Don't mess with AWD in the wet!

  • Thread starter vat_man


Staff Emeritus
There was a rather comical incident on the way home from my Grad Dip exam last night.

Anyone who's familiar with Sydney will know the uphill on-ramp to the Anzac Bridge from Pyrmont Bridge Road, that curls left around the Sydney Fish Markets.

The bridge deck is probably a good fifteen metres above the roadway, so the on-ramp is relatively steep - there are two lanes at the traffic light on the ramp that merge into one about two thirds along a ramp that's probably 70-80 metres long.

Sydney got an absolute bucketing of rain last night, so the roadway was quite drenched, and indeed it was still raining quite heavily. It's the first rain we've had in some weeks, so with all the oil and crap being washed over the road surface it was mighty slippery.

Anyhoo, I pull into pole position at the stop light at the on-ramp. I sit there for a minute or two with the hill holder engaged (I drive a 12 month old Subaru Liberty/Legacy RX, a 2.5 litre manual). Then, a HSV-styled Holden VS Commodore rolls up next to me, with a fairly hot sounding V8, and some early 20s kid at the wheel.

He gives me the greasiest look you've ever seen (although he seemed a little shocked initially - the ol' hair's just been cut to a 1 and I'm looking pretty lean at the moment) and then he looked to the front, given the V8 a bit of a rev.

I thought 'ah, I'll give him a little run for 30-40 metres or so, but I'll let him go and have his fun'.

The light turned green, I dialled in about 4 grand or so, and slipped the clutch smoothly but quickly. The fronts had a little slip over the painted white line, but the rears picked that up straight away and we were away quickly and without incident. I ran the motor out to about 5500 in first and second .

I looked to the left to see how my hoonish friend was faring - no sign of him!!!

I checked the rear vision mirror, and he was back on the line, half sideways, slithering all over the place!! It was hilarious!!! Even the uni student in the 10 year Corolla got past him!!!!

well thats what happens with holdens...too much grunt and not enough grip. he was probably a dumb**** and tromped the throttle.
Originally posted by Dudebusta
well thats what happens with holdens...too much grunt and not enough grip. he was probably a dumb**** and tromped the throttle.
Gee - do you think? - mucho funny though!
I think I smell a hypocrite...:P

Originally posted by vat_man
Look, I'll admit I did some pretty stupid things in my late teens/early twenties (although I never raced anyone) - and looking back I was pretty lucky.
Originally posted by vat_man
Racing belongs on the track, not the road.
Originally posted by vat_man
but head-to-head racing on the street - bad.


Well, I thought about that - but stroking a 2.5 litre bog standard Subaru Liberty/Legacy to the speed limit at three quarter throttle in a straight line ain't what I'd call street racing - and the guy was going to stand on it no matter what I did.

We're not exactly talking 12 sec standing quarters here - in fact we're not even talking 18 second standing quarters....

Originally posted by vat_man

Yup - a tired and cynical, balding 31 year old - they're quaking in their boots...
:D Nice drivin'. From a fellow balding 42 y.o., you can guarantee they filled their BVD's, when the rest of the traffic started making inquiries as to what these morons were doing. Maybe a cop might have been around to see if they were "O.K." LOL.
Originally posted by Mad Medic

:D Nice drivin'. From a fellow balding 42 y.o., you can guarantee they filled their BVD's, when the rest of the traffic started making inquiries as to what these morons were doing. Maybe a cop might have been around to see if they were "O.K." LOL.

I must say the Super Sube does seem to attract a little bit more attention from the hoon element than I'm used to, although I'm probably right at the lower end of the age scale of drivers for a Liberty/Legacy.

Thanks to the WRX the brand does seem to have a bit of a 'reputation', although much as I love the Liberty/Legacy it is at the end of the day a sensible well built four cylinder mid-sized sedan, but I think the 16 inch wheels and that rear wing (first car I've had with a wing - which I'm not a fan of, although it's handy for reverse parking) seem to attract the eye of the 'enthusiast' element. The big blue Super Sube's reasonable in a straight line but it wouldn't be my first choice if I was looking for a car to drag at the lights.

But this thing, if I'm driving by myself and on the front row of the lights, and I get some young bloke driving something even remotely warmed up, it seems they want to show off how quick they are in a straight line (which is great when I'm wandering home from my 20k run and nursing sore knees - and you, it's a manual).

Sometimes I'll give them a little run up to the speed limit just for a laugh, but usually I'll let them go - I swear though, every time you get the 'look' from them, they're going for a race start anyway, no matter what you're doing.

Next car I might see if I can get one without a wing...

