Driveclub is the Most-Played PS4 Driving Title with Estimated 10.5 Million Players

It doesn't?

You're more than welcome to link this imaginary free version of GTS lmao

That's usually what happens when things sell at a fraction of a price of other games.

Wrong. There are dozens of games that reach GTS's price point but will never come close to GTS's sales. DC is one of them ;)

They both seem to be doing something in order to get more players faster.

Difference being one maintained being a paid game while the other inflates its numbers with a free PS+ version. Ain't hard.

Because it didn't. If anything, the fact that the game got good positive word of mouth after release, plus an incredibly value packed season pass can boost player numbers, which for Driveclub, it did. By the time the free version came out, said free demo for PS+ users basically made no dent in the player numbers. It was too late in the game's life for it to really matter, and it was a better deal just to buy the game and the season pass.

Are you living in some make up world?

DC took 10 months to sell 2 million. It was one of the first racers on PS4, a console that was breaking records.
PS+ massively inflates numbers because millions of users can DL your game for free.
Are you living in some make up world?

No, I'm living in the real world. A world where I am not trying to be some dumbass defending the honor of GT from all challengers like it's 2007 all over again.

And once again, Driveclub was offered on PS Plus as a demo. One location. 14 cars. Said demo allowed you to buy the game at a reduced price. It was offered too late to make an appreciable difference in sales, which by this point was getting sales from positive word of mouth, and an incredibly value packed season pass. I know because I followed the game from launch up until the point I bought my PS4. I know the reception this game had was good and steadily grew better when the game dropped in price.

The way you are describing it, it was like Playstation offered it as a free game of the month on PS Plus. Which it wasn't. But leave it to you to lie out your teeth when people poke holes in your logic and your desire to pump the tires of Polyphony and GT, yeah?

You were told that it was a demo. You were given evidence. And yet you continue to lie.
So we call demo's versions now?

I repeat once again, it was a demo, it featured one location (India) and 12 cars. It did not feature any of the 'Tour' events that came with the original (as they required other locations) and would not work with any of the DLC.

To be blunt the GTS Beta was more fully featured than the DC PS+ demo.

It doesn't matter what it was, a free PS+ version was given out and the numbers include the free version.

You would have a point with GTS if it wasn't for the obvious fact that we can tell which players have the full game or beta and the numbers SCE/PD provide are about the full game.

So please do carry on (without evidence) that DC is mainly made up of people who downloaded a demo (and it was a demo) and never bought the full title, as once again Sony's own numbers do not seem to support your claim.

Not only is your post inconclusive, as you yourself mention how the feat is still possible with the free version, but its not even contradicting the point I made:

11 million includes free PS+ DLs, hence the number is not impressive. You can see this with many other PS+ games, MGSV, JC3, Mafia 3 etc

A rather bold claim to hang your hat on when GTS's player numbers drop from 6.6 million to 2.35 million when you look at people who play Sport Mode even once (actually not even that - those that can be bothered to get past at most 6 minutes of video).

Over 60% of GTS players simply didn't bother with the core of the game, regardless of if they paid for it or not.

I love how you try to frame this as bad when there is no comparison with other games and when 60% of the PS4 base don't even have PS+

No, I'm living in the real world.

Yet not a single thing you said is supported by data lmao

It was offered too late to make an appreciable difference in sales, which by this point was getting sales from positive word of mouth, and an incredibly value packed season pass.

DC sales are unknown bar a mediocre 2 million in 10 months.

The way you are describing it, it was like Playstation offered it as a free game of the month on PS Plus.

They did. A free version.

You were told that it was a demo. You were given evidence. And yet you continue to lie.

It doesn't matter what it is, the point is said free version is included in the 11 million DL number. This isn't rocket science.
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No, I'm living in the real world. A world where I am not trying to be some dumbass defending the honor of GT from all challengers like it's 2007 all over again.

