Do you think # of cars in a race will go up?

United States
16 cars isnt bad considering it used to be 6 in past GT titles. But do you see the # of cars in a race going up higher in gt6 even if its raided from like 16-20 or do u think its just going to stay the same?

Also do you think they made increase the # of cars in rally races and special events next? Because those are still at 4 cars only.
I think we will see a possible increase. What I think though is that for different type of events we'll get anything between 4-24 cars. Maybe even 32 for NASCAR (if it remains), IF it's for PS4. If for PS3, I don't think so...
In my opinion, a bigger grid is more important than improved graphics. 16 cars is okay, but 20 is better.

One problem though is that even with 100 cars on the grid, it's not really worth anything if 90% of them will drive underpowered cars and only one or two are powerful enough to fight in the top. The grid needs to be more even. Difference in driver skill could be somewhat big, but differences between the cars should be as small as possible. The race outcome should not be determined before the race has even started.
I agree. GT is biased toward low hp cars due to used dealership. If GT were stuck at 200 premium cars and no used it would make sense to have RM/ TC from each manufacturer. This way when the computer generates a race, at least there will be different coloured cars(a la same make race in practice mode). As stated above it comes down to how aggressive PD make the AI.
I agree. GT is biased toward low hp cars due to used dealership. If GT were stuck at 200 premium cars and no used it would make sense to have RM/ TC from each manufacturer. This way when the computer generates a race, at least there will be different coloured cars(a la same make race in practice mode). As stated above it comes down to how aggressive PD make the AI.

Well, it doesn't have to be same make races, the cars could be tuned to match each other. In real racing, some cars are better than others (depending a bit on track) but the difference is not as big as in GT5. The difference in time after a 5 lap race is more like what the distance would be after a 20 lap race.
Certainly. I hope the computer is designed to be smart enough not to class a vintage race car amongst modern machinery this go around.
Yeah ai does need to be improved but hasnt the ai been slowly improving throughout the GT seriies? mabey this time there improve it enough that it can actually do good against a human. I mean ive had races were the AI was somewhat fast, but if it was actually a little bit faster than id have a real race. of course this isnt the same for all leauges... AKA rally cough, 30 second gain per lap cough
If GT6 is on PS4, the number of cars on track should increase. If on PS3, I won't hold my breath.

I want to note that in GT5 it's rarely sixteen cars. As I recall it was usually twelve.
Or maybe the same 16 car grid but a much more competitive AI that must be enough.
16 are only on arcade, in cereer mode max 12.
More cars in a race would be very useful for multi-class racing, offline and online. I hope to actually see an in-race class system. Would be nice to see...
I do think the number will increase, given that GT6 is released on the PS4 and it doesn't have hardware limitations. Personally 20 racers on a grid would be awesome, especially in organised league races; more cars equals more competition.
If on the PS3 (we'll ignore the likelihood of it for now, it's being discussed plenty of other places): No.

If on the PS4: It better! I expect 20 at the minimum and I will forgive PD if they don't always use them. As long as online can reach 20. More than that would be awesome, but I also wouldn't so much mind continuing with 16.
Endurance races certainly need more cars. 12 cars on the two 24 hours races are pretty sparse.

Given that Codemasters can already do 24 cars with lower poly counts on PS3 I don't see why GT6 on the PS4 couldn't do at least 24 higher poly cars with the huge amount of extra RAM.

Personally I would rather have more cars with slightly lower LOD than 16 cars with higher LOD.
Endurance races certainly need more cars. 12 cars on the two 24 hours races are pretty sparse.

Given that Codemasters can already do 24 cars with lower poly counts on PS3 I don't see why GT6 on the PS4 couldn't do at least 24 higher poly cars with the huge amount of extra RAM.

Personally I would rather have more cars with slightly lower LOD than 16 cars with higher LOD.

How much Ram does the ps4 actually have? or at least rumored to have.

I would love to see the different classes show though too. i feel like it would actually make enduro races more fun becaue you could get a closer feel to what its like in say the 34 hours of lemans passing cars. ps... **** u ferrari, u gotta crash the nicest lmp's every year dont u. -.- from the new toyota hybride, to audi r18's to things ive known u recked in past XD.

