Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 624 30.6%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.0%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,051 51.5%

  • Total voters
It's a survival mechanism:

So it didn't in fact require 'elites' as per your claim? It seems to me that you're confusing the propogation of particular flavours of religion with actual religion, the latter being nothing more than simple faith that a greater force exists.

By the standards that @Joey D describes above it's entirely understandable that otherwise-uninformed observers would find evidence that a greater power controls the things that make their day-to-day lives possible, e.g. solar cycles, winds, fire, water, earth. They'd also have a far greater opportunity to observe our biological interactions with the ground than we do in our squeamish times.
So it didn't in fact require 'elites' as per your claim? It seems to me that you're confusing the propogation of particular flavours of religion with actual religion, the latter being nothing more than simple faith that a greater force exists.

By the standards that @Joey D describes above it's entirely understandable that otherwise-uninformed observers would find evidence that a greater power controls the things that make their day-to-day lives possible, e.g. solar cycles, winds, fire, water, earth. They'd also have a far greater opportunity to observe our biological interactions with the ground than we do in our squeamish times.

I was referring to modern day religions ie: all named ones, KJB was forced on every conquered country.
I was referring to modern day religions ie: all named ones, KJB was forced on every conquered country.

That has nothing to do with why religion was created though. You said religion was created by the elites, that's probably not true. The idea of religion as relates to civilization? Sure, there are definitely some controlling factors in there. But the basis for religion more than likely does not revolve around control, but rather explanation or even entertainment. Based on what we know about hunter-gathers, it's not exactly a labourious way to live. Due to this ancient people probably had a great deal of time to sit around telling stories and probably many of those stories involved the world around them. It's far more entertaining to embellish a story of what a day-night cycle is by saying there's a great horse or something that pulls the light across the sky then to just say "well it gets light than dark for some reason".
That has nothing to do with why religion was created though. You said religion was created by the elites, that's probably not true. The idea of religion as relates to civilization? Sure, there are definitely some controlling factors in there. But the basis for religion more than likely does not revolve around control, but rather explanation or even entertainment. Based on what we know about hunter-gathers, it's not exactly a labourious way to live. Due to this ancient people probably had a great deal of time to sit around telling stories and probably many of those stories involved the world around them. It's far more entertaining to embellish a story of what a day-night cycle is by saying there's a great horse or something that pulls the light across the sky then to just say "well it gets light than dark for some reason".

Then why is every single one indoctrinated into the youth via the education system?
Your not just taught that beliefs systems exist an then you can freely educate yourself on them outside of the education system later if you wish to do so.
Religious teachings should not be part of the education system, it should be scrapped in favour of more physical education & diet, social studies, form filling, etc you know stuff that actually benefits and helps you get a job once completed.
Then why is every single one indoctrinated into the youth via the education system?

Weird generalisation. I think young humans should be taught about their cultural heritage, good or bad. My own heritage is important to me, isn't yours important to you?

Your not just taught that beliefs systems exist an then you can freely educate yourself on them outside of the education system later if you wish to do so.

Yep, that's how it works.

Religious teachings should not be part of the education system

Teaching faith as fact shouldn't happen in any subject, that seems obvious.

it should be scrapped in favour of more physical education & diet, social studies, form filling, etc you know stuff that actually benefits and helps you get a job once completed.

Social studies without religion? I'd like to see that scheme of work.
Does this strike you as strange...

Many gods have been credited with the creation of this universe, including, no doubt, an incomprehensibly enormous quantity of gold, silver, diamonds etc

Yet on this planet, these very same gods have to rely on using other peoples' money.

Then why is every single one indoctrinated into the youth via the education system?
Your not just taught that beliefs systems exist an then you can freely educate yourself on them outside of the education system later if you wish to do so.
Religious teachings should not be part of the education system, it should be scrapped in favour of more physical education & diet, social studies, form filling, etc you know stuff that actually benefits and helps you get a job once completed.

I think you're missing my point. You claimed that religion was created by elites to control people and that's probably not true. Religion has been around for hundreds of thousands of years. It predates civilization, it predates what we think of as an education system, and it predates what we consider social classes. It's been around for a helluva long time and probably one of the first concepts ancient humans had.

And religion should be taught, it's a major factor in every single culture. If you don't teach it, it makes people ignorant of the world around them. Everything from governments to some of the most important scientific discoveries of our time all have an underlying component of religion or at the very least a belief in a higher power.
Weird generalisation. I think young humans should be taught about their cultural heritage, good or bad. My own heritage is important to me, isn't yours important to you?

Yep, that's how it works.

Teaching faith as fact shouldn't happen in any subject, that seems obvious.

Social studies without religion? I'd like to see that scheme of work.

The people that insist on it being taught are the same ones who’d rather sexualise underage children & teach them about blgt than teach multiple languages over than English, that’s how sick they are, secondary school far is too late to be taught over languages, but we can scare the children senseless before they’ve even had a chance to grow with religion & sexuality.
who’d rather sexualise underage children & teach them about blgt than teach multiple languages

secondary school far is too late to be taught over languages

Waiting until kids are no longer under age before teaching them about sex and sexuality is about the same as waiting until you visit Japan to learn how to speak Japanese. Whatever your feelings about religion and it being taught in schools, I don't think it should be compared or lumped in with sexual education.
Waiting until kids are no longer under age before teaching them about sex and sexuality is about the same as waiting until you visit Japan to learn how to speak Japanese. Whatever your feelings about religion and it being taught in schools, I don't think it should be compared or lumped in with sexual education.