And once again, Driveclub was offered on PS Plus as a demo. One location. 14 cars. Said demo allowed you to buy the game at a reduced price. It was offered too late to make an appreciable difference in sales, which by this point was getting sales from positive word of mouth, and an incredibly value packed season pass. I know because I followed the game from launch up until the point I bought my PS4. I know the reception this game had was good and steadily grew better when the game dropped in price.

The way you are describing it, it was like Playstation offered it as a free game of the month on PS Plus. Which it wasn't. But leave it to you to lie out your teeth when people poke holes in your logic and your desire to pump the tires of Polyphony and GT, yeah?

You were told that it was a demo. You were given evidence. And yet you continue to lie.
I gotta say, your real world was different to mine.

I like Driveclub, but it's release was a complete mess, so I'm not sure where all this "positive word of mouth" was coming from.

It was meant to be a launch title, along with the PS+ version.
It arrived the best part of a year later, and this "socially connected" driving game was anything but.
It was plagued with server issues for at least a couple of months, delaying the PS+ version even longer.

There were many people, both buyers and those waiting for their freebie, who were anything but happy.

About 6 or 7 months after the game released the PS+ version arrived, and it was a freebie for at least 3 months.
And it was quite an expansive "demo" too, with all game modes, all tracks from one location, cars in every class, and even full trophy support.
Purchasing the "upgrade" obviously got you more, something like 40 extra cars, the other 5 locations, and a bigger single player campaign.

As they say, any advertising is good advertising, and the PS+ version certainly had a serious amount of advertising from the time it was announced as a launch title to the time it actually hit the PS Store.

Trying to suggest the amount of players coming from the free version was insignificant or a major percentage is a bit of a mugs game.
But the long, drawn-out lead up (advertising) to it's final release, and it being free for so long not all that long after the full game was released (with all of it's well advertised problems), I can see a lot of people who initially shied away from it saying "What the hell, may as well finally get it, it's free".
Ok why are we still arguing about DC?

Because one member has a rage-boner for any game outside of their preferred one, and repeatedly balks at positive news for literally anything other than it. They'll intentionally misconstrue a free demo — one that was planned alongside the original launch of DC, no less — with "a move to F2P", but that's pretty par for the course for someone with a fluid explanation of how a player base relates to sales figures (or indeed, how important player base numbers are).

None of it really matters though: Driveclub remains the most-played racing game on PS4.
Because one member has a rage-boner for any game outside of their preferred one, and repeatedly balks at positive news for literally anything other than it. They'll intentionally misconstrue a free demo — one that was planned alongside the original launch of DC, no less — with "a move to F2P", but that's pretty par for the course for someone with a fluid explanation of how a player base relates to sales figures (or indeed, how important player base numbers are).

None of it really matters though: Driveclub remains the most-played racing game on PS4.
Impressive as it already is, I wonder what the numbers would be if Evo managed to release it a little closer to the PS launch, and also if the full game didn't have it's server issues so that the PS+ version could have been released as planned?

I also seem to recall a type of apology/explaination from SONY when they pulled the + version from the Store, almost as if they initially intended it to be there longer.
But I may be wrong there.
It doesn't matter what it was, a free PS+ version was given out and the numbers include the free version.
Demo. I really am unsure as to why you believe that repeating that lie is going to make it true.

You would have a point with GTS if it wasn't for the obvious fact that we can tell which players have the full game or beta and the numbers SCE/PD provide are about the full game.
I've not said otherwise.

Not only is your post inconclusive, as you yourself mention how the feat is still possible with the free version, but its not even contradicting the point I made:
You (unsurprisingly) missed all of the other points!

Such as this one...

"So expanding this massively to ensure that we are only looking at trophy's that you could get with a purchased copy each (and excluding the fact that both were actually given away free with console bundles). I'm also going to stack the odds in GTS' favour massively.

