Does money control you....

....or do you control it?
I've thought about this for a while now, and it's an interesting question to ask. The majority of the wealthy in this country say "Thanks to my money, I'm as rich as I am now", or "Money is my god. I don't know were I'd be without it." Those statements are all absurd to me. First of all, it was your motivation and your drive that you live you dream. Secondly, it was your intelligence that also help you get that certain point and live the "American Dream." Money is not a God to be worshipped. It can't think for you, Talk, Give you advocations, and give you the care that you need to grow in this world.
Money is not my God, I'm my own God.
How about you? Does money control you? Give me your opinion!
money can be a form of a god, a god that you worship with your lifestyle, something you devote your whole life in the pursuit of...
How about the pursuit of happiness? I'm a high school dropout, but I'm going to Job Corps to get a High School GED and Diploma, but my motive for getting my life back on track is not money, but two things; the future, and my well being. Those things are uncertain to me now, and money can't help achieve a better future for myself, or maintain one.
How about the pursuit of happiness? I'm a high school dropout, but I'm going to Job Corps to get a High School GED and Diploma, but my motive for getting my life back on track is not money, but two things; the future, and my well being. Those things are uncertain to me now, and money can't help achieve a better future for myself, or maintain one.

Then again, it can't do much harm...
I live my life the way I want to, money helps me with that but I doubt my life would be very different if I'd win 10 million now. I'd just keep on living, I might just buy my good friends free beers but that's all. :)
The majority of the wealthy in this country say "Thanks to my money, I'm as rich as I am now", or "Money is my god. I don't know were I'd be without it."

first exactly did you you come to the conclusion that ;
A ) . The wealthy say that .
B) .They are a majority
In my life I have met many wealthy people and have never heard one say anything like that nor have they expressed it as a philosophy.

So what exactly do you base this thread on ? Your imagination ?
i dont care about money. i do not have to have a ferrari if i can have focus. car is a car. i do not have to have 10 bathrooms and 5 livingrooms, i'd get tired from walking in a house like that, i'd rather have the apartment i have now. i dont need to eat 10 grams of food in the middle of the plate for 50 quids because someone said it is delicious. i love cheap hot dog sausages from the can.
i try to earn enough to live the life i like. if i want something badly i will go out of my way to earn money for it if i dont have enough [get second job for a while, do some contract job etc.]. but always, i live as i like, money is needed for that, but not a vast amount of it. most of the time then, i do not care about money.

@ledhed: he said 'majority of the wealthy people' not that wealthy are a majority. and he based this thread on his own opinion, that money is not his god. and the subject of the thread is: 'does money control you?'
Actually I read what he said. he claims that " THE MAJORITY OF THE WEALTHY IN THIS COUNTRY SAY .....etc. etc. Read the quote again until it sinks in. Thats what I responded to .
I'm wondering if maybe he took a poll or somehow found a way to base his statement on fact. Otherwise the thread is stupid .
What dope says "Thanks to my money I am rich " any way ? :)
Make any sense to you ?
Those statements are all absurd to me

They are even more absurd if someone actually said it. care to name just one person who has ? Not even a majority ...just one wealthy person in the world you can quote that has said what you or dead. quote just one .
no it doesn't make much sense what he said , but the thread is fine by me. his info about wealthy people obviously is not backed by research, but that doesn't mean that he can't ask people what do they think about money :). and it doesn't mean that thread for people to voice their own opinions about money is stupid.

as for 'majority' and 'wealthy'. i got the impression that you cut his phrase into 2 separate statements:
A ) . The wealthy say that .
B) .They are a majority
and those two are not exactly the same as his 'The majority of the wealthy in this country'.
unless you mean in point B - 'those who say that are a majority'. anyway, it doesn't really matter.

It is a different story that probably not a single wealthy person in any country would say something like "Thanks to my money, I'm as rich as I am now" [what exactly was that supposed to mean Smoke? You know, English is not my mothertongue...]

And Smoke: 'It can't think for you, Talk, Give you advocations, and give you the care that you need to grow in this world.'
I disagree.Money can not in itself, but it can buy you all that. And more.
I try to make as much money as I can, I'm always looking for a spare buck or two. Although I earn my money, I don't like to be just handed it. I want to do work or use my brain to make it. Granted I take most of the money I make and throw it into the stock market and other investments. But that takes brain power to know what to put your money in.

