Driveclub Video Thread

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Wester Ross and Marussia Hot Lap, 1st place in the leaderboards ... take it as challenge, there is still room for improvement ;-)

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Track design in DC is really good, I like real tracks as much as the next guy, but good fantasy tracks are even better as they are fresh, can have jumps and all sorts of crazy stuff :lol:

Track design in DC is really good, I like real tracks as much as the next guy, but good fantasy tracks are even better as they are fresh, can have jumps and all sorts of crazy stuff :lol:
Yeah, that jump just after the start made me roll the first time I ran it...didn't help that it was night-time either ;) Good lap. I know you can get airbourne with the Zonda R going the other way around on that track 👍
A storm is coming, and it''s here already? Well what are we waiting for?!?! Let's get out there!! But just to be on the safe side, I took a 4WD car out...which just so happens to be a Bentley...with a V8 engine. Driveclub's new weather update is simply magnificent!

Enjoy :)

As Scotland seems to be the place to go for stormy vid captures, here's mine. Not particularly brilliant driving on my part, but it does show what you will be up against if I sent you this challenge.

Quite a long vid, sorry about that.


F430 Scuderia hot wet lapping at Tamil Nadu in India.
The car has front end grip straight from the outer space, no aquaplaning at all, it seems there is huge 'TCS&ASM' on and the tires are high tech compund from next decade.
Lap time comparison: the wet lap is only about four seconds slower than similar combo dry lap. We know in real life that kind of differecne would not be possible.
Anyway, Driveclub was never claimed to be a sim-race game so it's all good.
I had ton of fun driving the car. :)
F430 Scuderia hot wet lapping at Tamil Nadu in India.
The car has front end grip straight from the outer space, no aquaplaning at all, it seems there is huge 'TCS&ASM' on and the tires are high tech compund from next decade.
Lap time comparison: the wet lap is only about four seconds slower than similar combo dry lap. We know in real life that kind of differecne would not be possible.
Anyway, Driveclub was never claimed to be a sim-race game so it's all good.
I had ton of fun driving the car. :)

The new weather effects are beautiful, but simulation wise they are pretty useless. The worst part is that the rainy road is only for looks. The amount of grip lost compared to dry weather is the same everywhere, even in a big pool of water on the side of the road. Basically a global X% grip lost.