telferi think the black nsx just has full exposure on it and its not been photshopped
Doing a properties check in Xp yeilds nothing. It looks to be legit.KTPI take all of my pics with the exposure turned all the way up to 1.0, and none of them have ever had smoke be that vibrantly white.
G-T-4-FanNow I'm gonna be honest now, even though I have an entry myself, I'll vote for this picture
You got me drooling
Edit: !!!!! HAHAHAHAHH !!!!! AT THE SAME TIME HE MAKES HIS POST UP HERE TOO LMAO!-----^^^^ It's still a nice picture, but I guess it's not available for voting lol
Well I don't agree with you.There's no such thing as a way long smoke trial.Like blotto3000 said when you accelerate the Replay it appears to make the smoke trial longer.Here are a few pics I just made with that technique:G-T-4-FanNo doubt, photoshopped, the differences in smoke colour are the same as you would get with photoshopping smoke with it. Please, no one can leave a smoke trial for that long I would like to see the original ones:tdown:.........
SwiftOk guys. Let's let the judges decide what is eligible and what isn't. In a few of these pics, they look strange, but I couln't find anything wrong on a technical level.
1GV4Van, what's your take?
194GVanSwift, its getting harder and harder to tell with these pics, take a look at this week's poll winner that kinda slipped past us so to speak. unless you look at the numbers though, the picture itself looks totally legit, and looks like it came straight out of the game.