feral and bad
- 213
- United States
- double_rating7
Sorry for the formatting of the response. I didn't know how to interject responses into this type of quoting system.Why?
I too have seen it many times, although from those proclaiming to be atheists less often than in question form by those proclaiming to be theists.
Why does it stop being a false equivalence if used more?
No, it's not.
The standard for what? Why?
This is a very, very Dotini-esque response.
Why do I take your word for it?
Until proven otherwise, you are considered by me to be trustworthy.
As I understand it, a false equivalence requires two different subjects.
In this case there appears to me to be only one subject, atheists. There are however two different actions.
Is it possible that there is confusion about the use of the word "some"? When parsing the sentence,
"some" in the context given, means to me "some atheists".
You are correct. I incorrectly attributed the article. I need to stay off the keyboard when tired (like now).
Unfortunately exhaustive research is not always possible. If I required it in everything, I would get even less done.
I suspect I am not unique.
The standard for false equivalences.
Because you keep insisting on a statement being a false equivalence, and it doesn't meet the definition that I have found.
Sometimes things are different in different countries. For example, "calling the guards" could mean calling a variety of different
personnel, depending on context in the United States, while in Ireland, I have been given to understand that it means "calling the police".
There are different standards for lots of different things in different locations and cultures.
I could have said "elsewhere" instead of UK. Sorry for any confusion that this may have caused.
Sometimes trying not to be an "ugly american" causes more trouble than simply being one.
I don't know who or what Dotini is. A simple search for dotini only pulls up articles about rotini and there is no "only show articles about dotini" link, like there is a lot of times when you mistype something or you search for things that are commonly entered in error.
In any event, I fear that we have wandered way off of the original question and little of this has anything to do with the thread topic.
Thank you for your attempts to enlighten me. Please feel free to correct any errors that I have made.
Unless you require any specific information from me about anything I have said, I will consider your next post about this to be the end
of this particular interaction.
I apologize for any inconvenience.