
  • Thread starter HAL20XX
I have to say so far I am really liking the Drivatar concept. I am getting mostly clean racing, if I take my time for the first half lap to so, and getting some very competitive races. I just need to light a fire under my own Drivatar, threaten to fire him if he doesn't start bringing in some more credits!
Hey, if anyone see's my Drivatar slacking off, please let me know.

Your driveatar is in most of my races, I think he's taking his time at the start also lol
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Ok it's been more than a month now since the last time this was discussed here, and I'm curious how you guys like your current drivatar opposition in races, as you must have progressed a lot already and the drivatars too:

-Do you have to work hard for the win?
-Did you notice that, because you are a clean driver, the drivatars also race clean against you and avoid collisions?
-Your overall rating of the concept and how big an improvement it is over standard AI?

Thanks in advance 👍

It's a big improvement over the AI in FM4 but imo they're still not fast enough. Unbeatable should be just that but as soon as you slap a decent set up on your car for the track it's game over for the drivetars.

Why they still don't let the drivetars use cars maxed for the class with a tune on them i don't know, they should at least give you the option to race a tuned car.

All in all it's a massive improvment though
Why they still don't let the drivetars use cars maxed for the class with a tune on them i don't know, they should at least give you the option to race a tuned car.

I'm pretty sure they do as mine has been recorded in my VW bug with a cage, which is a maxed out class tune
I'm pretty sure they do as mine has been recorded in my VW bug with a cage, which is a maxed out class tune

Really? Have to check next time I'm on but if they do allow tuned cars they're not maxing them for the class, all the drivetars in my races are A692 or S785 etc
I'm not completely sold on them, but they are much better than anything seen in the series previously. My two biggest gripes are the lack of a real racing line that anyone follows and that the some of the pass attempts in corners are nothing a real person would ever attempt. Granted, both of these complaints are due to driver behavior.
Does anyone notice that some Drivatars get a consistent advantage in your races. For example, I have been racing D class lately (Pro Drivatars) and this god awful ugly Olds 442, a turquoise 442, red and orange wing like graphic, #68 livery (driven by lLynx Braders, if reading this, sorry if I offend your tastes!) is always on the front row. While I have to bide my time getting though traffic, this guy just drives away from the front row starting position. He is beatable if I am not held up too much and he can be very erractic at times which can help but this guy's Drivatar must be making him serious cash. If I don't end up catching him, he wins most of the races.
This guy (not Drivatar) may be fast, I don't know, but I don't see any of you guys starting on the front row of my races and I know some of you are very fast based on the friends leaderboards.

I won't mind as much if he wasn't defacing a classic 442 :D
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