- 29,816
- He/Him
- ScaffUK
Ohhh look, once again you didn't answer my question.Those who choose to be left behind can plan all of that.
I plan to be out of here before it starts. Why go through all of that, then to rather avoid it completely.
A free gift. I mean, will you be happy that God takes away your infants to protect them?
Trust me, the Rapture is at the door even. Some of you guys say we have been waiting for 2000 years, while you continue to prove the bible right by mocking and scoffing, yet fail to understand biblical prophecy, of the events that must take place leading to the Rapture. If you seriously interested, I'll be glad to share.
When God says, Love your enemy, it doesn't mean you are my enemy in the natural. You are my enemy in the spirit, meaning you disagree with the sole purpose and plan of God to rescue those that want to be rescued from the wickedness that is soon about to fall upon this already fallen world. Who is the cause. Yep, mankind as usual.
Jesus is responsible for the commandments / covenant to the Jews in the OT. Without it, the birth of Jesus wouldn't be possible. Secondly, God is love, so likewise, if you are love, and if wickedness or evil came to take away your own family, you would do whatever to destroy it before it destroyed your family, right? Simple yes or no.
The bible has never made such claims of an easter bunny. Again, you prove the bible right by mocking. You go boy.
Where is James Bond site that the whole world goes to visit? The site that was prophesied about? The site that everyone wants a piece of?
Where is 2 billion people worshipping ol Jamsey?
Where does Jamsey proclaim creation, and when did James sacrifice his son for the world?
How do you know those people that killed in the name of God, are Godly people...??? You don't. ONly the Creator does, hence why He says He judges by the heart, and not by deeds.
Jesus said, love your neighbor, and your enemy. Are these people killing religiously actually following Christ?
If not, how can you say they follow God?
The toothfairy gave you a material reward, which is temporary, since you don't know if you will be breathing tomorrow.
Christ will give you a spiritual eternal reward. Your free choice of what reward you want.
The bible is clear that God created hell for satan and his demons.
The bible is also clear that all evil doers will have their place in the lake of fire.
Since you were born to attack the bible (like claims of being born gay etc), I'm sure you know what is "evil" in GODS eyes, by "Gods" standards.
If you fit the above, "you" can actually change that, but by no means will it go away, if you keep telling yourself God doesn't exist, or allow your friends to convince you as well.
It's so simple.
"Lord Jesus, I confess my sins, and I am sorry. Forgive me. I believe in you. Come into my heart".
After that, go and sin no more. Nothing else.
Just those few words will save you. Free will indeed.
Yes there is. I've been saying for a while now, that it is not possible for something to come from nothing. Organized chaos. No such thing.
Where did the energy come from. Where did the information come from. Where did ethics come from etc.
God created it, and you can know who God is, through Jesus Christ. Choice.
The incredible journey of the Jews tells you about Gods promise. The signs and wonders and prophecies in the Bible.
What a man believeth in his heart, so is he.
Why is that given that last time you said.....
"I'm here until the Rapture Scaff...
...and then disappeared for a week.
BTW - You said "Jesus said, love your neighbor, and your enemy. Are these people killing religiously actually following Christ?"
You seem to forget that this is the same man who beat people with a cat o'nine tails and killed a tree because it didn't give him fruit out of season. As such I have no intention of taking his hypocritical words at face value at all. The 'peace loving' symbol of your cult beats people he doesn't agree with and kills planets that don't do the impossible.
Want to take a guess how many people this atheist has assaulted with a cat o'nine tails?
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