Does using a wheel smaller than in real cars hurt anyone elses' back?

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GTP_event / kevinr6287 (farming account)
Been using my G27 for the last 3 days, and I can't seem to use it more than an hour or so straight because it kills my upper back... I think gripping such a small wheel is causing it... it could be that I'm sitting in a folding metal chair or gripping the wheel too hard or something else... has this happened to anyone else?
Not to me and I have lower and upper back/neck problems. I don't think it has anything to do with the wheel size but all with the way you are sitting down.

A bad posture can cause a lot of neck and upper back problems. Even stress (good or bad stress) can cause neck and upper back problems.

Take a small break every 30 minutes or so. Stand up, walk around, go eat/dring something, do some exercieses (stretching) or whatever but don't game more than 1 hour straight when having a bad posture.

Don't put your G27 in such a position that you have to raise your hands/arms above your hart.

Even the position of your monitor is important (for your neck and upper back).
same thing happen to me but i doubt it's the wheel size. Try putting a pillow or two on the part of the chair where your back relaxs on. If that doesn't work try playing around with the height or the wheel, the position of the chair and pedals.
Kikie has it right on. Car manufacturers spend a lot of time and money making sure that you are comfortable for long periods of time in a certain position, but often a sim set up/cockpit is built around compromises because of money and furniture available.

Can you post a photo of your set up? Even better, one with a similarly sized adult sitting in it? It might help other users spot problems they have had or solved :)
Kikie has it right on. Car manufacturers spend a lot of time and money making sure that you are comfortable for long periods of time in a certain position, but often a sim set up/cockpit is built around compromises because of money and furniture available.

Can you post a photo of your set up? Even better, one with a similarly sized adult sitting in it? It might help other users spot problems they have had or solved :)

Its literally a folding metal chair (w/ a little padding) with the wheel attached to my computer desk. my office chair is too unstable.
Definitely the chair, i had the same problem when i first started using my wheel. I would strongly suggest going back to your computer chair as it's height adjustable, has lumbar support, etc.

Find something to chock the wheels so that it won't move around, rubber is great.
  1. Always sit with a straight back. Don't sag.
  2. Get a lumbar support
  3. Put you steering wheel in such a position that you don't have to reach. If you have to reach for your wheel, you lean forward and your shoulders will go forward which causes stress on the neck and upper back muscles.
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Sitting up straight is the old theory for posture, now the idea is the closer you are to lying down the better.
Same backacke problems until I built my cockpit the same exact dimensions as a Miata driving position (with Miata seat and same wheel diameter).
One thing I do in my car is to let the weight of my arms hang on the steering wheel. But In my rig I'm very conscious about not doing that to my G25 (I dont want to damage it), which tires my arms out and makes my back hurt at times.
Definitely the chair, i had the same problem when i first started using my wheel. I would strongly suggest going back to your computer chair as it's height adjustable, has lumbar support, etc.

Find something to chock the wheels so that it won't move around, rubber is great.

Its a really cheap chair that wobbles where it shouldnt wobble (wobbles from left to right). It has no lumbar support either so it'd probably be worse. I'm going to play around with some pillows and see if I can get comfortable. I don't really have the means to build any sort of cockpit nor do I want to spend the money. I'm determined to make it work!
All good suggestions. I have the same problem - right between my shoulder blades after an hour or two. I hadn't thought of the wheel diameter as a possible cause though, but why not? I would guess that having your hands at about the same width as your shoulders would be better. Sitting closer the wheel will likely help as well. And of course, good posture.

Please post back with your findings, and good luck!

I really don't think that wheel diameter is the reason for this. My back starts to hurt too, but it's probably because I use a regular seat. I will get a better seat soon and will report back ;)
I have lower back problems, and I am getting the g27 for GT5. I spent a lot of time searching around because I want to be comfortable while playing so I ordered a Playseat Evolution.
One thing I do in my car is to let the weight of my arms hang on the steering wheel. But In my rig I'm very conscious about not doing that to my G25 (I dont want to damage it), which tires my arms out and makes my back hurt at times.

Do you really think you will damaged the wheel because of the weight of your arms ?

Open the wheel to see the mechanism...

You wont worry after that. Never had a problem with my wheel since I bought it brand new first day it was released...
I actually have opened it up and i'm not reassured. The inner housing that holds the wheel in place was cracked in 4 spots and needed repair (whether it was heat or sress i dont know), and everything connected to the wheel is plastic, which undoubtedly is very robust, but i'm not going to push my luck.
Having the wheel too high and far away will kill your back.

Aim for this type of position..........
I also would say that it is the seating position in relation to the wheel that is the problem. When I first started driving with a wheel I had the pedals flat on the floor and sit in an upright position. My back would get sore in a short time.

I elevated and tilted the pedals and use an office car which reclines a bit and has lumbar support. My back does not bother me at all now though sometimes I still get soreness in my knees but that happens in my car as well if I drive for long distance.
Hi Guys
when i started out using g27 on my customised rig and seating on a sofa i also felt back ache... then i bought a special automobile small cushion to put on my sofa so that my back press hard on cushion to have a good support, it helps tremendously but still feel something is missing.

Finally recently bought a real car seat(bucket seat sparco design). Your whole back and sholder is rested nicely and firmly and i can play 2 hours straight without feeling aching..Thats explain why car seats are design that way hee. Cheers.
  1. Always sit with a straight back. Don't sag.
  2. Get a lumbar support
  3. Put you steering wheel in such a position that you don't have to reach. If you have to reach for your wheel, you lean forward and your shoulders will go forward which causes stress on the neck and upper back muscles.

Kikie has it spot on. If your shoulders are forwards you'll get terrible stress in your upper back and around the shoulder blades. This will then eventually lead them to spasm and trust me you don't want to go there....

Your lower back will then try and compensate and if your core isn't strong then that will go too... :scared:

Strengthen your core and make sure you hold your shoulders in the correct position (not forwards) at all times and get rid of the crap fold up chair and get a decent one and then you'll have no problems. It's not the diameter of the wheel causing your issues it's your posture. 👍