I feel like thats 1 reason though we dont see a grid full of lmp's and group c's in that enduro though, because thats pd's closest way of getting different classes is to just mesh them into 1 race
For PS4 (which I am 95% sure it will be on) I can see 24 being possible, even 20 would be a nice improvement for longer races. Won't be too disappointed with 16 again though.
For the majority of events 16 cars is sufficient. For endurance racing with it's multiple classes then a slight increase would be welcome. However, having said if we stay on 16 for GT6 on PlayStation Orbis then the grid could be divided into 10 cars for the class you are competing in and 6 for another.

Admittedly for this to work the AI would need to be significantly more competitive than it currently is in order to keep a 10 car class interesting. Even it went to 20 we could go 14-6.

On the subject of future GT titles I am interested to see what the Vita GT game will have on track. I reckon it will go to 8-12.
I think that they will have 24 for formula1 and hopefully have a higher quality driving experience with f1 cars. I also think that they could introduce 40+ cars in endurance races.
How much Ram does the ps4 actually have? or at least rumored to have.

"Rumor currently suggests a PS4 with 4GB of RAM total, but that it'll use 4GB of DDR5 rather than the Xbox Durango's 8GB of DDR3. "


I would want more cars at the track than more detailing as well. Nurburgring is actually awesome to host a 16 car race, it would be even better with 20-24 cars on at least two classes. I'm not holding my breath though, if the number stays at 16 I'd be satisfied as well.
"Rumor currently suggests a PS4 with 4GB of RAM total, but that it'll use 4GB of DDR5 rather than the Xbox Durango's 8GB of DDR3. "


Which is more or "Better" out of those 2? ima guess the 4gb from the ps4 since its DDR5 and not DDR3? im not very good with that kinda stuff.
I dont think I've ever seen a racing series with only 16 cars, so its not satisfying to me.

24 is a sweet spot for traditional racing, excluding multi class endurance racing of course. I would be happy with that.

Still though, if PD continues to ignore elementary events of a racing weekend like qualifying car count will be, again, pointless.
I dont think I've ever seen a racing series with only 16 cars, so its not satisfying to me.

24 is a sweet spot for traditional racing, excluding multi class endurance racing of course. I would be happy with that.

Still though, if PD continues to ignore elementary events of a racing weekend like qualifying car count will be, again, pointless.

Really? Try 12 for a final race:

FIA GT1 regularly had only around 16

Just a little racing footnote, not that I think this merits games only having 16 cars on track at the same time. I don't think there's anyone that would rather have more graphics at the expense of less cars.

Watching the 24 hours of Dubai and Daytona makes me turn off the Playstation and head into PC sim-land to partake in hosted races with over 40 cars, it's just so fun, like a cop chase every where xD.

I certainly think they could figure out a way to include more cars, even on the PS3, without losing too much graphically, but it doesn't seem to be a goal, the jump to 16 (or 12 AI most of the time) seemed to be satisfying enough for them. Hopefully they learn, or Forza steps it up along with pCars so they come to their senses.
even though gt5 has 16 cars, i honestly could deal with even 10 as long as they were fast. Because say theres 24 cars and only 6 can keep up with u. Well then the other cars are not serving any other purpose than to be lapped or anoying to pass as they take up the road and wont move.

But with 10 cars that do keep up with you, than you can actually have a good race. Now personally i would also like to see more than 10 cars. i would like to see 20 becuase i still feel like thats a solid #. But i feel like improved AI > # of cars. Because if these other 19 cars in a race are just thhere to be lapped... then why have them their in the first place.

Ima bring it up because i feel like its a good example. I should not beable to do a rally race, and gain 30 seconds on like a 3 minute track every lap. 10 seconds a lap is too much to gain and needs to definately be improved. If PD is worried about the AI being too fast, then they should put a difficulty on the Carrier mode like they have for arcade. Its just not that hard i don't think. I mean i was playing NFS underground 2 yesterday, and that game on hard.... is actually hard. i lost some races, even when i played like it was a sim and tuned my car ect. GT needs to be hard too :) (yes the tuning in NFS is a little off but i can still make cars feel sorta like GT5 cars) - So half Realistic...still arcade
I don't see why the max amount of cars per race wouldn't be able to be increased. Not only will the hardware have better capabilities, allowing the the system to render more things at once, but ISP's are increasing their bandwidths all the time, even with their basic packages, so we should start seeing higher max players in online modes as well. I'm paying less for 35mbps now than I was for 10mbps three years ago, with the same ISP.