The pope is a pedo, fact.
...sexualise underage children & teach them about blgt...

The pope is a pedo, fact.
Then there exists proof of this "fact" and the onus is yours is to provide it as substantiation for such an accusation.

Also, pedophilia is itself harmless and takes action by individuals for harm to be done. Maybe you're confusing pedophiles with pederasts?
The pope is a pedo, fact.

And? That's got nothing to do with whether sex ed is a good idea for someone before they go out and try and have sex.. and since the pope rarely turns up at peoples local high school to teach class and get some ass, I'm not sure it's relevant at all.

edit: this is going to vary, but it was the PE teacher and the Chemistry teacher that had allegations made about them at my high school.
The people that insist on it being taught are the same ones who’d rather sexualise underage children & teach them about blgt than teach multiple languages over than English, that’s how sick they are, secondary school far is too late to be taught over languages, but we can scare the children senseless before they’ve even had a chance to grow with religion & sexuality.
Well, that just a mess on nonsense wrapped up in more nonsense isn't it.

While the teaching of languages in schools certainly could do with improvement, I'm not quite sure why teaching sex ed is wrong (its LGBT as well) and carried out correctly teaching about religion (and the non-religious alternatives) is of value if you actually want rounded individuals as an end product.

Religion absolutely should not be taught as fact, but to try and ignore its existence is not only impossible but counterproductive.

The pope is a pedo, fact.
I trust you have credible evidence to back that claim up!

edit: this is going to vary, but it was the PE teacher and the Chemistry teacher that had allegations made about them at my high school.
It's always the PE teacher.

Then there exists proof of this "fact" and the onus is yours is to provide it as substantiation for such an accusation.

Also, pedophilia is itself harmless and takes action by individuals for harm to be done. Maybe you're confusing pedophiles with pederasts?

The people that insist on it being taught are the same ones who’d rather sexualise underage children & teach them about blgt than teach multiple languages over than English

So you mean the Pope? Okay, which schools does he contact to insist they teach It? Do you think he insists on them being taught Multiple Languages Over Than English? If he even did then could you think of a way he might justify that?

Offering forgiveness to a pedophile and acknowledging the presence of pedophiles aren't the same thing as being a pedophile, and that first one bears formatting common among those spewing conspiratorial claptrap.

If you can post a video of someone who is purportedly providing proof of an allegation, you can provide that proof yourself.

This is looking a lot like your own claptrap regarding Lewis Hamilton's success being a result of a mass rigging conspiracy to push a black superiority agenda.


teach class and get some ass
Offering forgiveness to a pedophile and acknowledging the presence of pedophiles aren't the same thing as being a pedophile, and that first one bears formatting common among those spewing conspiratorial claptrap.

If you can post a video of someone who is purportedly providing proof of an allegation, you can provide that proof yourself.

This is looking a lot like your own claptrap regarding Lewis Hamilton's success being a result of a mass rigging conspiracy to push a black superiority agenda.


When one of your family members is abused are you just going to laugh then too??
And? That's got nothing to do with whether sex ed is a good idea for someone before they go out and try and have sex.. and since the pope rarely turns up at peoples local high school to teach class and get some ass, I'm not sure it's relevant at all.

edit: this is going to vary, but it was the PE teacher and the Chemistry teacher that had allegations made about them at my high school.

English teacher at my high school. His wife was a (fantastic) teacher at the school too. That went... badly.
Do we all have stories about nonce teachers at school? It was the business teacher at my school and he even played up to his reputation. :ill:
Do we all have stories about nonce teachers at school? It was the business teacher at my school and he even played up to his reputation. :ill:
Spanish teacher at my high school, though I didn't learn of it until years later. Plot twist: female Spanish teacher, and I'm given to understand she'd faced unproven allegations at another school prior to her being hired at mine.
That would be the appeal to emotion fallacy, and your use of it is blatant deflection from my solicitation.

Ahh an appeal to emotion logical fallacy... give that a go with an actual answer rather than an attempt to distract and manipulate with a logical fallacy.

Edit; Tree'd
So if somebody abused somebody from your family are you going to laugh or want said person dead?
Because when the pardon was given he just laughed in faces of all those abused.
So if so

So if somebody abused somebody from your family are you going to laugh or want said person dead?
Because when the pardon was given he just laughed in faces of all those abused.
Ah, doubling down on the appeal to emotion fallacy.

Mind you, you're still expected to substantiate allegations; failure to do so likely constitutes a violation of the terms you accepted when joining the site.

Pardoning an individual for actions also doesn't make the party pardoning guilty of those actions.

And pedophilia refers to feelings toward rather than actions against.
Do we all have stories about nonce teachers at school? It was the business teacher at my school and he even played up to his reputation. :ill:
Yes, gatekeepers of fellow abusers, just like everything else I mentioned, but I guess it’s all just conspiracy and I’m a liar.
Yes, gatekeepers of fellow abusers, just like everything else I mentioned, but I guess it’s all just conspiracy and I’m a liar.
Playing the victim because you've been solicited to provide proof to substantiate allegations you've made.
So if somebody abused somebody from your family are you going to laugh or want said person dead?
Because when the pardon was given he just laughed in faces of all those abused.
And you're still avoiding providing the proof and simply attempting distraction.

You made a claim, now back it up with something substantive.