Dragon Ball super

  • Thread starter ionstriker
I don't think I can watch DBS anymore.

I know it's silly but I couldn't watch Episode 62 without Episode 61 in my mind about its massive plot hole in terms of how time works. Nothing now makes any sense for me to enjoy it, 62 didn't clarify anything for me.

I hope it's like Yugioh ARC-V where the answers to these questions about time will be revealed later on but I feel like after this arc is over, it isn't going to be answered.
I honestly find it a joy to watch, I find the humor used funny and the action scenes in the Tournament and Goku Black Arc fun to watch. It's not as great as DBZ in my eyes, but still full of fun. The only problem is the animation can look wonky sometimes, but it's kinda a minor deal to me.
I've really been enjoying the current arc, and with what happened this past weekend I am super (heh) hyped.

My only issue with everything is how this remains as the interim between the end of Z and the end of the Buu saga. Surely something has to be retconned, no?
I think I'm starting to get over my issue with DB concept of time, the last episode was fantastic :D
Probably my favourite moments were Trunks multiple attempts to get rid of Zamasu.

While none of them worked (last one was due to stupid writing which made no sense and completely ruined the entire arc (I continue to not be bitter)), it was still amazing to watch especially with the music.
Um, there's something interesting about episode 76 coming up. Of course, spoiler for people that don't want to know.
There's a female saiyan with a familiar looking transformation.
I'd love this show a lot more if the art would remain consistent, it looks rushed at times just like the new Chou manga.

I'm finally happy they ended the whole Trunks thing, I was seriously tired of that character. His world/time travel made no sense at all, heck here's what arbitrarily weird. Whenever he travels back to the future he always lands in a time after he left, never the same instant...that is odd. He can travel to the past in another universe but not his own, what a useless ability, I wonder who came up with that limitation? Whis can reverse time 3 minutes no matter the Universe. Arbitrary things in Super make this show hard to enjoy. I mean why on earth is Mr. Satan aging so fast(he looks older than he did in the final two DBZ episodes), yet Bulma and ChiChi look even younger, heck Roshi looks the exact same. Inconsistencies abound in this show, it's been 6 years since Buu's defeat(Pan was 4 in her first tournament, which is 10 after they defeated Buu).

Everyone from Trunks Universe was far weaker than the current, Future Gohan losing to 17 & 18 is proof of that. Trunks came to the past got stronger and defeated them. Not sure why on earth Goku and Vegeta use the earrings to fuse when they are stronger as Gogeta than Vegito, it's like the fusion technique somehow doesn't exists but wait Gotenks is a part of this since he was there in the Buu saga. Ugh, the lack of consistency with this show is readily apparent, but I guess fans just like what they like. I enjoyed DBZ but if Super is going to start becoming lost and confused like Bleach then no point in watching it at all. Hard to enjoy a show that contradicts itself too much for it's own good.

Don't get me started and that two Zen-Oh nonsense they pulled at the end of the Zamasu arc. God of All, yet somehow there is more than one, with ZERO explanation. Ugh, they should just stop anything and everything to do with time travel since they can't seem to keep threads of rules running for more than an episode. Pretty sure Zen-Oh is a constant existence across all creation since he can destroy it at will, I mean he wiped out 6 Universes on a whim, so why would there all of a sudden be a different Zen-Oh simply because they were another universe in the future? Why would time affect Zen-Oh? Contradictions abound in Super, it's annoying, thankfully that ends with the Future Trunks and Future Mai going away. No more of this garbage please.

Let's get to some development, Gohan needs to quit the Great Saiyaman stuff, it's crap and makes no sense. He's not a fighter anymore and plus Goku is alive. The show should follow Trunks and Goten more, this blue haired sayian stuff is nice and all but doesn't really seem like it makes sense. I mean when in that form normal fighters can't sense their presence, so why on earth would it make sense for Goku to have any trouble with Hit? Logic does not flow well in Super does it? Unless Hit is God level, which would be utter nonsense, but this is DB, so I guess we can slide with that, yes? Contradicting itself seems to be Supers' draw I guess and selling Xenoverse game tie in content.

