Does Anyone Watch Wrestling? (WWE, AEW, TNA, NWA, etc)

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I don't know why I was using spoiler tags considering this is basically a results thread, but you can't deny that was a massive pop (worthy of a Stone Cold or The Rock) and his presence will probably make WWE watchable again.
I don't know why I was using spoiler tags considering this is basically a results thread, but you can't deny that was a massive pop (worthy of a Stone Cold or The Rock) and his presence will probably make WWE watchable again.
Until the end of Wrestlemania, where the part-timers go bye-bye for 5 months and becomes the Roman Show.

That's another issue I have with Part-Timers, when they disappear you see how little WWE works on the majority of its full-time roster, so there ends up being only 4 guys in the Main Event Scenes.

As for Ryback potential heel turn, hopefully it works this time or he is just going to be another jobber that'll need repackaging again.
I'm all for Shane being back but it's too much for me to believe that a guy who's a non wrestler and hasn't been in the ring in 10 years can beat the undertaker at WM. If Shane wins it'll have to be something screwey
Good thing Shane is back but man, he has really aged. His voice was not the same as the last time he stepped in a WWE ring. But I hope Shane wins this even if this is will damage Taker's reputation because the Authority era needs to end and what better way to end it than at WM32.

Speaking of which, I hope Shane can still deliver the Coast to Coast move. I remember seeing that in X-Seven where he beat Vince. And let's not forget his favorite move, the Leap of Faith.

Shane was an insane and dedicated wrestler, so I think this will be an amazing match... but, what if WWE swerve us, and it becomes something similar to Trump vs McMahon where they each pick a wrestler? I wouldn't mind either way and I'll definitely watch wrestling instead of just looking at the news for it if that happens.

Just suggesting it as Shane is getting older now and probably isn't in as good shape as he once was.
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Shane was an insane and dedicated wrestler, so I think this will be an amazing match... but, what if WWE swerve us, and it becomes something similar to Trump vs McMahon where they each pick a wrestler? I wouldn't mind either way and I'll definitely watch wrestling instead of just looking at the news for it if that happens.
If it's going to be a Trump vs McMahon like match, then they must give at least a very horrible stipulation to the one who will lose the match just like what happened to Vince.
Shane was an insane and dedicated wrestler, so I think this will be an amazing match... but, what if WWE swerve us, and it becomes something similar to Trump vs McMahon where they each pick a wrestler? I wouldn't mind either way and I'll definitely watch wrestling instead of just looking at the news for it if that happens.

Just siggesyingot as Shane is getting older now and probably isn't in as good shape as he once was.
Don't forget, this rivalry is filled with Part-timers, this sort of action and storytelling is short term.

In fact, looks the big 3 matches only have 2 full-timers like Wrestlemania 29, where the Main Event looks like complete rubbish, the Undertaker match people actually care about and the Brock Lesnar No Holds Barred match which looks rather overrated IMO :(.
Looks like this ain't the first time that Shane and Taker had a match

Actually when you think about the scenarios that will happen whether Taker or Shane will win, here are the scenarios on what I can think of:

If Shane wins:
- Not only the Authority will be no more, this might be a hint that the Brand Split might return because since Shane mentioned that if he wins, he will take control as GM of Raw. Also notice that Smackdown has been getting good matches lately especially the Styles Jericho feud. Now that will be on the long run if Shane were to win.
- If they want to Shane to win, someone must interfere and attack Taker let alone be someone who is worthy of it. (It's either Cena or Sting.)

If Taker wins:
- It will boost his legacy but only on the short run since him and Shane already have a match before as posted.
- The Authority era continues and we'll be still having those boring promos plus the Brand Split will not happen.
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I actually like the sound of the Ambrose/Lesnar match, Lesnar will most probably tear Dean in half but at least with Dean it'll be entertaining.

I'm not sure about Shane v Taker, just because Shane is not actually a wrestler and now that he is a little older he might not be as good as he was, next few weeks with him and the McMahons will be fun though and that crowd pop was unreal!, like when the Rock came back a few years ago.

Seems like Roman bladed in the beat-down from Triple H last night, footage has emerged of Bryon giving him something whilst he was laid out on the announce table after Triple H smashed his head on it several times, could have been a blood capsule or a blade.
I believe it was a blood capsule. The blood appeared way too quickly for a blade and stopped way too quick for it to have bled that much.

I have a feeling the Lesnar Ambrose match will be very similar to Lesnar vs CM Punk at SummerSlam. Punk took a hell of a beating but just kept getting back up, as has Ambrose so far.
I believe it was a blood capsule. The blood appeared way too quickly for a blade and stopped way too quick for it to have bled that much.

I have a feeling the Lesnar Ambrose match will be very similar to Lesnar vs CM Punk at SummerSlam. Punk took a hell of a beating but just kept getting back up, as has Ambrose so far.
It is a blood capsule. WWE has announced that Reigns will undergo "surgery" for a broken nose.

First Lesnar bladed, now Reigns is being taken off TV for a "broken nose"? What is next?
I actually like the sound of the Ambrose/Lesnar match, Lesnar will most probably tear Dean in half but at least with Dean it'll be entertaining.
I really do want to like the match so much, I really do but I can't at the moment unless something comes up to spice up the storyline. To me, a story needs to have something on the line and/or a big factor on who wins or loses. Nothing is on the line here and I don't anything changing in either person's career if they lose or win, they'll likely stay the same.
If Shane wins:
- Not only the Authority will be no more, this might be a hint that the Brand Split might return because since Shane mentioned that if he wins, he will take control as GM of Raw. Also notice that Smackdown has been getting good matches lately especially the Styles Jericho feud. Now that will be on the long run if Shane were to win.
- If they want to Shane to win, someone must interfere and attack Taker let alone be someone who is worthy of it. (It's either Cena or Sting.)

