I bought it for a Thrustmaster TS-XW (Xbox) for using this great wheel in the future on the PS4 Pro. Unfortunately it not works as I hoped... :-(
I made the Firmware-Update to 3.0.0 (this was displayed as the latest version) and checked also the Firmware of the Wheel (it says Version 4.0). After connecting I see TS-PC (I read already in another thread, that this is normal) and then I get Displayed a 0. I can configure all Buttons and also the pedals works fine - but: I can only use ~ 50° of the steering each side. Then it get very strong! In the config of F1 I see in the calibration, that if I get this 50° to the left, this are only at least 30% of the needed steering. I tested with 360° (so I use it on XBox) and also more/less - always the same result. So I can not drive the car :-D
The second point - similar to this thread (
https://cronusmax.com/forums/showthr...ak-(PS4-TS-XW)) I'm missing the FFB :-/ There is nothing in the game. In the config I can activate every setting to the maximum - but no change.
I don't know if this is correct, but Formula 1 2018 display as device a Thrustmaster T300. Is this correct as "Dummy"-Device? I don't have other options... all examples are with "Use Thrustmaster T300" marked.
Before I forgot:
I put a PS4 Pro Dualshock-Controller (I got with the PS4 Pro) on the DriveHub as "Controller". I found already the tip to remove it as known controller on the PS4.
Thank you for your help.