Download Paper-craft Cars

  • Thread starter Castrol96
Lol yea you did i was in the fairlady roadster and you were in the MGF or something.

Yea I thought your name looked familiar! I actually should have saved that replay. That would have been very interesting to watch from different perspectives. I was on your bumper just about the whole race. If I would of known it was you from here, we would of talked a bit more.

Can you try any of the following

Mobil 1 NSX
BP Kraft Apex Trueno (from GT2)
C-West Razo Silvia
Denso Sard Supra
Castrol Tom's Supra (The Black one from GT1)
Sorry if I have been away for a while, I have been working on creating some of my own paper craft cars such as the 200sx, Gt500 race cars, and the ones you have requested.

Mitsubishi gto twin turbo 96 please??? Thank you :)

There are 3000 gto's on this site, hope you enjoy them :).

Visit this site for some amazing Papercrafts of cars, such as the Muira, f50 GT, Jota and more.

(When you select the car you want, at the bottom where it says "ads by google" there must be some japanese writting, select them, and they should be the PDF's)

How about a S14a 200sx?

Here's the 200sx s14a, i created it all by myself.

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We really need some LMP1/LMP2 cars on this thread:idea:. (Race cars would be amazing, if it was GTE or anything similar)
The 787B is great on this thread, but how 'bout some Audi r18 or Peugeot 908? Where's the Mercedes Sauber C9?
Jaguar XJR-9 anybody?!!
We really need some LMP1/LMP2 cars on this thread:idea:. (Race cars would be amazing, if it was GTE or anything similar)
The 787B is great on this thread, but how 'bout some Audi r18 or Peugeot 908? Where's the Mercedes Sauber C9?
Jaguar XJR-9 anybody?!!

OK, I'll uploads some soon, and I would now but I'm using a android device(tablet) :)
I downloaded all the 2012 HSV's, the advanced Epson HSV and the 1/24 Advanced CRZ. Thank you so much for posting these links.