If Taker wins:
- It will boost his legacy but only on the short run since him and Shane already have a match before as posted.
- The Authority era continues and we'll be still having those boring promos plus the Brand Split will not happen.
As much as I would love the whole Brand Split to happen (I was eve thinking about it myself). The whole reason why the Brand Split ended was because of the WWE Network as they thought the Brand Split "blocked" flowing content.

I disagree on that but still.
Payback and Extreme Rules have switch places making Payback the first event in the Calendar year with Extreme Rules afterwards.

Extreme Rules is now in Paybacks old slot, May 22nd and at Paybacks original Venue; at Newark, NJ while Payback is moved to May 1st, in a new unconfirmed Venue.

They are also bringing back Night of Champions: :banghead:
It was announced that Triple H will defend his title before WrestleMania in a live event special from Toronto on March 12th (Network only), but that news item has since been pulled from their website, someone might have jumped the gun...

Undertaker is on Raw tomorrow.
So I got the WWE Network, and I must say it is worth it IMO. There is a lot of good quality content to go through.
It's worth it just for NXT, IMHO.
Here in Australia, NXT is available on TV so I didn't need the Network for NXT :P.

but I never got to watch it. I heard that it is like TNA during the Asylum Years, so maybe I'll give it a try.
Some interesting news regarding TNA.

Kurt Angle is not retiring but he is finished with TNA (he is also taking a break for up to a year from Wrestling because of family reasons):

TNA is actually willing to be sold at the right offer:

I wouldn't mind if WWE brought TNA for multiple reasons.

1. Possible TNA content on the WWE Network.
2. WWE can retry the invasion storyline.
3. A bigger roster would mean a possible brand split again (I can dream).
4. WWE can probably bring back groups from TNA like the Main Event Mafia and Aces & Eights
5. Seeing the "Iconic" Matt Hardy in WWE who has been a far more entertaining champion than any of the champions in WWE (Sorry K.O), though that's if they keep the TNA World Heavyweight Championship for awhile.
6. X Division in WWE

Though the downside is that, some of the TNA roster were WWE "rejects" like Drew and Tyrus/Brodus. Would WWE even bring them back if the brought TNA despite their history. Not to mention the 6 things I mentioned could not happen.

Also if there is a buy out, hopefully WWE can save the Diva's division with the Knockouts.
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So Y2AJ is a thing now. And have now challenged The New Day for Tag Titles. I like it. Has potential for a very good storyline when Y2J inevitably turns heel and backstabs him.

So the Taker return was pretty terrible. He was in the ring for all of 30 seconds, grabbed Vince's throat then said how Shane's blood would be on Vince's hands and not his, then he left again.
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So Y2AJ is a thing now. And have now challenged The New Day for Tag Titles. I like it. Has potential for a very good storyline when Y2J inevitably turns heel and backstabs him.

So the Taker return was pretty terrible. He was in the ring for all of 30 seconds, grabbed Vince's throat then said how Shane's blood would be on Vince's hands and not his, then he left again.
The potential Tag Team Title match feels like it came out of the blue :/. While I do like Y2AJ, I feel like this position is a bit iffy especially with the New Day's run with the League of Nations. Unless it is another Multi-team Title match.

That was the issue with the Shane v Undertaker that even I can't figure out how it could work. How would Undertaker respond and do about this announcement.
I'm not really understanding how this Shane vs Undertaker is going to work either. It keeps looking like this years Wrestlemania is going to be awful.
Raw the last two weeks has mostly been terrible, the best bit of last week was Shane O'Mac, the rest was pretty rubbish last night there was a 20 second period were I got really excited for Taker and Vince being in the same ring at the same time (when was the last time that happened?!?!), but the seg was a pointless waste of Undertaker's time, Raw last night was worse than last week...

....still, a bit of news came out of last night, y'know I mentioned a few posts up that Triple H will defend his title in a televised live event in a couple of weeks??, well it has been confirmed, Triple H will defend his title against Dean Ambrose in Toronto on Saturday March 12th, Lesnar and Reigns will also be competing but no word on Lesnar's opponent yet, this event is only available on the Network.
I can already picture what is going to go down, but it is nice to see Triple H actually defending his title :). Since I have the network I'll have my eyes peeled for this event.

Seeing the Dudley Boyz do a hypocrite angle is actually getting a bit old already IMO. They have an interesting heel turn and run but being hypocrites is a bit groan worthy. Honestly, if I were to keep them interesting I would do what TNA did and split them up, and yes, I know D-Von had a horrific brief singles run in WWE but I feel like he is ready to finally go on his own in WWE as a heel, as long as they don't give him any cheesy gimmicks :lol:.
Two more matches made for Roadblock (the name of the event next week), Lesnar v Bray Wyatt and the NXT Tag titles on the line between Dash/Dawson and Enzo/Cass, is it me or is this event looking a lot better than Fastlane??
It honestly looks better than Wrestlemania :P.

Though my problem is that I am concern for Bray Wyatts career in his match.
Sheamus and Charlotte were both busted open at a live event on Friday, Sheamus when he took a moonsault from Kalisto and Charlotte took a knee to her nose from Becky Lynch, that match was stopped and deemed a no contest, Charlotte was helped backstage and Becky looked concerned, could be a broken nose...