Does Donald Trump Want to Ban German Luxury Cars from America?

So far in my and many others minds in this country Trump is doing exactly what he campaigned on. Immigration reform and new trade deals. The economy is also red hot, due to tax cuts and cutting crippling regulation. To portray Trump as hated everywhere is not true, his popularity in Eastern Europe is off the charts and he has been well received in the Middle East and Asia.

As for polling data, I lost all confidence when any poll is done about Trump, see past election. Clinton was getting a few hundred (did get a big crowd once but needed JayZ) at her rallies once a week, while Trump filled arenas twice a day. I made 400 dollars on that election, based on what I saw , not what pollsters told me.

Probably done with this as the views on Trump are either like or hate. He has smart men negotiating these deals, and in the end the US will get some relief from bad deals. I know in Western Europe he is not liked, but contrary to what you hear, he has many people in the US that are behind him.
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Choosing Chevrolet over Mercedes when looking for luxury cars? Would there really be any reason besides nationalism?
Boy howdy am I thankful the delectable nectar in our pantry came from Vermont.



people in the US that are behind him
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So far in my and many others minds in this country Trump is doing exactly what he campaigned on. Immigration reform and new trade deals. The economy is also red hot, due to tax cuts and cutting crippling regulation. To portray Trump as hated everywhere is not true, his popularity in Eastern Europe is off the charts and he has been well received in the Middle East and Asia.

As for polling data, I lost all confidence when any poll is done about Trump, see past election. Clinton was getting a few hundred (did get a big crowd once but needed JayZ) at her rallies once a week, while Trump filled arenas twice a day. I made 400 dollars on that election, based on what I saw , not what pollsters told me.

Probably done with this as the views on Trump are either like or hate. He has smart men negotiating these deals, and in the end the US will get some relief from bad deals. I know in Western Europe he is not liked, but contrary to what you hear, he has many people in the US that are behind him.
Brainwashed people yes
Brainwashed people yes

The brainwashed people that twice voted for Obama in overwhelming victories, who did not like what the country became and went a different direction? Obama won huge victories in Pa, Wisc, Mich, etc twice. then those states all became brainwashed when they could not pull the lever for Clinton. I hated the Bush's, and was glad to see someone from outside the political establishment run. Sometimes you just need to shake things up. Now I am done :).
The brainwashed people that twice voted for Obama in overwhelming victories, who did not like what the country became and went a different direction? Obama won huge victories in Pa, Wisc, Mich, etc twice. then those states all became brainwashed when they could not pull the lever for Clinton. I hated the Bush's, and was glad to see someone from outside the political establishment run. Sometimes you just need to shake things up. Now I am done :).
lol well enjoy him as much as you can
Trump= hitler.
I repeat: "What?"
Would hitler ban Mercedes?
Absolutely, if Mercedes were a giant, foreign car manufacturer that threatened domestic jobs.
Do you know what propaganda is?
Yes, it's the band behind the rather excellent track "Duel".

But still the key question remains unanswered. And that question is "What?".
All the "enlightened" folks on the left keep saying he's hiter so it must be true right?
Yeah...I'm going to need a little more than that.

Trump= hitler. Would hitler ban Mercedes?

Do you know what propaganda is?
Well, that didn't help.

I gather from your use of quotes that you don't actually think these individuals of whom you speak are enlightened, but I still don't know who you're talking about.

I wholly believe that Donald Trump is a bigot, but I'm not aware of anything that specifically suggests anti-Semitism. I'm even given to understand that Michael Cohen is Jewish (not merely by name, as I'm familiar with Cohens who are not), and while I can accept someone being willing to use a person they don't respect, it's more difficult to believe when that lack of respect is actual hatred.

Beyond that, it's difficult to take someone's arguments seriously when they can't be bothered to use capital letters where appropriate.
I repeat: "What?"

Absolutely, if Mercedes were a giant, foreign car manufacturer that threatened domestic jobs.

