apexd1fd3sLOL, vin. does Ultra-man drive those?
Droptop_ChickNever understood what the point behind Bozoku styling was. I can understnad VIP and Vanning, but Bozoku it's just ridiculous.
apexd1fd3sbtw, sick S2K, droptop.
Droptop_ChickThanks, I got it today upon approval of my loan. It's an '02 with a '04 front end conversion and Espelier springs.
Now all I have to do is sell my Miata...
apexd1fd3syea I noticed the front end. I was confused because those were older wheels. Well thanks, now you cleared things up for me and a fantastic switch from a Miata to an S2000! I don't care what enthusiasts say about the miata, the S2000 is the best roadster. One of the best engines, and THE best gearbox ever made. Congrats, droptop. I'm lovin it 👍
194GVanyeah, thats a REAL fun curve once you get it down, you can hold a real long drift leading up to it and into it as im sure you found out now. too bad you dont get the red interior with the white S2000, it looks better than black. 👍
Flawlesssick pictures...what tires u using?
how did you get your s2k to have to top down ? i have like 4 and they always have it up no matter which track i go to 💡Droptop_Chick