BTW - what is a BVD?
I know what it feels like to do that. I tried a fast take off in my Civic one night it had been raining. I just sat there a span my front tires. But thats why the AWD cars are just better than a Front wheel or Rear wheel.
Naw; AWD cars have somewhat poor turning, usually. And when it's not wet you can have some serious RWD fun! Or when it is, hop in one and floor it down a windy road...see what happens (:
Originally posted by vat_man

I must say the Super Sube does seem to attract a little bit more attention from the hoon element than I'm used to, although I'm probably right at the lower end of the age scale of drivers for a Liberty/Legacy.

Thanks to the WRX the brand does seem to have a bit of a 'reputation', although much as I love the Liberty/Legacy it is at the end of the day a sensible well built four cylinder mid-sized sedan, but I think the 16 inch wheels and that rear wing (first car I've had with a wing - which I'm not a fan of, although it's handy for reverse parking) seem to attract the eye of the 'enthusiast' element. The big blue Super Sube's reasonable in a straight line but it wouldn't be my first choice if I was looking for a car to drag at the lights.

But this thing, if I'm driving by myself and on the front row of the lights, and I get some young bloke driving something even remotely warmed up, it seems they want to show off how quick they are in a straight line (which is great when I'm wandering home from my 20k run and nursing sore knees - and you, it's a manual).

Sometimes I'll give them a little run up to the speed limit just for a laugh, but usually I'll let them go - I swear though, every time you get the 'look' from them, they're going for a race start anyway, no matter what you're doing.

Next car I might see if I can get one without a wing...

BTW - what is a BVD?
:D BVD is a trademark name for a brand of mens underwear, like Fruit of the Loom.
Originally posted by M5Power
Naw; AWD cars have somewhat poor turning, usually. And when it's not wet you can have some serious RWD fun! Or when it is, hop in one and floor it down a windy road...see what happens (:

The Liberty/Legacy runs a variable torque split between front and rear, so turn-in isn't an issue - then again I've been running front-drivers for years, so 50% of drive to the front compared to 100% is probably blessed relief!

In normal conditions (we're talking the manual version here) running in a straight line the drive's 50/50, but can vary under cornering if the centre diff detects loss of grip at either end.

It's very cool through sweepers - the the Liberty/Legacy is set to a little bit of understeer, so as you continue to accelerate through a sweeper to the point of maximum grip at the front, you can feel the balance of the car shift as the drive is re-allocated from the front to the rear - it's quite weird initially, but becomes quite reassuring once you realise what's going in.
thing that gets me is that they make these friggen HRV's and CRV's and call then four wheel drive. i drove a mates CRV on frazer island and all they are is a front wheel drive and when you engage 4wd the back locks up. its stupid.

i like the poojie, rear wheel skids and 4 wheel sand roosts :lol:
Yeah - that 'Realtime' 4WD system on the Hondas is VERY dodgy. I would suggest that about 90% of them have never actually had the rear wheels provide any drive!

I think a lot depends on the intent of the 4wd system - and this is where Subaru's been fairly cluely calling it AWD - because it is aimed at on-road benefits rather than off-road, although ironically the Outback is actually quite capable off-road.

Certainly the on-road benefits are very noticeable - it's the best wet weather car I've ever driven. It has much more grip than I have talent or skill - I can see exactly why Nissan went that way with the GT-R - for low speed traction, accept no substitute!
In Australia, I assume you have the Passat 4Motion. Is it comparable in price to a Liberty? And if so, why the hell is a Liberty popular at all? If not, it's a decent car, I guess, worth considering with some more money...
No - the Passat's a lot dearer. VW's are quite dear here.

For the price of a V6 4Motion Passat you could buy a Liberty B4 and have some change - and have something that could kill anything the cheap side of an Audi S4.

There's a whole host of reasons they're popular. The big local car magazine ran a quality audit annually for 3-4 years for cars in the salestop 20 and they gave it away because the Liberty kept winning it - they also have a reliability and longetivity reputation here that borders on legendary status.
Wow. No one gives a hoot about the Legacy in America. Which is odd; given they are admittedly bland but Subaru has earned the rock-solid reputation for reliability that few companies can claim. But I bet that most Americans didn't know that Subaru makes a midsize sedan -- definitely not the name of it (though its been here for like twenty years).

As far as the Passat 4Motion, yeah I thought it'd be more expensive but I'd assumed that the B4 Liberty would be much more! And I'd take that S4 every day! 'Long as I could get one in yellow...
Not at double the price you wouldn't.

Well, to give you some perspective (these are in Aust. dollars, which are trading at about 55 cents to the US dollar).

Subaru Liberty/Legacy B4 $55,000
VW Passat V6 4motion $68,300
Audi S4 $110,000