Has anyone been able to duplicate the Mission 1 bug?
I tried the following experiments:
Starting with a game on day 83 (all licenses, bronze, 0% complete) I did mission 1 then 2. As expected, both missions were marked "Mission Clear", and I was 0.3% complete, 500 A-spec points, 12,000Cr, etc.
I then reset the game and ran mission 2 then mission 1 with the exact same result, in particular 0.3% complete.
I then reset again and tried missions 10 through 2 in that order (mission 10 first, then 9, then 8, etc). After doing the nine missions I was at 1.5% complete as expected. I then did mission 1, won the DeLorean, and the completion went to 10.6% with mission 1 now marked "Mission Clear" (as were the other nine of course).
I have two copies of GT4. One box is marked Greatest Hits and the other is not. The markings on the disks themselves are identical. Since I purchased my first copy about the time the Greatest Hits version was released it's possible the disk itself is the Greatest Hits version even though it doesn't say so on the box. In any case I repeated the experiments on the other disk with the same results.
So either I have two greatest hits disks and the bug has been fixed, or there's something else involved in duplicating the bug. Does anyone else have more information on this?