Driveclub Video Thread

  • Thread starter Earth
Nice start up sounds!!! Didn't really notice that before.

I've just made a new Driveclub trailer. Basically, the calm before the storm as we anticipate Driveclub version 2.0 details in the next few days. Turn up your volume or put on your headphones and turn up your volume! ;-)

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What a race!!
Some contact here and there aside, I think we raced as clean as we possibly could. Great race though. Shame I messed up at the end of lap three and the last corner on lap four.

Really impressed with how this game plays on Phillips Ambilight, Its lighting is really brought to additional life. I bought a 40" 40PFT6512 earlier in year. It is a 3 sided model (sides/top) see how this short clip highlights the overhead lights at night and going over the blue/red lighting on the bridge.

I seen Ambilight as a gimmick in the past but now having it really find it adds to the enjoyment.

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