Driver Names Are Now FORCED ON In Online Replays As Well As When Racing Online - OPTIONAL IN 1.05

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it's pretty simple, if 2 cars are a bit far away from the camera and if one is above the other on the screen,
all you can see is 2 flags with names and 1 car under. period

back on GT5, if i remember well, they gave us the option to put names on or not in an update: IMO this can be no different with gt6, it's just a matter of time.

yeah, " what were they thinking? " applies perfect to the situation
Anyone have a pic handy showing how the names look in online screenshots? I don't have access to my PS3 right now but I'm curious as to the size and placement of the names. Wondering if you could relatively easily PS them out...

I'll go one better, here's a video curtesy of GT Planet's own WRS.

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I hope we have a mole of Polyphony Digital here in forum, mainly participating in threads of this type. He'll see how we are willing to want a better game and nothing headache.

I am completely annoyed by the fact that cars have different performance after the first tire change, I am also outraged by them to wear out more after the exchange.

And what talk about it? Beyond the bug of the replay almost corrupting the system the PS3, has that one thing that already hate from GT5, the name of driver on the car. Now mandatory in GT6? Spare me! I'm wanting to go blind!

Think well, they corrected the inch of rims and tires because was passed here in the forum. Undoubtedly have a mole here. Please hearing topics of the kind everyday, until it arrives at Polyphony Digital studio!

For a GT6 better than GT5, better than GT4, GT3, GT2 and GT1! :mad:
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Funny...The names above the cars were there in GT5 too, and I never heard anyone complaining....When in replay mode, the names were gone, and sometimes I wished they were there...

In GT6 the names are there in replay too... I think it`s a good feature, but as You people don`t like it, PD should make it optional... But for me it`s OK I guess...GUESS?? - Yeah, I haven`t played online with my GT6 yet, but soon I`ll enter some rooms to race...Still playing the disc content and gatering cars etc...
Funny...The names above the cars were there in GT5 too, and I never heard anyone complaining....When in replay mode, the names were gone, and sometimes I wished they were there...

In GT6 the names are there in replay too... I think it`s a good feature, but as You people don`t like it, PD should make it optional... But for me it`s OK I guess...GUESS?? - Yeah, I haven`t played online with my GT6 yet, but soon I`ll enter some rooms to race...Still playing the disc content and gatering cars etc...

Some of us like to take screenshots and would prefer to see the cars rather than names clogging up the screen. And I think I would like the names off in the actual race too - haven't looked if there is an option for that.
I think I would like the names off in the actual race too - haven't looked if there is an option for that.

Me too. But there is no option for that either, it's forced on everyone whether we like it or not.
Horrible decision to attach the names above the cars in the replays without the option to turn them off, what were they thinking? Sadly I don't think there will ever be a fix for this and we will be stuck with it for the life of the game.
How could you possibly know this?
This is what I think, not what I know. How did you twist that? I think that PD has so much on their plate that this is pretty insignificant to them in the whole scheme of things. I know for videographers it's huge tho, really huge! Like someone else said, what if you had them in photomode? Ridiculous right?
I went for a drive with an online racing buddy the day before the 1.04 update, & afterward while watching the replay, the disappointment of having our PSN names FORCED ON & hovering above each car poked me in the eye balls again! :ouch: Also, there are some points when watching an online race where all the PSN names are on top of one another, obscuring the very cars we're supposed to be watching, & the PSN names themselves. Seriously, who at PD thought that forcing this on us was a good idea? :dunce:

"Update 1.05 Changelog: added an option to turn off PSN ID's when watching online replays & racing online." PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE PD!!! :cheers:
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I misunderstood and assumed the names would show up in photomode. I finally tested it the other day and was relieved to find that they go away at that point. I would be up in arms if they showed up for pictures. Still it makes replays worthless half the time because the pile o' names covers up everything else happening.

Please make the names display optional!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, guess what? PD have ruined something else. It's the same old issue of ignoring customer complaints, & then forcing things on us rather than giving us the option. :boggled:

This time they've forced us to have drivers names on in online replays. Yes, just when you were sick of seeing them twice when racing online (once in the list & then again above each car), you now have them on in replays with no option to turn them off! :ouch: Not only can I not change my name, having changed it 3 times already, but now I'm forced to have it on while watching replays. :grumpy: It clogs up the screen & makes viewing replays less realistic, they used to look so good with all the HUD off.

My favourite thing in GT5 was Shuffle racing, then watching the replays afterwards. Shuffles gone, & replays have been ruined for me now. That just leaves cruising offline for fun. How long before they ruin that too. :nervous:

It's such a shame as this game has such awesome content in the form of beautifully modelled cars, very well made tracks, & more or less realistic physics. :(

Maybe it's good to do - name's on car's( I'm mean - something like in real life))
Maybe it's good to do - name's on car's( I'm mean - something like in real life))

It would be good if we could have our real names on the car as part of a livery, but having PSN names forced on & hovering above cars is not, it just hinders our view.

It would be good if we could have our real names on the car as part of a livery, but having PSN names forced on & hovering above cars is not, it just hinders our view.

Maybe to do - i don't know how you (Englishspeaking))called - targa, number sign?))
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And another reason for complaining to PD (and KAZel :P - personally)) is the reduce (???)) of FPS! And increment of lag's!)
Less info on screen - more FPS!! Less lag!! Right?)))
For more, I (personally)) - want that simple tachimeter - in bumper view!
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So - how tell someone here - more option's, to put want we want, where we want on the screen.
I'm really don't need map's, best lap's, GAP'S!!!(I must - win)), time of day, weather etc.
Position, number of lap, and gear!!!:D
Just watched a replay and have found out that you can now turn off driver names above cars. Will check to see if this can be done online as well.
I can officially confirm that this can now be done for online races as well 👍
In the room, go to "Watch race" and then go to "Options" and scroll down to "Display Driver Name" and select "off".

The option to turn off drivers names above cars while watching replays & live online races has been added to GT6 in the 1.05 update. Now we can fully enjoy the awesome graphics during replays that this game has to offer!

Thank you very much to Kazunori San & Polyphony Digital for allowing us to have this option. :cheers:
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Although it's been confirmed for viewing replays & online races, it hasn't been confirmed that we can turn them off while racing. I'm off to do some testing this afternoon.

EDIT: You can turn them off while racing online, but not from the in-race menu. You have to go to Watch Race first & turn it off in that menu. Very stupid way of doing it, but at least now we can turn them off.
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Polyphony Digital has made the exact same mistake in GT Sport: driver names are forced on when racing online & when watching replays.

They can't be turned off when racing online, but in replays, they can be turned off in-game with a keyboard (by pressing F1) or by using the enter/exit "Race Photos" trick I discovered a few days ago. This has been the case since day one, unbelievable!

Did anyone at PD read & respond to this thread back in 2014? Or, was it just some random update that fixed the problem? Why are they making the same mistake again?
