Yeah, we need IDs at my high school, too. But I only need it for another 6 days, WOOHOO! Anyhow, there have been quite a few cases where kids have had to put duct tape over little holes in their pants, turn their shirts inside out, etc. I think political corrcetness is gay, as a few members know, so I think most of those cases were dumb. I can understand it if a dude is walking around with a big old hole right near his package, bu tthen again I'd think it funny, not offending. The girls already distract me to a point of no return, so it doesn't matter if that little hole on their ass is covered with tape--I'd just check their boobs instead. I love the shirts that beat the system, like ones that say F U or have some subliminal message cracking on a religion or something. Great fun. There are lots of those kinds of Ts out there, but I can't think of any right now. I think the "no hats" rule is dumb, as when we ahve a hat day it doesn't seem to bother anybody. It is a good way for the school to make a few hundred bucks, though--a dollar for a hat sticker.
Overall they are necessary, but like Blazin said, soemtimes they go too far.