dress code

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Yeah no spaghetti straps, shorts must be up to knee at least, and you need to wear pants too if you wear a skirt. For the boys, none really besides you must have a shirt and pants up to knees on.
I hate it :irked:.
Dress codes are fine, we had em in high school. They are there for a reason and it didn't bother me. At work I have to wear steel toed boots, blue jeans, and a work shirt. Not to mention have saftey glasses, leather gloves, and a hard hat...but that's for a reason.
As for dress codes in schools, I think they're somewhat necessary; sometimes they go to far. Kids shouldn't be allowed to wear overly suggestive clothing (something that looks like it belongs in a strip club rather than on an 16-year-old), or clothing with offensive language. It just attracts too much attention.

However, I still don't get the meaning of a school uniform; it's trend that's taken over this state. Some schools have a mandatory uniform, others require certina styles and colors. I don't think for a minute that most kids really rate their classmates and other students' "coolness" factor only by what they wear.

However, some parents must like it because it possibly drives down thier clothing bill for their kids; less outfits needed, perhaps?

There's no reason to whine about work uniforms; don't like it, get another job. Although I miss wearing my own ties.
Yeah, we need IDs at my high school, too. But I only need it for another 6 days, WOOHOO! Anyhow, there have been quite a few cases where kids have had to put duct tape over little holes in their pants, turn their shirts inside out, etc. I think political corrcetness is gay, as a few members know, so I think most of those cases were dumb. I can understand it if a dude is walking around with a big old hole right near his package, bu tthen again I'd think it funny, not offending. The girls already distract me to a point of no return, so it doesn't matter if that little hole on their ass is covered with tape--I'd just check their boobs instead. I love the shirts that beat the system, like ones that say F U or have some subliminal message cracking on a religion or something. Great fun. There are lots of those kinds of Ts out there, but I can't think of any right now. I think the "no hats" rule is dumb, as when we ahve a hat day it doesn't seem to bother anybody. It is a good way for the school to make a few hundred bucks, though--a dollar for a hat sticker.
Overall they are necessary, but like Blazin said, soemtimes they go too far.
At work, shirt, tie, trousers and jacket, I don't mind it. I also have to carry a keycard to get though any and all door (including the toilet's), leave it at home at your peril :lol:.
Ya I have to have an id badge, a operators license, and my huge carrabeaner of keys at work as well. Granted I work for a city and I need all that stuff, but I can see why they have it.
in comparison my dress code isn't really all that bad; i just can't wear any tight muscle shirts, shirts with swearing on them, or shirts which are gang affiliated/promoting. as for girls they aren't allowed to wear a shirt where the top doesn't cut too much below the armpits (the neckline) and the bottom must at least be long enough to reach the elbows. pants can be short as they like apparently, as there are numerous booty shorts out already, but they have to be within 2 inches of the bellybutton or something so I can't complain
can thier clit hang out ? lol
:lol: I nominate that as quote of the year.....

Anyways, at my highschool we have a dress code, dress shoes, (a lot of us get away with pretty much any kind of black shoes...) Uniform pants (same situation as the shoes) and a Golf shirt or polo which bears the name of my school which have to be bought from a certain store...Sucks a lot of ass in my opinion. I seriously hate conforming to look like what people want me to look like, hance the hatred towards uniforms. Although the uniform can be a good thing.....All the hot chicks wear their quilts tremendously high which makes a trip up the stairs an exciting, pleasing and fun thing to do...;) When we get to wear our normal clothes, it's pretty much anything we want to wear, everyone gets away with things now which is awesome. Heck I have two manufacturing classes in the afternoon which means a uniform is strictly optional in the afternoon for me.:)
lol thats nice that you alteast have half the day off lol
No not really, just the usual manufacturing high school class, but my teacher doesn't care about uniforms.
I want a manufacturing class. What is it you do exactly? Of course, I'm addicted to my drafting and architecture class, so machining isn't for me.
My dress code for school is either a solid (dark) blue, red, or white polo with khaki, black, grey, or blue dress pants and dress shoes. We can get away with wearing "Timberlands" and dark tennis shoes, though.
The girls have to wear a pink, blue, red, or white polo with khaki, blue or black skirt at least knee length and no open toed shoes.

Only 3 more days...
I want a manufacturing class. What is it you do exactly? Of course, I'm addicted to my drafting and architecture class, so machining isn't for me.
Making various things, I made a hammer on the lathe a few weeks ago, we make projects with mastercam. A buddy of mine is making a go-kart, we just find a reasonable project to do and get permission to do it. For my culminating project, I think I'm gonna make a miniature guillitine.
Damn! We don't have a metal shop, just wood shop. They probably got rid of it because all the stoners were making aluminum pipes and bongs. Now they have to make them out of wood. Sucks for them.
I really do think that kids are grouped by the clothes they wear, specifically at a young age - I remember my parents never letting me wear what was considered "Cool" at the time (because it looked like hell mostly), and as a result I was never quite part of that group of kids at an early grade. Did it have more to do than the clothes, probably I guess, but when you're in fifth grade there's not a whole lot of things to judge others on, and kids can be pretty cruel.