Driveclub Video Thread

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This is my first post here :-) DJW_GT sent me a nice Challenge and i saved a video of it...i had to learn the track first, that's why my points are so huge in this video :-D

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This is my first post here :-) DJW_GT sent me a nice Challenge and i saved a video of it...i had to learn the track first, that's why my points are so huge in this video :-D

Great lap, nicely done! 👍

I'm too tired to put in any quick time trial laps at the moment but I may give it another go later in the week, this will be tough to beat but I'm more used to the One:1's handling now so I'll see what I can do. :D
Just the replay mate, i was at 540 on my wheel. love that view tho for a replay, they just need to fix wheel inputs.

Ah fair enough, hopefully it gets fixed in the next update. And yeah it's a great view aside from that, can't say I'd even noticed it when I was trying out replays earlier.
Ah fair enough, hopefully it gets fixed in the next update. And yeah it's a great view aside from that, can't say I'd even noticed it when I was trying out replays earlier.
It will cycle through naturally through all of the views, otherwise you need to use R1 to find it and it'll stay like that.

Guys, that's my first vid using the replay features. Be warned it's 5minutes long and it's a raw cut. No editing, I only added 2 screenshots (at the beginning and at the end) and a couple of transition effects.

- the first lap I used the trackside cameras. The second lap is showed using the gameplay cameras and the final lap shows the vehicle cameras. I tried to cycle through the different angles in each camera set.

- it's a raw cut, I wanted to show me tweaking and navegating the maps and buttons.

- my personal opinion?! It's great! Finally we can appreciate the beauty of the scenarios. It's easy to use, the thing that made happy the most, it's that now you can concentrate on your performance to get a clean lap, beat a time trial ou those 3 stars without worrying about the share button. Do your thing, when you're happy with your performance/gameplay, save the replay and get to work on Sharefactory. Uploading videos from DC to youtube is easier than ever.

Hope you guys enjoy it. I'm open for your opinions.

- please watch untill the very end. :)
I got the Chungara Challenge tour event world record back last night and saved the replay, I think the result is pretty impressive! I went wide on one of the corners which cost me a couple of tenths but aside from that it was a fairly decent lap. (It's the same car/track combination as in @nord_clane's video above, btw).

PS: Turn the volume up before watching this, you won't be disappointed. :-p

Now that replays have been added, & you guys are posting up such lovely videos, I'll never need to buy this game!
