Welcome to the Team DROP5 thread. In this thread you will discover everything that DROP5 has to offer. We strive on seeing our members give the best of themselves whether is comes to Drifting or Grip racing. Wanting to be apart of a team shouldn't have to mean you are the best of the best, but means you give your all to be the best. If you are interested in becoming something broadly amazing and have fun at it, you are in the right place. Below you will see our rules and regulations to being apart of DROP5 or just being in our lobbies. I want to personally thank you for your interest in DROP5 and I can't wait to hear from you! 👍
- Team Reopened!
- Now Recruiting.
- Now on Instagram (Team Drop5)
If interested in joing Team DROP5 please fill out the Registration Form, and send it to me VIA PM. Once this is complete I will have all your information you need to become a member when the time comes. Thank you for your interest in becoming a DROP5 member. We cannot wait to see what you got and hopefully welcome you to the team! 👍
Please make sure to add me team try out.
Currently Recruiting | Contact GTP_Drop5
Location/Time Zone:
Favorite Car(s):
Favorite Track(s):
Drifting Experience:
Do you have a microphone?:
How often do you drift on GT5?:
What are you looking for in a team?:
Anything else you would like to add?:
- Do Not hit other cars. (Its okay if it was an accident, but please apologize)
- Must get along with others. If you disagree with each other please work it out.
- AWD's are welcome but please make sure you can tandem them (or they are not allowed on track)
- Rooms will be open to grip and drift. Tire selection will be open up to Sport Softs.
- Due to not being able to lock room anybody can join. But please if you are having a problem with them send me a PSN PM and I or Stig will take care of it.
- Be clean and curdious. Not doing so will result in boot.
- No going BACKWARDS Doing so will result in boot! No exceptions!
- All Aids off, except ABS
- Grip Reduction set to REAL
- Damage will be on for grip racers.
- Tire & Fuel will be left on. (Making pit stops will be needed)
- Room will be open for 1 1/2-2 Hours. At end of session you must leave, room cannot stay open due to our team name being on it.
- We can do races for each group (Drift/Grip) If asked for. If Drifters ask for race to be able to take pictures, all grip calls will need to stay off track.
- Races will be set to 5 laps a piece