DROPFIVE Motorsports | KDFAlliance | [HOONIGAN]

  • Thread starter SPANK
honestly use the pad even though you might hate it. Try +7 then -2 and you'll see A huge difference on turn in I swear to you lol
On the controller i use the analog stick for steering. x for gear up, square for gear down r1 for ebrake, and r2 for gas and l2 for brake.
yeah the analogue stick has the best representation of it :). Twice I've used that word today, must be A first :D

Also Spank, Sounds like Frederik Aasbo is using A real drifting engine not A junked up V8 lol
Haha too bad I cant, Im stuck doing Hamann 🤬 ugh!

Did a speed test on my internet, is this good? This is with me on the internet on my laptop, my phone is using the internet to stream the baseball game, my brother is online on gt5 and my dad is using the laptop.

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Yes! this is not A lie but on average for the U.K, the upload is 0.3mb so your doing ok there lol.. I usually get .09/1.1 upload when wireless so your doing something right! But I have A terrible router.

On the P.c and PS3 (not tried ps3 but reckon so) i'll get an upload of 5.7 and download of over 43/44mb because they are wired most of the time. :P
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My internet is pretty good but it shuts down a lot. Once our contract ends in january we are going to switch to at&t high speed internet : D