So how much higher does the price have to go before it’s deemed unreasonable since this is how we’re spinning it? By this logic, it’s okay if it eventually goes up to something like $260. That’s only $5 a week, so not a big deal, right?
All of this is straw man. It has nothing to do with whether or not this increase puts us in trouble financially. The value is just no longer there for a lot of people now, especially since we’re not getting anything additional in return to justify the increase. They can get more out of their money by simply saving it or using it on something else they think will give them more bang for their buck.
I’ll be canceling because GT7 is the only game I play online and I refuse to pay more when the daily races aren’t interesting on most weeks and PD can’t be bothered to have online championships of a decent length running on a regular basis.
That being said, there really needs to be a cheap, basic option for just online multiplayer. I don’t care about the perks that comes with Essentials and from what I’ve seen elsewhere, I’m not the only one.
There’s virtually always going to be some major issues going on in the world, so I think this is a moot point. When the COVID pandemic was in full swing and people were getting sick, dying and losing their jobs, there were still those who were concerned about getting their hands on a PS5 or XSX at a fair price and had time to complain about scalpers.