I hate to give my money away, the reason I hate welfare and beggers. Get a job, you might not be able to do much, but you can always work fast food. Sure it a small wage but it sure beats no money at all.

Money makes me happy because it allows me to do the things I love. I am able to put money into my truck, work on my R/C cars, go to the casino, go to shows. It all adds to my entertainment. I come from money, lots of it. My parents have made quite a living for themselves by starting their own company. I would consider myself upper class, but I don't prey off my parents money. I make my own and spend it how I will.

Kids will be screwed up if their parents gave them money all the time. I used to work around the house to gain money. My parents would pay me to do whatever. I wanted to go to the movies, I had to cut the grass. It was a great lesson I learned early on and it's how I got a good work ethic.
Money does not control me, it controls what I do.

Uh... that means it controls you.

Does money control you....or do you control it?

The easy way to answer this question is to look at the big decisions in your life, job, education, marriage, whether or not to have kids and ask yourself whether you made those decisions mostly on the basis of money.

I chose my job because mostly because I find it rewarding and interesting.

I doubt that money really controls most people. You will find some people who say things like "I hate my job, but it pays the bills" or "I kiss my boss's ass because if I don't I won't get a raise" or you'll find people who obviously married for money - these are people that are controlled by money.
No, my mom controls me. And she gives me money whenever i want:)
Proud mama's boy since. 1989 :dopey:

Shame on your parents for not teaching you the value of a dollar.
Shame on your parents for not teaching you the value of a dollar.
It's a canadian dollar ok.:guilty: Ease up it's not that high and mighty. It's got a frigging duck and an ugly 80 year old woman that won't die on it. But at least it hurts people when you throw it at them:) .It's good for something.
It's not about your money, your parents just give you money without you earning it. That's going to mess you up later on in life.
It's not about your money, your parents just give you money without you earning it. That's going to mess you up later on in life.
Yeah right....I have a job or I'm trying to get a job. If your saying I'm spoiled I really am not. A little on the lazy side tho.
Your mom giving you money when ever you want? That seems a little bit stupid if you ask me, I would never ask money from my parents. That's just wrong, parent do a ton of thigns for their kids and you have to be greedy about it.
Your mom giving you money when ever you want? That seems a little bit stupid if you ask me, I would never ask money from my parents. That's just wrong, parent do a ton of thigns for their kids and you have to be greedy about it.
I wasn't being greedy, i rarely ask. But if i want to go watch a movie or something i ask because i am currently not making money. But soon i will be. And i do feel guilty when i take money. But hopefully i will be able to pay them back for all they'be done for me.
I wasn't being greedy, i rarely ask. But if i want to go watch a movie or something i ask because i am currently not making money. But soon i will be. And i do feel guilty when i take money. But hopefully i will be able to pay them back for all they'be done for me.

That's why they should give you a weekly or monthly allowance and make you manage your own finances.
You know money management.

fi·nance (f-nns, f-, fnns)

1. The science of the management of money and other assets.
2. The management of money, banking, investments, and credit.
3. finances Monetary resources; funds, especially those of a government or corporate body.
4. The supplying of funds or capital.
I think I know how to manage money friend....... I know how to use a bank and I know how not to invest in stupid things that will probably end up in our trash can. The only place I'm getting my money from right now is my mom. Why do parents work? To provide for their families......I think they would much rather see me go out with friends then just sit on the computer all day like i am right now. I've never had allowances, but i still have my birthday money from when i turned 13. I think that's enough financing for me until i get a job.
Wait a minute you are 15, 16? And you think you know how to handle money? I doubt that, I had to take many classes to figure out how to properly handle money along with talk to my advisor.
when did i say i knew how to handle money? i said i know how to use a bank, i kno how not to invest in stupid things (like useless computer software). And yes i am 16 and here you are trying to say i should finance before i have a job..... And i know i can't handle money yet, because i haven't ever touch more than $1,000. I'm talking about $20 bucks for a movie and birthday which is like $200 tops. I don't think i need an advisor to help me with my birthday money...