GTS: Master of Manners (watch the three videos needed to play Sport Mode): 35.7% = 2.37 million players obtained
DC: The Rookie Trophy (complete 15 races, ensuring that you win the gold for the final three): 20.3% = 2.13 million players obtained

So it would seem that even with the odds stacked massively in GTS' favour it only just surpasses DC in terms of players who obtained the trophy in question, and keep in mind that the DC trophy in question you don;t even need to obtain to move on, a broze or silver in the the last three races will do the job without obtaining the trophy. While in GTS you have to obtain this one in order to play what is arguably the core selling point of the title."

...I'd say it was odd, but to be honest, its actually fairly typical of you.

11 million includes free PS+ DLs, hence the number is not impressive. You can see this with many other PS+ games, MGSV, JC3, Mafia 3 etc
That depends on how many were downloaded via PS+, and what number of those were then converted to full versions. I take it given your bold statement you can back up that claim.

Oh and once again you seem to have forgotten it was a demo, why are you comparing it directly to fully games?

I mean seriously are you saying that MGSV (the most successful game in the series when it comes to sales numbers) only did as well as it did because it popped up on PS+? That's seriously the argument you are attempting tp use!

Well done, you provided a link to a site I've cited repeatedly, why on earth do you think I need that?

I love how you try to frame this as bad when there is no comparison with other games and when 60% of the PS4 base don't even have PS+
Ah so they didn't play Sport mode because they don't have PS+ (not that you need PS+ to watch the videos for that trophy), I think your going to need to provide a citation for that.

It doesn't matter what it is, the point is said free version is included in the 11 million DL number. This isn't rocket science.
And you're not a rocket scientist, that much is clear given the amount of ******** you have come up with in this thread alone.

And it was quite an expansive "demo" too, with all game modes, all tracks from one location, cars in every class, and even full trophy support.
Purchasing the "upgrade" obviously got you more, something like 40 extra cars, the other 5 locations, and a bigger single player campaign.
Not quite. It didn't have Tour mode in the demo (which is the main mode of the title) as Tour mode requires all locations.

.... and your desire to pump the tires of Polyphony and GT, yeah?
That's impossible.

You can't change tyre pressures in GT (however I am sure that @GT6mebe can spin that into a positive somehow).
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Not quite. It didn't have Tour mode in the demo (which is the main mode of the title) as Tour mode requires all locations.

Ah, roger that. 👍
So the freebie had some Single Events but no Tour.
Yep, that's a large chunk of game-play missing then.
Driveclub and Bloodborne. The only two reasons I still fire my old dusty white fat ps4 from time to time.

PS4 is the only console I've disassembled only once for basic maintenance, clean dust and thermal paste change-mx4. Totally feel like I thrown the money away on the purchase since then. I'm literally not interested in the playsation catalogue anymore, unless they bring me more tittles like the aforementioned.

Also, the fact that the rest of the classic playstation franchises I always liked, and the reason I always had each ps along with a PC now appear on the later (ace combat; tekken; etc), and that Gran Turismo continues to be the same as before, then I'm afraid next gen I'll wait and see whether or not there's just enough tittles of my interest to justify the purchase of the console.

Why did you have to shut down Evolution Studios $ony, just why. Damn Yamauchi..
Driveclub and Bloodborne. The only two reasons I still fire my old dusty white fat ps4 from time to time.

PS4 is the only console I've disassembled only once for basic maintenance, clean dust and thermal paste change-mx4. Totally feel like I thrown the money away on the purchase since then. I'm literally not interested in the playsation catalogue anymore, unless they bring me more tittles like the aforementioned.

Also, the fact that the rest of the classic playstation franchises I always liked, and the reason I always had each ps along with a PC now appear on the later (ace combat; tekken; etc), and that Gran Turismo continues to be the same as before, then I'm afraid next gen I'll wait and see whether or not there's just enough tittles of my interest to justify the purchase of the console.

Why did you have to shut down Evolution Studios $ony, just why. Damn Yamauchi..
I can't do anything but agree with that.
You're more than welcome to link this imaginary free version of GTS lmao
So, the demo/beta was imaginary? So again, did you read? Because it seems like you didn't read.

