- 34,043
- Mile High City
Yes time and space are basically entwined, so when I suggest that there are things that exist beyond the limitations of time I'm basically suggesting that there are things that simply exist outside of and beyond the limitations of this current universe, most likely non-physical.
If this universe is all that there is then it must be an infinite one no? Otherwise where are its limits and what is there beyond it's limits. When you think about it it kind of becomes obvious that there are simply no limitations, no beginning or end points. That infinite possibility is the true nature of reality, another way of defining infinite possibility I guess is to use the term God.
Our universe includes nothing. By its definition, lack of existence exists within our universe. It is everywhere. A lack of time existed just now, in between this moment and the next. A lack of space infinitely exists within space. So nothing by definition is present in our universe. So is the universe.
Asking what is beyond space and time is a bit like asking where the edge of the surface of the Earth is. Space and time do not have an "edge". They are our universe. And there is no reason to suspect that there is a dimension that exists within our universe and "beyond" our universe. Even defining that does not make sense. You either ignored, or did not understand what I was saying about how every way that you would define "beyond" is framed from within our universe.
Nothing exists, by definition. And our universe exists, by definition. We know that in the absence of our universe, is nothing. What else might be "outside" of our universe we do not know, and it is difficult to even say how we would. But certainly you are a long way off from demonstrating that something must exist outside of our universe.
When put to it, you don't seem to even know how to tell whether something does exist, and you don't even seem to be willing to say that the universe exists at all.
Pure awareness is the only thing that exists, and pure awareness has no properties or qualities to it, it simply knows
whatever it is placed upon.
You seem to be saying that the universe exists, and that something outside of the universe must exist. And you want to call the universe god, and the thing outside of the universe "god" (which in both cases is an abuse of that word, which does not mean "the universe" and "things outside the universe"). Yet you also maintain that the only thing you can prove is that you exist as the thinker of your thoughts (Descartes), and that "awareness" in general exists, which is presumably beyond you being the thinker of your thoughts.
You're gonna have to get all of this straight for me.
Does the universe exist?
Does something outside of the universe exist?
Do you exist?
Does awareness exist outside of you?
...how do you know?
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