Does money control you....

I just got a snowball at a local stand. It cost 1.67$. I gave the girl a 5$ bill and I said, keep the change. She said,"Did you say keep it?" :odd: Me: "Yep" Girl: "Are you sure?" Me: "Yep, go ahead"

Long story short, they coulnd't believe that I would give them what was over a 3$ tip. Money isn't that big a deal to me. It's very needed and important, but to hold on to it like it IS life simply isn't healthy.
have enough money to get you by in life, it's ok of course to have a few nice things, just dont make it your life-long pursuit to get as much of it as you wont matter once yer dead
i could care less about gaudy things like expensive furniture and stupid clothes. if your house was to burn down, would it really only be material things you lose? i could live in a shack if i had to....anyways, to me hapiness always comes before money. now im not saying i don't want to work ever and i just want to party (which i don't even do) all night, im saying i like the finer things in life like watching batman the animated series. its nice not having enough to afford the so called "finer things", that way i won't know what im missing out on :dopey:
first exactly did you you come to the conclusion that ;
A ) . The wealthy say that .
Because the majority of the wealthy doesn't want to lose it all, so they find ways of making more and it becomes an obsession. Money is also a popular motivator.

B) .They are a majority
In my life I have met many wealthy people and have never heard one say anything like that nor have they expressed it as a philosophy.

So what exactly do you base this thread on ? Your imagination ?

No, actual conversation's i've heard on radio and discussions I have with friends.
The people you've met probably doesn't have an ego problem or something like that. The type of rich people I'm pointing out does. For example, Radio host Tom Leykis (I listen to his show religiously 👍 ) says that "Money's my god, and I wouldn't be happy without it". I think that alot of wealthy people would say that.
I came to the conclusion when I was young that money isn't everything, it's the only thing.

Does it control me? absolutely. I remember reading/hearing that the number 1 issue couples argue over, is their financial situation. I was in a long term/distance relationship where money was always a concern, and it was demoralizing. Looking back on things, I can understand how that would be true.
It sure controls the way I live, but it does not control me. The bank controls it :dopey:
that's going to be difficult to explain if somebody asks what I mean by that :ouch:
I say no, money doesnt control me, it's obviously a motivating factor, for we need moneys to purchase goods & services, thats why I have a job that I labor over and recieve wages for, my basic needs are those things associated w\ food/clothing/shelter and a form of transportation, I enjoy having different forms of entertainment & hobbies, a new car - well ok its a new car for Mum, improvements to the house, etc...

Just how much moneys I will need depends on my basic needs and then wants, I may have to work much harder for more wages if I want to afford those wants...

In my opinion, how much importance I place on those wants and the secondary "side effects" of such, determines to a degree, whether I see "money" as a useful tool or a terrible master ... Some research has shown that last year alone, between 50 & 70% of medical care services (doctor visits) were rendered for stress induced illnesses, many reported that the stress was job & money related, trying to make ends meet, to perform better and faster, w\ higher productivity standards, the bottom line, to make as much $$ as possible no matter the "cost" ..

I live a humble existence, w\ very little in the way of material possesions, however, I, nor my Mother goes w\ out food, clothing, shelter and a few "wants", & though it is sometimes frustrating how the cost of even your necessities continues to rise, I work very hard, am content & for the record, GOD in Heaven, is my GOD ^_~
It's not about your money, your parents just give you money without you earning it. That's going to mess you up later on in life.

Your mom giving you money when ever you want? That seems a little bit stupid if you ask me, I would never ask money from my parents. That's just wrong, parent do a ton of thigns for their kids and you have to be greedy about it.

Wait a minute you are 15, 16? And you think you know how to handle money? I doubt that, I had to take many classes to figure out how to properly handle money along with talk to my advisor.

I am 22, I never worked for the money I got from my parents... I have a 300 hp Subaru Impreza WRX STi, 12 consoles with like 400 orginal games, a nice Sony Wega Trinitron TV and with this :

I always made my unearned vacations in Japan, you know all those weeks in Tokyo in nice hotels, the rented cars etc....

Well to put it short, I study medicine and I know how to spend my money, believe me.... I don't question, that you learned that your way, too, but it's not the only solution... Don't judge that fast....

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