I guess they can chalk up GT to being a different universe, perhaps the one that Beerus created by destroying Zamasu, I mean anything goes but this time line no chance that GT can even remotely happen the way it did, the power levels wouldn't make a lick of sense. In fact GT incarnation of some are off, Trunks got younger somehow but Pan grew older, Mai is an older woman(way older than Trunks) along with Pilaf and co. When someone uses time to fix their inconsistencies it usually turns into a mess. Last couple of arcs were interesting, still don't understand Hit's power levels to be honest, they should have held off on that SSGSS power up a bit longer, now all of a sudden God level people are popping up like weeds. This is no way to write a convincing story in the least. Should have centered on Pan, Trunks, Goten and Bulla and their own tale as they grow.

I'll continue to humor myself with it, most anime tend to pale in comparison to their manga counterparts anyway. Sousei no Onmyogi is another victim of that, so much garbage in the anime is hurts to watch. Guess my only option is Voltron and RWBY for wicked story that moves forward and doesn't seem haphazard and fight scenes that are outright epic(RWBY). I'm not downing anyone for loving the show, just my gripes that popped up while I was watching the show over the months. It's grating at times but it's still enjoyable in small doses, they tend to overdo the comedy a bit.
Everyone from Trunks Universe was far weaker than the current, Future Gohan losing to 17 & 18 is proof of that. Trunks came to the past got stronger and defeated them. Not sure why on earth Goku and Vegeta use the earrings to fuse when they are stronger as Gogeta than Vegito, it's like the fusion technique somehow doesn't exists but wait Gotenks is a part of this since he was there in the Buu saga. Ugh, the lack of consistency with this show is readily apparent, but I guess fans just like what they like. I enjoyed DBZ but if Super is going to start becoming lost and confused like Bleach then no point in watching it at all. Hard to enjoy a show that contradicts itself too much for it's own good.
From what I understand, I don't think Gogeta is even a thought, yet. I don't think he was canon. Vegito already happened in the Buu Saga, so it was already a thought for them, where as Gogeta was non-existent. Could they have tried out the fusion dance, and see what happens? Sure. However, Vegito makes much sense given the presence of the earrings, and the fact that Gogeta didn't exist yet since they've never tried it before.

Let's get to some development, Gohan needs to quit the Great Saiyaman stuff, it's crap and makes no sense.
Eh, it's all filler, really. Can't really get upset with that. The Majority of major Anime have it.
I mean when in that form normal fighters can't sense their presence, so why on earth would it make sense for Goku to have any trouble with Hit?
I've been off and on with Super, so I could have missed something, but without knowing the full explanation, I would imagine that the reason that the others can't sense the presence is maybe the fact that they are too powerful? The power may be immeasurable to them, where as Hit seems to be just as strong, so that probably explains why he'd be able to hold his own against Goku. Either way, just because Goku's power can't be sensed, in a way, isn't a reason for someone not to be able to fight them. Isn't Hit trained in hiding his power? Kinda fits in a similar vein.

Just like the "Legendary Super Saiyan" and how there is only "one", I believe the whole SSG thing is just another instance like that. Not necessarily a god, but just a title. Is a Super Saiyan still considered legendary, considering how many have achieved it now?
I guess they can chalk up GT to being a different universe, perhaps the one that Beerus created by destroying Zamasu, I mean anything goes but this time line no chance that GT can even remotely happen the way it did, the power levels wouldn't make a lick of sense. In fact GT incarnation of some are off, Trunks got younger somehow but Pan grew older, Mai is an older woman(way older than Trunks) along with Pilaf and co. When someone uses time to fix their inconsistencies it usually turns into a mess. Last couple of arcs were interesting, still don't understand Hit's power levels to be honest, they should have held off on that SSGSS power up a bit longer, now all of a sudden God level people are popping up like weeds. This is no way to write a convincing story in the least. Should have centered on Pan, Trunks, Goten and Bulla and their own tale as they grow.
I don't believe GT was even part of the Dragon Ball continuity as Akira Toriyama didn't even work on GT, he approved of a few concepts, but that's it. Plus, DBGT has its own plot holes that would be added onto the pile such as dead people being able to rise again after being killed again (when Goku stated that you don't exist anymore if you die again after being dead) and movie characters such as Cooler showing up.