Do you name your stuff?

  • Thread starter NotThePrez
United States
St.Pete, FL
Title is pretty self-explanatory. Do you give you vehicles/furniture/plants/etc names? I call our '02 PT Cruiser "Rally" because when I started driving it, if felt like I had to drive fast just to keep at a reasonable pace. :lol:
Title is pretty self-explanatory. Do you give you vehicles/furniture/plants/etc names? I call our '02 PT Cruiser "Rally" because when I started driving it, if felt like I had to drive fast just to keep at a reasonable pace. :lol:

The missus gave my blue Lancer '12 the name 'Sonic' and when we get a new car, must be blue with the same name :rolleyes::lol:
Oh, yes. If you haven't already guessed by my signature, I've named our Ford Mondeo 'Bruiser', because of the paint. It's black pearlescent, so in certain lights it turns purple. Plus, we have blue engine pipes and foot-well mats. Black, purple and blue are all colours of a bruise so... the name Bruiser was born! :lol:

I also named my Mikko Hirvonen Ford Fiesta R/C car 'Steve', but that's only because Mikko in English is Steve. :sly:
I probably would name my future car, but I still found it silly for the most part. But other than that, I've never given a nickname to any inanimate possession other than giving my external memory storages like HDDs and USB drives a name in computer.
I only ever name my cars. My current one is called Gus, because the number plate starts with GU52.
Title is pretty self-explanatory. Do you give you vehicles/furniture/plants/etc names? I call our '02 PT Cruiser "Rally" because when I started driving it, if felt like I had to drive fast just to keep at a reasonable pace. :lol:

Not usually, and even when I do, it's because I'm bored and I have nothing better to do.
I named a small weird paper model thing that looked like some guy with a Vietnamese hat but was actually a lamp Harry. Does that count? Or naming a hammer Pedro. Pretty weird considering I didn't even own the hammer, it was just the biggest one in the classroom at school. I always got that hammer, and when someone else took it, I would find it and replace it with a different hammer.
I used to name my cars, but haven't come up with anything that stuck for the last few, although I've got something in mind for the Mazda2. I like to give them names appropriate for their countries of origin, which can make coming up with names difficult sometimes.
I was allowed to name my sister's twins minutes after they were born. One boy, one girl. She was thrilled when I chose "Denise" for the girl, but less happy with my choice for the boy. "Denephew."
I named my 3 dogs, not by choice, it was the miss's idea.
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Sometimes, for example the M3 is named "the dog" because it's not daily driven and only goes out on "strolls". There are some other things that have names but I forget. Another was an 88 accord that was pretty messed up and sputtered/blew smoke which we called "la rabiosa" (the rabid one)
Also of course I named my dog
edit: ^ :lol:
We've got a running habit of naming cars in our family. An old Astro was called Snowball because it was white, and my brother's Taurus was called Hoopty because it was a rolling POS. Right now, we only have one, my mom's SLK, which we call Tic-Tac. Not sure why, I think because it's small.
My first bike was called Rex because it's name was similar and my second bike was called Elsey because that's what the license said.
All my cars have had names, and so with the mo'bikes I owned when younger.
Things that adopt personalities (and cars very quickly gain 'personality' for their owners) eventually get named, whether by accident when one swears at it or because of circumstances or attachment.
Labelling is not the same as baptising an object with a name - labelling something like a file-folder is merely organisational and keeps stuff relatively differentialised in our brains.
Names also add more personality to the object and anthromorphises it for more intimacy.

It's when you give a name to your 'Pet-rock' that things start getting a wee bit worrisome. ;)
I call the factory GPS on my MKV GTI "Betch" because it tends to tell me where the next turn is AT the turn which ends up in me shouting out the B-word quite often :lol:
Occasionally I'll shorten Bonneville to Bonnie, but usually I just call my car by its full name, or just 'the car'.

Beyond that, most items have names already, so it makes sense just to use those...