DROPFIVE Motorsports | KDFAlliance | [HOONIGAN]

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We are currently recruiting new members. If interested please apply within.


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We are currently recruiting new members. If interested please apply within.


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I'd been meaning to ask you to put that up haha

Anyways, I'm back. School starts for me tomorrow so my schedule might be a little tight, but I can always make time for my buds :)
Yeah I'm not sure how much I'll be on during the weeks to come. School + Work means I won't have any time really. Let me know when we have somebody though. I'd like to chill with them before giving the okay if ya know what I mean.
Be sure to sign up for the missile Monday comp. Wanting to see us doing better in comp. Let's do this!
Be sure to sign up for the missile Monday comp. Wanting to see us doing better in comp. Let's do this!

Aw yeah. I'm having the poopiest day from my allergies to 5 hours of sleep and gettin hassled by teachers all day. Missile comp is everything I need and more. See yinz there
Aw yeah. I'm having the poopiest day from my allergies to 5 hours of sleep and gettin hassled by teachers all day. Missile comp is everything I need and more. See yinz there

See you there
Yeah I have work and then school tomorrow morning then work again so uh, I will need to sleep tonight sorry.
i signed up. Spank i think i seen your buddies(the one in your sig) car at FD saturday

Yea he did Good on first run, a bit off on the clips. But his second run bummed me out. That 350 has trouble getting angle.
Yea he did Good on first run, a bit off on the clips. But his second run bummed me out. That 350 has trouble getting angle.

He should be using a 300zx 2+2 :sly:
His setup is too extreme IMO. He has unholy levels of power and he's a rookie. It's tough to control a nervous foot anyways, forget controlling 800hp
His setup is too extreme IMO. He has unholy levels of power and he's a rookie. It's tough to control a nervous foot anyways, forget controlling 800hp

He has that power to keep up With the best. But he is not a rookie to car control, I've seen him out at bondourant and he got skill. Remember he got his license after 1 year of being in xdc
He has that power to keep up With the best. But he is not a rookie to car control, I've seen him out at bondourant and he got skill. Remember he got his license after 1 year of being in xdc

I'm talking about car control under pressure! lots of people can drift but doing it on that stage with that much pressure is a whole different thing!
I think there must be a reason 350z is rarely used..

Short wheelbase. It's an incredibly small car. I'm amazed every time I see one. The 370 is a bit longer which is why Chris forsberg doesn't have the same problems. That and Forsberg is a seasoned veteran.

I'm getting on now to practice for the mini comp!
What I've noticed from Saturday at the event is, all the FD guys are just to used to wide ass banked tracks. There were sooo many crashes that night as well. Fredric Aasbo's TC held the most consistent lines all night long.....well until he crashed against Ryes lol
What I've noticed from Saturday at the event is, all the FD guys are just to used to wide ass banked tracks. There were sooo many crashes that night as well. Fredric Aasbo's TC held the most consistent lines all night long.....well until he crashed against Ryes lol

He crashed because of a suspension failure. And I think it could have to do with running so much power. The banking allows you to pin the throttle but without it you have to be more careful
He crashed because of a suspension failure. And I think it could have to do with running so much power. The banking allows you to pin the throttle but without it you have to be more careful

Yes I know why he crashed I watched. I still don't believe its because of the power, he was the only one running a 4 banger in comp(3sgte ftw)
Yes I know why he crashed I watched. I still don't believe its because of the power, he was the only one running a 4 banger in comp(3sgte ftw)

No I'm not talking about Frederic having power issues. It's FD as a whole That's having issues with non banked tracks and the reason why is that they as a whole are running massive power figures
No I'm not talking about Frederic having power issues. It's FD as a whole That's having issues with non banked tracks and the reason why is that they as a whole are running massive power figures

Massive power is needed for the massive as course setups they keep having
Something like Atlanta is the only relatively slow event, but even there they enter with mega high speed entries. I guess it really boils down to where you live and what the people around the events are what make it that way.