Yes, it's the band behind the rather excellent track "Duel".

But still the key question remains unanswered. And that question is "What?".

Donald J Trump is the second coming of hitler.

hitler loved Mercedes and he would never ban them. Mercedes is not a foreign manufacturer in Germany so what's your point?

"information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause"

With all due respect sir but your English comprehension is terrible for an Englishman
Trump is a idiot. Porsche has a headquarters in Atlanta, Ga. and Mercedes-Benz has a factory in Alabama. These places plus all of the dealerships across America put a lot of people to work. Sometimes you just need to shake things up? Well a guy who said he'd date his own daughter and talks about how hot she is isn't the kind of shaking I'm looking for. Can't wait for this circus to be over.
I'm repeating myself because i'm dealing with someone who doesn't understand basic words.

Thanks for the lesson professor but i know what sarcasm is.
You're very welcome. I thought it best to be sure, because it definitely didn't come off as you disregarded the assertion that Propaganda is in fact a German synthpop act from the '80s.
Headline: Something Trump Something....


I'll try being serious here for a moment but I'm sure it won't get me anywhere: Trump's demagoguery is certainly frightening; hatred is a powerful thing and can hurt a lot of people. Thing is, money is an even more powerful thing and can hurt EVERYONE. What most supporters of populist politicians/agendas such as Brexit or Donald Trump don't understand is that they're voting to make themselves poorer. As has been already pointed out, protectionist economic policies and lack of appropriate regulations were key factors in triggering the great depression, and these are policies that are not only favoured by Trump and his administration, but are being put into effect with breathtaking stupidity. Economic forces are far more powerful than military ones, and it calls into mind the golden arches theory of foreign relations which, in its purest form, says that no two nations with McDonald's have ever gone to war with one another. What it means, on a very basic level, is that no two nations that are part of the same global supply chain would dare to go to war because the economic consequences would be far too severe for either to deal with. What Trump is doing is starting an economic war with the US's allies. You might say that it's the equivalent of bombing Canada, and it's not going to end well for anyone.
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All the "enlightened" folks on the left keep saying he's hiter so it must be true right?

Trump= hitler. Would hitler ban Mercedes?

Do you know what propaganda is?

Donald J Trump is the second coming of hitler.

hitler loved Mercedes and he would never ban them. Mercedes is not a foreign manufacturer in Germany so what's your point?

"information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause"

With all due respect sir but your English comprehension is terrible for an Englishman

I'm repeating myself because i'm dealing with someone who doesn't understand basic words.

Thanks for the lesson professor but i know what sarcasm is.

You do know that simply repeating something doesn't make it true?

Nor do (the very very small number of those on the left) those comparing him to Hitler mean he is the literal reincarnation of Hitler.

It's an analogy, the don't actually think he's Hitler reborn (I really didn't think that I would actually need to say that).

You seem to have taken people saying he has far right and/fascist tendancies and turned it into he's actually Hitler reborn. Then you've taken an even bigger leap to he's really German (as he's Hitler), so he can't hate Merc. Which to be blunt is utterly absurd and nonsensical.

Anyway Hitler wasn't even German!

Oh and yes I know what propaganda is and you're very bad at it.
The answer is simple, reciprocal trade or fair trade if you want to call it that. Whatever hurdles other countries put on the sale of U.S. products in their country the U.S. should put on their products sold in the U.S. In other words, if Europe is has a 25% tariff on U.S. vehicles going to Europe the U.S. will put a 25% tariff on European vehicles going to the U.S.

I think it's fair.
I'm not a Trump supporter, but German cars are massively underpriced... a function of Germany having a massively undervalued currency relative to its economic strength.

If Germany didn't have the Euro (undervalued relative to the strength of the German economy due to the number of 'poor/weak' countries also in the Euro), their cars would be 25% more expensive (or German car makers would have to swallow the FX hurt and make less profit).
I'm repeating myself because i'm dealing with someone who doesn't understand basic words.
Sadly it looks like you have to deal with him every day...

