
  • Thread starter SS69
Most drugs are not worth it, like crack, herion, PCP, dippers, ect. All the more serious stuff. Like with crack, the high that the people get will never be as good as the first one, each time it accualy kills off a small part of that person brain. My friend that came back from rehad told me this, he was there for mary j.
Originally posted by SS69
did u even read my goddamn post?

"if u do drugs. thats ur priorty"

i dont care if u do drugs. im saying if u dont keep it under control, then its bad. and i agree on weed. it should be legal.

Weed should be legal. It would help un-clog the courts.
if youcant really commit a crime when youre stoned , then why the **** were they illegleized in the first place
Originally posted by milefile
He just means he didn't like it, which of course means it is objectively "stupid".

Maybe it means that he is objectively stupid.
Originally posted by PoeticSoul952
You'd be quite surprised at how your money clip would be affected. Its alot harder to sell than you would think. Plus there is always the thought that you may get robbed, which, for mnost drugs dealers, is inevitable.

Sorry, but you're wrong.

Drugs are profitable.
Drug's are one of the few thing's on this earth, that there will alway's be a demand for. And for the guy that started this topic; people don't choose to be addicted to drug's. That's like saying, I chose to be white. It's a baseless statement.
Originally posted by Monster7
Drug's are one of the few thing's on this earth, that there will alway's be a demand for. And for the guy that started this topic; people don't choose to be addicted to drug's. That's like saying, I chose to be white. It's a baseless statement.

thats like blaming macdonalds for being a fat bas###rd... macdonalds dont put the food down your throat do they? you would be stupid enough to blame them would you... so who CHOSE to put drugs down an addicts throat the first time? don't blame the dealer.. they have to take responsibilty for their choices. don't mean to be over harsh here i knoe its a hard thing to beat , but to say you haven't chosen it is wrong.
Originally posted by jay wilkie
thats like blaming macdonalds for being a fat bas###rd... macdonalds dont put the food down your throat do they? you would be stupid enough to blame them would you... so who CHOSE to put drugs down an addicts throat the first time? don't blame the dealer.. they have to take responsibilty for their choices. don't mean to be over harsh here i knoe its a hard thing to beat , but to say you haven't chosen it is wrong.

👍 Completely agree - I'm sick of hearing the 'I'm a victim' tagline for every single crime and act committed. Take some responsibility for yourselves, you addict losers, and check into rehab.
Originally posted by M5Power
👍 Completely agree - I'm sick of hearing the 'I'm a victim' tagline for every single crime and act committed. Take some responsibility for yourselves, you addict losers, and check into rehab.

WOW ! we agree on something... bet that doesn't happen twice... :cheers: just joking man.. :lol:
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
People do choose to be addicted to drugs. You sign the contract when you start using them.

So for the million's of high school kid's that go to party's and drink, their asking to be alcoholic's? Good premise. If people knew they would get addicted to thing's, the word addiction wouldn't exist.

As for M5Power, you remind me of a kid eating paste. If rehab was the end all cure, I'd say you are right. I don't feel sorry for addict's, I feel sorry for the people around them.
Originally posted by Monster7

As for M5Power, you remind me of a kid eating paste. If rehab was the end all cure, I'd say you are right. I don't feel sorry for addict's, I feel sorry for the people around them.
So what do you want, them sentenced to death? Or maybe we should just ship them all to West Virginia so normal citizens haven't got to deal with them. I don't care what happens to drug addicts, I just want them to stop with their 'I'm a victim' bull****, and I want them to either get help or get killed. Fast. Because if they don't do one of the two, they're wasting their lives, and there's no point in living a wasted life.
Originally posted by Monster7
So for the million's of high school kid's that go to party's and drink, their asking to be alcoholic's? Good premise. If people knew they would get addicted to thing's, the word addiction wouldn't exist.

As for M5Power, you remind me of a kid eating paste. If rehab was the end all cure, I'd say you are right. I don't feel sorry for addict's, I feel sorry for the people around them.

no they are not asking to be alcoholics but they know the risk that they may become one later in life... and if they did become one then it would be their own fault, just like if i became an alcohlic.. i couldn't blame anyone else for picking up a beer could i? so why can drug addicts say it wasn't their choice?
Wouldn't know, been couped up in my bedroom for the past week and a half.

Anyway, drugs are good, except when people go overboard. Speaking of drugs, I need to go take some codeine cough syrup.
Surprised the words "peer pressure" never came up here, well until now. Of course I don't know the numbers but certainly a good quantity of all people on drugs got on them because of that single stupid human phenomenon.