Now if you're asking do I think it NEEDS to be increased? No, I don't. I think 16 on a track at once is plenty. In the more than 2 years I have been playing this game (wow, has it really been out that long???) I've never once thought to myself "I wish there were more cars in this race"... online or off.
I wonder if PD have tested the current 200 premium cars in a mock 24hour Nurburgring set up. If GT6 were to have a Multiclass only for the 12/24 Bathurst, 24 Nurburgring/LeMans/Spa/Dubai with at least 32+ race cars with an adjustable hp rating like online, would be nice.
Now if you're asking do I think it NEEDS to be increased? No, I don't. I think 16 on a track at once is plenty. In the more than 2 years I have been playing this game (wow, has it really been out that long???) I've never once thought to myself "I wish there were more cars in this race"... online or off.

x2 I just want harder AI. I just have to ride bumpers to get the AI to decelerate for me to pass and win races comfortably. Endurance races are just a test of patience with GT5 AI. I honestly had more trouble passing GT3 AI (maybe because I was 10? *shrug*).

Also, if qualifying is left out again, Im returning it for my money back. That's if AI is improved. If AI remains the same, just leave out qualifying and start us at the back of the pack for somewhat of a challenge.
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Which is more or "Better" out of those 2? ima guess the 4gb from the ps4 since its DDR5 and not DDR3? im not very good with that kinda stuff.

I would have to say the PS4 will have the real advantage out of the two. The nextbox is rumored to feature a Windows OS built into the console, and about 3gb of RAM of its 8GB will be reserved for it. That would leave about 1GB for VRAM, which leaves about 4GB dedicated to gaming.

Now the next Playstation will have an OS that will only reserve 512MB of RAM of its 4GB. That leaves the rest to gaming. Now, like said before, Sony, according to rumors, will however use DDR5, which should actually be called GDDR5, because it's a graphics based (double data) RAM... meaning it should blow the Nextbox's DDR3 performance.

There are also rumors about the PS4 aka Orbis to sport a 8GB of RAM, but honestly, it's a bit unnecessary for a console (especially if it's gonna have GDDR5), unless you're going to have to have an OS like Windoze. Just remember what these consoles can do with only 256MB of RAM/VRAM. 4GB is plenty enough, and it seems both parties will utilize that much for gaming.

As for the topic in question, I'm pretty confident PD will be able to increase the car count per track. In fact, I'll be surprised if they didn't. If not, I'm pretty sure it's not because they can't, rather they decide to do some serious prioritizing elsewhere into the lighting engine and physics.
If Gran Turismo ever wants to grow to something more then a sim that gives a small 'taste' of various motorsports it needs more cars on track.

As long as Gran Turismo attempts to simulate 24 hour endurance races with multi class racing as well as representing series like NASCAR, DTM, and Super GT which all have well over 20 cars on course you really cant say 16 is enough. Le Mans 24 has 55 cars, The Nurburgring 24 has over 200. Indy 500 has 33 cars. You cant simulate these races and say 16 is enough. In all instances thats not even half.

I think with next gen hardware 24 is an acceptable number. It represents a 50% increase of GT5's max of 16, and a 100% increase over its A-Spec count of 12. If you split GT5's 16 cars into two classes you get 8 a piece, the problem is almost half the cars finish on the podium by default. 24 cars allows for 2 deep classes of 12 cars each, or even the possibility of 3 classes of 8 cars, or even further 4 classes of 6 cars each.

24 cars running at 1080p and 60fps along with weather or day night effects is a chore for any game. With the option to set the graphics lower more cars would be a possibility, but thats not the case on consoles.

With larger car counts comes great responsibility, though. The AI will need to be faster and 'rabbit' cars need to be done way once and for all. Car selection for AI in each race will need to be better. Qualifying is an absolute must. More and better restrictions are needed for each race to keep it somewhat of a challenge. Races will need to be much longer on average to give the driver time to fight is way through the field through speed or fuel/tire strategy.
I expect 20-24 cars in gt6. I just hope arcade isn't as random as the previous versions, I am tired of racing escudos in an LMP car
I expect 20-24 cars in gt6. I just hope arcade isn't as random as the previous versions, I am tired of racing escudos in an LMP car

ive actually seen the escudo beat lemans cars in my races. Like ive done like 50 laps around madrid and the escudo beat the minolta, sauber, 787b and eveything somehow. its only there because i think PD just has the races made up by PP. And enless your on a track with a lot of straights, then it will outbeat some or all of the lmp's at least at the ai's pace.