Wrong. There are dozens of games that reach GTS's price point but will never come close to GTS's sales. DC is one of them ;)
Wrong what? When a big name title like PD's game hits the shelves, especially at a fraction of it's price just a month prior, the most obvious thing would probably be that it will likely get sales coming in faster if not done otherwise. Makes sense that GTS was absent from the charts of the last quarter of 2018(I think actually longer - more around the last half of the year), because it didn't have a sale to fallback on like other major titles, because what would they have to do at that point, sell it at $10?

What we know right now however, is that at this point there was more people that played this game than GTS.

Difference being one maintained being a paid game while the other inflates its numbers with a free PS+ version. Ain't hard.
You're right. They apparently used Demo/beta users to inflate it's stated playerbase instead.

What I'm not understanding is why the fact that it was on PS+ is somehow being associated as it being a bad game, and the only reason it has any players in the first place.

Yet not a single thing you said is supported by data lmao
The vast majority of anything you say in here, or anywhere, isn't supported by data. Wishful thinking much? :lol:
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Hi guys, I haven't read any other posts but I just wanted to say that the only reason DC got the numbers it did, was because they included the free PS+ version in the numbers - something that also helped rescue MGSV's sales from the ashbin of history.

Hopefully no one else has already made these points. kbai! :gtpflag:
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Hi guys, I haven't read any other posts but I just wanted to say that the only reason DC got the numbers it did, was because they included the free PS+ version in the numbers - something that also helped rescue MGSV's sales from the ashbin of history.

Man, MGS V is an underrated game. I wish more people played it!


What I'm not understanding is why the fact that it was on PS+ is somehow being associated as it being a bad game, and the only reason it has any players in the first place.

I think our friend Mebe here just has an issue with rival games to GT, in any sort of capacity, being apart of outside subscription services. Driveclub being apart of PS+ for all of a hot minute or so, and Forza being on Game Pass. We surely can't have those players figure into the numbers, even though, you know, as you mentioned, GT had no problem rolling beta/demo users into the player numbers in this case. But what's a bit of hypocrisy when it comes to fudging the numbers in order to make GT look better? Something that Mebe is very prone to doing.
Impressive as it already is, I wonder what the numbers would be if Evo managed to release it a little closer to the PS launch, and also if the full game didn't have it's server issues so that the PS+ version could have been released as planned?

Oh, no doubt it would've done a lot better. I was a little late getting to PS4, and I stayed away from Driveclub for a bit because of all the furor over its launch. I'm still not quite as enamored with it as others, but I recognize it's a solid bit of (deceptively deep) arcade action. While it sucks that it took a while to get it to that point, at least it was possible thanks to modern connectivity.

I also seem to recall a type of apology/explaination from SONY when they pulled the + version from the Store, almost as if they initially intended it to be there longer.
But I may be wrong there.

I'm not aware of that, but it's certainly possible. Perhaps the end-date was always set in stone, so the delay just cut into that?
According to our expert, everybody only downloaded the game, but none of them actually played it.

I’ve read some rubbish in my time but that goofball took the prize, I couldn’t reply as I would have ended up banned from here 🤬🤬🤬
Just heard the recent news of servers shutting down as well. Makes this thread even funnier in retrospect.
Because its never going to happen to GTS?

Gloating does kind of suit you however........
A game having its servers shut down completely so soon (with no imminent sequel) shows how dead it truly is. So much for the "10.5 million players".
Just heard the recent news of servers shutting down as well. Makes this thread even funnier in retrospect.

The fact that you came back to this thread after once again getting pantsed by people who know a thing or two to dance on the grave really goes to show how pathetic your need to defend GT is. Good lord.

A game having its servers shut down completely so soon (with no imminent sequel) shows how dead it truly is. So much for the "10.5 million players".

And twenty bucks says that GT Sport gets the servers shut down in four or five years time. What other scintillating facts do you have for us, wise one?