No, I don't believe in any higher, supernatural being. If you accept belief in something irrational, like a god, based on any scripture, how is there any way to judge that you've chosen correctly? While science cannot disprove that god exists - absence of evidence is not evidence of absence - there is no valid criteria for selecting any given god from the infinite possibilities that open up as soon as you decide that supernatural beings must exist.
After all, billions of people pray to Jesus while billions pray to Allah or Budda or the pantheon of Hindu gods, just to name a few. But there's no guarantee (or even any evidence) that they're right, either. The Cosmic Penguin could be busy right now laughing at them or plotting the destruction of all infidels who don't believe. Or the Keebler Elves could be baking up a replacement universe in the Oven of Infinite Cookies.
Once you step over that edge there's absolutely no way to stop from sliding down the slope, and the slope goes on forever.