built into the structure of the universe... much like the streaks of water running down your windowpane during a rainstorm. But that doesn't change the fact that your conscious decision
has had an effect on the overall fabric of the Universe.
You have total control over your future. But just because it's foreseen, doesn't change the outcome.
But, and here's the big "BUT"...
observation of the results of history along the time dimension... meaning the transfer of information from the future to the past... actually changes the fabric of the universe. If you alter the past, the structure of the future that follows from it will change along with it. And observation always involves a two way transfer of information. This is a basic principle of quantum theory.
Some suggest that any time travel or time viewing will spawn a new universe... but it's also just as likely that any changes to our past that can be made by time travellers have already been made, and we are living in a Universe already altered by such actions. There's the Fermi paradox... if purposeful, physical,
human time travel to the past were possible, we'd have seen evidence of it already... or we could be seeding a trail of time detritus in front of us as we travel through the universe... time travellers popping out of the future in interstellar space millions of years before the Earth will ever reach that point. Maybe metallic meteors are proof of time travel?
Again, whatever happens,
we will never see proof of time travel altering our personal past, because our past is an intangible part of ourselves.
In other words... if there
is a God, an outside observer with the power to create and alter the Universe, then all possible outcomes of all possible actions have been considered, and he has seen fit to let millions of people die in wars, disease, famine, religious strife and natural disasters. To allow "his" religion (whichever one it is) to blossom and fade away, and has allowed "his" disciples to suffer and die. For what reasons? Unknown. Said God is then the impersonal "Omega" kind of God, not the first person "Alpha" God that many religious adherents claim he is.
Whatever happens, he lets happen. With no apparent intervention save the granting of "visions" (which you don't need to be religious to have, and which inform different religions and cultures differently) and "miraculous healing" (which don't require religion so much as the power of positive thinking). Thus, if there is a God the Omega, we still don't know "his" shape or form and probably never will. Such a God is not worth worshipping, because worship of him, statistically, does not give you any benefits at all... except in the purported afterlife... the existence of which cannot be verified... and considering there are at least two to four dozen major religions and innumerable minor sects and obscure ones... your statistical chances of picking the right one are pretty slim.
@Danoff- time travel goes against logic all together, so It's hard to say.
Time travel doesn't go against any natural law, actually. It just requires very specific circumstances to be achieved.