I say no, money doesnt control me, it's obviously a motivating factor, for we need moneys to purchase goods & services, thats why I have a job that I labor over and recieve wages for, my basic needs are those things associated w\ food/clothing/shelter and a form of transportation, I enjoy having different forms of entertainment & hobbies, a new car - well ok its a new car for Mum, improvements to the house, etc...
Just how much moneys I will need depends on my basic needs and then wants, I may have to work much harder for more wages if I want to afford those wants...
In my opinion, how much importance I place on those wants and the secondary "side effects" of such, determines to a degree, whether I see "money" as a useful tool or a terrible master ... Some research has shown that last year alone, between 50 & 70% of medical care services (doctor visits) were rendered for stress induced illnesses, many reported that the stress was job & money related, trying to make ends meet, to perform better and faster, w\ higher productivity standards, the bottom line, to make as much $$ as possible no matter the "cost" ..
I live a humble existence, w\ very little in the way of material possesions, however, I, nor my Mother goes w\ out food, clothing, shelter and a few "wants", & though it is sometimes frustrating how the cost of even your necessities continues to rise, I work very hard, am content & for the record, GOD in Heaven, is my GOD ^_~