Repeatedly stating that "Trump= hitler" (sic) doesn't clarify what you meant by saying it in the first place. Trump isn't Hitler. Although the Drumpf family (Trump's paternal grandfather) was German, the Hitler family was not. Also Trump is 71 years old and Hitler is dead, but would be 129 years old if he wasn't. Trump is over six feet tall, Hitler was five foot eight. And of course if Trump was Hitler he'd be ineligible to be President of the United States through not being born in the USA and also having been a member of the Nazi Party of Germany from 1933-1945. Trump isn't, by any measure, Hitler.

In one of your later posts you state that he's "the second coming of hitler" (sic), and I'm sorry to break it to you but reincarnation isn't a thing. Nor are past lives. So that's not true either.

Which leaves us right back at "What?". You haven't explained what you mean by equating the two people. Just stated it over and over again.

hitler loved Mercedes and he would never ban them. Mercedes is not a foreign manufacturer in Germany so what's your point?
There's not much evidence Hitler loved Mercedes, although he certainly had a few, with the car we featured a few months back on Wednesday Want as an excellent example. It was the sort of car that enabled his love of ceremony, pomp and celebrity. He did very much love Volkswagen though, as a brand that fitted in to his "by the people for the people" philosophy. His whole style of leadership centered on these things - encouraging the German people to work for each other for their own collective betterment without greed, while worshipping the ruling elite (him). The Volkswagen Beetle was, initially, Hitler's ideal car: personal mobility, affordable to all. The rampant nationalism and xenophobia was simply a tool to those ends - his popularity was down to the fact that he put "true" Germans first, and put the blame for all of the really quite awful conditions between the wars (including devastating hyperinflation) on outsiders. This was commonly foreigners and immigrants, but Jews were a heavy focus almost from the start, along with gypsies, homosexuals, the disabled - anyone outside the norm of "true" Germans.

For the Austrian-born Hitler, Mercedes, as a German car company, was something to be cherished and heralded. So, no, Hitler wouldn't ban Mercedes. But he would if it were a foreign car company that he believed was outcompeting German ones, in order to protect his Germany for Germans ideals.

For US-born Trump, Mercedes is a foreign car company. Indeed he's not cherishing or heralding them as Hitler may have done. In fact he's reportedly demonising them for remarkably similar reasons - it's a foreign car company that, it's reckoned, he believes is unfairly outcompeting good old American car companies and should be taxed to the point of unattractiveness in order to put American jobs first. That's nationalism and protectionism for you - although Trump's is far more capitalist/conservative in nature than Hitler's more socialist (perhaps centrist) fiscal stance.


With all due respect sir but your English comprehension is terrible for an Englishman
Perhaps work on your communication skills and learn how to express what's in your head before you start blaming others for having no idea what you mean when you just batter out single line gems like "Trump= hitler." (sic), which doesn't even have all of the required grammar despite only containing two words...

In case you're in any doubt, it's still bewilderingly unclear what you even mean by anything you've said so far. Unless you think that anyone who expresses nationalist and protectionist tendencies is somehow German, or all Germans are/were Nazis - but that would be a horrifyingly shallow position for any human being to hold.

Incidentally, you've also not clarified your "fake news" comment either. What's fake and where?
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Nah, Trump only want to make sure that the value of his Mercedes's increase.

/end joke.

Where trading stops, war starts. But on the other hand, he's not into starting wars - he's a business man. And this is negotiation tactic (Start high then close the deal at the number you were really aiming at).
Seriously, the guy who buys a Mercedes, on Wall Street - he doesn't care about 25% price increase.
Seriously, the guy who buys a Mercedes, on Wall Street - he doesn't care about 25% price increase.

Yeah, that'd be fine if German premium manufacturers sales weren't significantly propped up by sales of 'affordable' models, which are already incentivised in order to keep them attractive in the market place.

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