driving real car after GT4

  • Thread starter peterjford


I <3 GT Kitty!
United States
Orange County C
Does anyone else feel the backside of the steering wheel of their vehicle in real life when first driving after playing GT4? Does anyone else drive slightly differently right after playing?

Anytime I go to drive right after playing GT4 I feel the backside of the wheel for the shift paddles. I quickly realize they are not there, nor should they be there, but I still automatically feel for them.

In real life I drive a lifted Jeep Cherokee that does great off-road but is at best marginal when driven even slightly fast on streets (so I only drive fast in GT4 and other racing games). Right after playing GT4 I feel like something is wrong. There is less feedback in the wheel, but more in the seat of the pants. And it feels like I got something stuck under the accelerator because it doesn't accelerate very fast. Usually it only takes a couple of seconds to adjust back to driving my Jeep, but I still wonder if I am the only one that has this problem. When going from driving a decent street car to my Jeep it seems to take the same amount of time for it to feel normal again, but that is a real car, not a simulator.

Peter J. Ford
I haven't noticed feeling for the shifter pads but I agree it does feel wierd when you immediately go from GT4 to real life. I've noticed the size of the wheel as much as anything....in real life it seems like you're driving with a hoola hoop compared to GT4's DFP.
HAHA yup. the wheel size is what i notice the most too. funny!
The DFP got the best size of all wheels. And the rubber would be great in a real car. The DFP is har to turn, so after driving a few days in teh game, all real cars with servo will become boring :crazy:
Wish there would be a wheel that's as big as a real car's and one that has a clutch and gear stick like real cars as well. Feels weird just moving a stick up and down. Reverse annoys me too in GT4.
Mercedes SL
The DFP got the best size of all wheels. And the rubber would be great in a real car. The DFP is har to turn, so after driving a few days in teh game, all real cars with servo will become boring :crazy:

you're kidding right?
the wheel size is my biggest problem with the DFP; its way too small.
another inch in the radius would make it a much better wheel.

since they were mentioned, i'll rip on the shift buttons as well... they are pretty horrible, seems like they did that for reasons only aimed at durability. But i'd still rather have a pair of flappy paddles to the uncomfortable and counterintuitive buttons.

and on-topic, the onlything i notice going from dfp direct to my focus, is that my car requires twice the turning input, and has power-assisted steering.
you're kidding right?
the wheel size is my biggest problem with the DFP; its way too small.
another inch in the radius would make it a much better wheel.

since they were mentioned, i'll rip on the shift buttons as well... they are pretty horrible, seems like they did that for reasons only aimed at durability. But i'd still rather have a pair of flappy paddles to the uncomfortable and counterintuitive buttons.

and on-topic, the onlything i notice going from dfp direct to my focus, is that my car requires twice the turning input, and has power-assisted steering.

You guys are talking about GT4 + DFP, Not just DFP.

Enthusia + DFP + MC2 = 100% Realism. There is no difference between real life and Enthusia whatsoever except for lack of G-Force and the fact that the DFP shifter is sequencial, instead of H-pattern and the wheel is smaller.

With GT4 the wheel doesn't have enough play. You know, in a real car you can turn the wheel 2-10* depending on the car before it moves the front wheels. But Enthusia is perfect in feel, feedback, resistance,......everything.
Wish there would be a wheel that's as big as a real car's and one that has a clutch and gear stick like real cars as well. Feels weird just moving a stick up and down. Reverse annoys me too in GT4.
I hear ya on the reverse. Anytime I get crossed up so bad that I have to use reverse it usually means I will have to start over. Not only is it hard to finally hit the button to get into reverse, it seems like there is a huge pause before the vehicle will go forward again... maybe its trying to realistically simulate the fact that it is difficult to shift a car into a forward gear while still rolling backwards after being in reverse, but its really frustrating.

As for a clutch, I think the programing involved to realistically simulate a clutch wouldn't be cost effective for the percentage of users that would actually use it. Besides, that would mean I would have to buy a piece of hardware. (and probably modify the pedals so I could do heal-toe double clutching with my big loppy feet)

Peter J. Ford
With GT4 the wheel doesn't have enough play. You know, in a real car you can turn the wheel 2-10* depending on the car before it moves the front wheels.

Maybe 2-5* but even my lifted and battered Jeep doesn't have 10* of dead zone in the steering. If it did I probably couldn't keep it in one lane on the freeway.

Peter J. Ford
back in gt3 when i had the old driving force i sometimes would try to press paddles that werent there when i drove in real life :). now with the dfp sometimes i have to remind myself the shifter is near my leg and not next to the wheel :)
As for a clutch, I think the programing involved to realistically simulate a clutch wouldn't be cost effective for the percentage of users that would actually use it. Besides, that would mean I would have to buy a piece of hardware. (and probably modify the pedals so I could do heal-toe double clutching with my big loppy feet)

Peter J. Ford

my clutch and shifter work perfect on the pc. the code isn't really more involved than that of the brake.
its just another analogue axis with a friction plate attached to it; the differences between a clutch and brake pedal from a physics stand point are almost nil.

but you are right.. its not a mass-market thing, and is only adopted by high end pc sims.
i don't feel that wierd after GT4 i just always take the best line trough every turn even if it means to completely cut someone the **** off, i am a very good driver in reallife and i hold my own in WRS but i have a car that is in the game so it makes more since, the sound is the same (Honda Civic Sir Hatchback)

i have actually played an arcade game in San Diego that was a large wrap around screen with a nice single seat full size wheel and all three pedals and a 6 speed shifter, if you didn't use the clutch you could not shift and you would here a grinding noise from the speaker under the shifter, it was amazing but the physics couldn't even hold a hat to GT4, GT4 physics are stupid good.
yeah the fwd car physics are much closer to real life in gt4 than 3. :) i like the liftoff oversteer present in some of the cars and how you can power over.
back in gt3 when i had the old driving force i sometimes would try to press paddles that werent there when i drove in real life :). now with the dfp sometimes i have to remind myself the shifter is near my leg and not next to the wheel :)

That's why I use my MC2 as the shifter. It's set backwards next to me so it is in a realistic location. Then I can put the e-brake as shift + on the DFP and that makes drifting so much more realistic and fun.
Can't say I've gone for the shift buttons, but I have noticed that my car wheel is huge compared to the DFP. Not sure I'd like a rubberised steering wheel in the car - it's good for small game wheels as it gives you a lot of grip, but for a long journey with a big wheel I'll stick with the leather. :)

The only thing is, with sat nav in the car it's like you've got a course map. Just need a gear indicator and a lap timer and I'm all set. ;)
My DFP feels exactly the same as my real car ('91 Honda CRX, no power steering, wide tires and 300mm Momo steering wheel) :-)
No. I drive ok after playing gt4 with wheel.

But funny memento from few years back while I was driving forklift truck at paper mill. It had semiatomatic gearstick next to wheel and just cranking that made truck set R or 1-3 on. After workday I went to lot get my car and cranked side indicator on and wondered why the hell nothing happens. hehe
I bought a C6 Vette after getting GT4. I was never really into cars till now. :-)

I have to be careful though. I end up driving the Vette like I was still playing if I drive right after a 2-3 hour session on Gt4.