Do you believe in God?

  • Thread starter Patrik

Do you believe in god?

  • Of course, without him nothing would exist!

    Votes: 620 30.5%
  • Maybe.

    Votes: 368 18.1%
  • No way!

    Votes: 1,046 51.5%

  • Total voters
I didn't feel the need to. A lot of people get the concept of "facts" in science wrong, but very few misrepresent it on purpose - as you did in your post, along with misrepresenting what theory is, and twice lying about what I've said in my posts.
How can you misinterpret (of course you've edited your wording) something on purpose, I think it's just that you don't want to upset your buddies on here but are quick to correct me for saying the same thing they've said, shocker.

If you feel the need to literally make up what other people are saying in order to respond to them, you don't belong on this site.
Yeah maybe you're right, it's quite tiring casting your pearls amongst the swine so by all means, feel free to exercise your power of authority and show your true colours.
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It's also not automatically saying no to everything that comes your way.

Pure science is a lot of facts, then there's a lot of theoretical science based off of those facts. You need to be careful not to mistake the two for the same thing.

For example someone on here earlier claiming that suffering exists because of natural selection is not a fact. That's an opinion formed off of the basis of a scientific theory and then branded as a fact.
This is not a new thread. You're not the first to make pro god arguments. Your posts aren't being discounted immediately, they just contradict how the world works.

That pain (I believe it was pain specifically that was mentioned, but it doesn't make much difference) developed as a result of evolution is not an opinion. It's the best explanation we have the existence of pain.
Why don't you tell that to the guy above me then who said "It is literally the collection of all known facts".
Famine's post was more precise than mine, but the message is the same. If you can know something it's part of science. That would include knowing if god exists. Unfortunately we're fallible so we have to add an asterisk to everything we think we know because we can make mistakes. What we should not do is think that our knowledge is complete and perfect.
And as you pointed out the scientific method is constantly ever evolving and changing, what's considered fact today may be considered laughable 100 years from now. It's just quite funny how all you guys seem to put most of your faith into it and feel the need to so rigourously defend it every time someone puts it into question.
That's why the scientific method doesn't require faith. It's evidence based. So of course what is accepted as fact will change with evidence. Because we know we can make mistakes. This is why faith is laughable. It ignores the reality that humans are imperfect and that answers are not always obvious.
Because the scientific method is ever evolving and changing perhaps?
So of course the Romans who resisted conversion to Christianity were correct for having faith right? They were pagans first, so the correct thing for them to do would be to hold on to their beliefs no matter what right?
How can you misinterpret something on purpose,
"Misrepresent". Honestly, isn't there something in your book about not lying?
I think it's just that you don't want to upset your buddies on here but are quick to correct me for saying the same thing they've said, shocker.
Being wrong isn't the same thing as being deliberately wrong. You're choosing to present "facts" and "theory" as things that they aren't, on purpose, for your own reasons, in the usual, tired religiousist manner.
Yeah maybe you're right
It's a good habit to keep.
it's quite tiring casting your pearls amongst the swine
I'm sure Jesus had something to say about that.
so by all means, feel free to exercise your power of authority
I always feel free to do it. Permission is not required.
and show your true colours.
You might want to try a new line, considering you just said I already did that.

Given your repeated lies and lack of any kind of contrition or engagement, yours seem to be flying well.
"Misrepresent". Honestly, isn't there something in your book about not lying?
🤣 It was originally "misinterpret" but of course you had to edit that to "misrepresent" by the time I replied because it did look a bit silly in it's original wording. But hey, it's my word against yours, little old me against the big man admin around here. I think we all know how that one goes, of course I'm the liar and you're the one full nobility and honesty right?
🤣 It was originally "misinterpret" but of course you had to edit that to "misrepresent" by the time I replied because it did look a bit silly in it's original wording. But hey, it's my word against yours, little old me against the big man admin around here. I think we all know how that one goes, of course I'm the liar and you're the one full nobility and honesty right?
Your posts are here for everyone to see.
🤣 It was originally "misinterpret" but of course you had to edit that to "misrepresent" by the time I replied because it did look a bit silly in it's original wording.
Nope. It was "misrepresent" in both the original post and your quote of it. Here is the complete Edit history of your quote of it:


Yet another completely ridiculous lie about what I said. No idea what you're hoping to gain from this stupidity.

But hey, it's my word against yours, little old me against the big man admin around here.
It's your word against the forum software, and you're not winning that one.
I call it a "so called Temple" because what kind of Temple promotes practices that are in opposition with the ways of God, I guess the reaction of Jesus shows he may have shared a similar view.

Wasn't Jesus known to have said that "The kingdom of Heaven is within you".

Or as Corinthians 6:19 lays it out - Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

I think if you look deep enough into the texts there's a common spiritual theme that points to the idea that the true dwelling place of God's spirit is within yourself or rather your own soul/spirit. There's a reason why Jesus advocated true prayer as by going into your room, shutting the door and talking to your Father in the 'secret place' and listening to the voice of God within your own spirit.
Then you've hypocriticaly done what you accuse others of, in the story Jesus had no issues with the temple, he had issue with the people in the temple. The texts quite clear and unambiguous in that regard.
Nope. It was "misrepresent" in both the original post and your quote of it. Here is the complete Edit history of your quote of it:

View attachment 1370164

Yet another completely ridiculous lie about what I said. No idea what you're hoping to gain from this stupidity.

It's your word against the forum software, and you're not winning that one.
Now show us your original post before you edited it.
So where's the difference between the red and the green in each case, it doesn't look like there's any change in the line you supposedly edited here (the last line), they look exactly the same to me.
The closing quote tag was not after the second quote as intended. As you can see, neither "misrepresent" nor "misrepresenting" was edited.

Jesus was very clear on lies, liars, and lying. Retract. Your. Lie.
The closing quote tag was not after the second quote as intended. As you can see, neither "misrepresent" nor "misrepresenting" was edited.

Jesus was very clear on lies, liars, and lying. Retract. Your. Lie.
All I can see is that something was supposedly edited, it shows that the last line was supposedly edited (red and green) but from I see both lines look exactly the same.

Amazing. Presented with straight-up objective evidence that he made something up and he just keeps making stuff up to try to get round admitting that he made stuff up.

Purest hypocrisy of the most expected kind.

Here's my supposedly edited post which is clearly unedited til date.


The post shown there has not been edited.

This post, in which you directly quote me saying "misrepresent" and "misrepresented", has only been edited by you, as I showed - proving that what you quoted was originally exactly as quoted and your pretence it said something else is just that.

Why anybody acts like this is entirely beyond me, but you'll be doing it somewhere else from now on.
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Because the scientific method is ever evolving and changing perhaps?
The scientific method is to take a theorie and throw every possible explanation against it in an attempt to invalidate it.
It doesnt change or evolve.
What does change are out possibilities and attempts to invalidate a theory and by that evolve that theory into an even stronger version of what it has been before.

I could tell a child:
"the earth is round", the child would answer "I dont see that, so it cant be true".
Then I pick a camera and a basketball
Is our suffering finally at an end? That kid gave off a homeschooled vibe to me.
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