There was a rather comical incident on the way home from my Grad Dip exam last night.
Anyone who's familiar with Sydney will know the uphill on-ramp to the Anzac Bridge from Pyrmont Bridge Road, that curls left around the Sydney Fish Markets.
The bridge deck is probably a good fifteen metres above the roadway, so the on-ramp is relatively steep - there are two lanes at the traffic light on the ramp that merge into one about two thirds along a ramp that's probably 70-80 metres long.
Sydney got an absolute bucketing of rain last night, so the roadway was quite drenched, and indeed it was still raining quite heavily. It's the first rain we've had in some weeks, so with all the oil and crap being washed over the road surface it was mighty slippery.
Anyhoo, I pull into pole position at the stop light at the on-ramp. I sit there for a minute or two with the hill holder engaged (I drive a 12 month old Subaru Liberty/Legacy RX, a 2.5 litre manual). Then, a HSV-styled Holden VS Commodore rolls up next to me, with a fairly hot sounding V8, and some early 20s kid at the wheel.
He gives me the greasiest look you've ever seen (although he seemed a little shocked initially - the ol' hair's just been cut to a 1 and I'm looking pretty lean at the moment) and then he looked to the front, given the V8 a bit of a rev.
I thought 'ah, I'll give him a little run for 30-40 metres or so, but I'll let him go and have his fun'.
The light turned green, I dialled in about 4 grand or so, and slipped the clutch smoothly but quickly. The fronts had a little slip over the painted white line, but the rears picked that up straight away and we were away quickly and without incident. I ran the motor out to about 5500 in first and second .
I looked to the left to see how my hoonish friend was faring - no sign of him!!!
I checked the rear vision mirror, and he was back on the line, half sideways, slithering all over the place!! It was hilarious!!! Even the uni student in the 10 year Corolla got past him!!!!

Anyone who's familiar with Sydney will know the uphill on-ramp to the Anzac Bridge from Pyrmont Bridge Road, that curls left around the Sydney Fish Markets.
The bridge deck is probably a good fifteen metres above the roadway, so the on-ramp is relatively steep - there are two lanes at the traffic light on the ramp that merge into one about two thirds along a ramp that's probably 70-80 metres long.
Sydney got an absolute bucketing of rain last night, so the roadway was quite drenched, and indeed it was still raining quite heavily. It's the first rain we've had in some weeks, so with all the oil and crap being washed over the road surface it was mighty slippery.
Anyhoo, I pull into pole position at the stop light at the on-ramp. I sit there for a minute or two with the hill holder engaged (I drive a 12 month old Subaru Liberty/Legacy RX, a 2.5 litre manual). Then, a HSV-styled Holden VS Commodore rolls up next to me, with a fairly hot sounding V8, and some early 20s kid at the wheel.
He gives me the greasiest look you've ever seen (although he seemed a little shocked initially - the ol' hair's just been cut to a 1 and I'm looking pretty lean at the moment) and then he looked to the front, given the V8 a bit of a rev.
I thought 'ah, I'll give him a little run for 30-40 metres or so, but I'll let him go and have his fun'.
The light turned green, I dialled in about 4 grand or so, and slipped the clutch smoothly but quickly. The fronts had a little slip over the painted white line, but the rears picked that up straight away and we were away quickly and without incident. I ran the motor out to about 5500 in first and second .
I looked to the left to see how my hoonish friend was faring - no sign of him!!!
I checked the rear vision mirror, and he was back on the line, half sideways, slithering all over the place!! It was hilarious!!! Even the uni student in the 10 year Corolla got past him!!!!