DS3 Gran Turismo 5 Button Layouts: What's yours?!

  • Thread starter NeoXenzaka
Post your layout here if it is different from the default settings.

Why did you change your layout for the DS3?

Why do you think there is an advantage? Is there a disadvantage?

What is the most comfortable for racing? What is the most comfortable for driving?

Post only what you feel you must for example, my configuration:

Right Stick=Reverse/look

Advantage: Better use of the throttle and brake function. Also useful if you drive or race without ABS.

Disadvantage: Personally, I've "hurt" my hands kinda bad if I tense up in race in this positions. It's temporary but certain angles seem to be a little stressful on my hands.
Ever since playing the crap out of GTA IV, I've grown accustomed to the L2/R2 triggers for brakes/accelerator. It's a much better feel. The rest...

L3 for steering/(push down) for horn
R3 for side views/looking around the cockpit, (up and down) for changing gears (when using manual)
X for handbrake
L1 for rear view
R1 for flashing
Square for toggle high/low beams
Circle for windscreen wipers
Triangle for reverse gear

Those are the basics... I forgot what I assigned the D-pad for :ouch:, and Select is changing your view while driving.

I like it because it's a closer setup to a wheel.
This is my layout, might look weird, but works GREAT:


Oh, and the RA fuctions RULE!
This is my layout, might look weird, but works
Oh, and the RA fuctions RULE!

My setup is the same I think, RA function with select and the directionals move the menus.
R2 for upshifts.
L2 for downshifts
R1 for view change.
L3 for horn.
R3 for high/low beams.
foolproof controls, these controls work so well I can adjust, traction, front/rear braking, fr/rr center diffs all while turning through corners or mid drift in AWD cars. I would be impressed if anyone else could match that with a different scheme.

left stick steering
right stick up is down shift
right stick down is up shift
L3 horn R3 none
L2 Brake R2 Gas
L1 Rear View R1 Reverse
X handbrake
circle RA adjust up
square RA adjust down
triangle RA Menu
left direction headlights
right direction windsheild wipers
up direction RA scroll
down direction RA scroll
Mine is a bit different from you guys:D

R1/L1= Shift Up/Down
R2/L2= Looking around the cockpit
L3= Horns
Left Analog= Steering
Right Analog= Throttle/Brake
Directional Right= Flash/Switch beam
Directional Left= Wipers
Directional Up= Ghost On/Off
Directional Down= Look behind

I didn't touch the X, Square, Circle or Triangle.
Yeah the RA allows you to adjusts Traction Control / Brake Balance / 4WD Adjustment ABS etc while racing.

I have this one at the moment, but it needs changed.

L2 / R2 = Brake / Throttle
L1 / R1 = Upshift / Downshift
Dpad = RA Selection Buttons
Select = View Change
R' Analog = Steering
R3 = RA menu
L3 = Horn
L' Analog = Nothing ATM, going to add the views and add gear changes here aswell.
X button = Flash and Enable Headlights
[] button = Rear View
/_\ button = Reverse
O button = Handbrake

Its good, very solid, how I would like to setup every driving game :) Will change the view settings and possibly the gear change to L Analog tonight. Dont know what to do with R and L1 now though.
Left Stick = Steering
Right Stick = Change Gear [up is up shift / down is down shift]
L2 = Brake
R2 = Gas
Directional-Down = Rear View
Triangle = Reverse
Cross = handbrake
Circle = Lights
Square = Windscreen Wipers
I'm starting to get accustomed to using the triggers to brake and gas.
However, GT5 needs to make it where you can steer with the triggers. Could be much more precise.
R2 & Right Analog (up) - Gas
L2 & Right Analog (down) - Brake
R1 - Change View
L1 - Reverse
R3 - Right View
L3 - Left View
Left Analog - Steering
Right Analog (right & left) - Change Gear
X - Handbrake
Triangle - Look Back
Select - RA Menu
Square & Circle - RA Menu up & down

D-Pad :
Up - Windscreen Wipers
Down - Lights
Right & Left - Change RA Menu Parameters
L2 - Brake
R2 - Gas
L1 - Lights
R1 - Wipers? (cant Remember)
X - Upshift
Box- Downshift
Left Analog (horn)
L3 - Horn
R3 - Rear + Sides
O - E-Brakes
Triangle - Rev
Select - change View

The D Pad prob does something i cant remember prob spare buttons
Default setting other than Brake and E-brake have been swapped. I've always perferred using the circle button for my brake.
Right thumbstick for gas/brake (I was very skeptical at first)...ultimate throttle control

L1/R1: shift down/shift up

X: Handbrake

Left stick: steer

That's about all the essentials

Assists I normally use: ABS 1
The hardest to learn, but the most accurate way to play with a DS. Been like this since GT1:

Right Analog: Gas and brake
Left Analog: Steering
L2 and R2: Shifting buttons (although being analog buttons, it feels wierd at the begining, but you don´t need to press hard on them to shift.)
Dpad Left: Look left
Dpad Right: Look right

The rest doesnt matter. I notice some people use the L2 and R2 for gas and brakes. Its somewhat good, but those buttons are not as precise as the analogs, plus that leaves you with a less ergonomical setup for the shifting buttons.

At the end, it doesn´t really matter, as long as you feel the most comfortable...
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Left Stick L/R: Steering.

Right Stick U/D: Accelerate/Brake.

L3: Horn.

R3: Tuning menu.

D-Pad: Tuning menu controls.

L2: Look left.

R2: Look right.

L1: Ghost.

R1: Look behind.

X: Shift down.

[]: Shift up.

/\: Reverse.

O: E-Brake.

Select: View.

I'm disabled so I kinda have to use this button layout, I know a normal person couldn't really use it though.
R2 = Throttle
L2 = Brake
R1 = Reverse
L1 = Rear view
Triangle = Head Light
Square = Horn
Cross = Hand Brake
Circle = Change view
Right anolog = Shifting and looking left and right
Select and D-pad = Quick car setting ajustments
I was using the default layout, until I accidentally stepped on my controller and broke the L2 button (again). I fixed it before, but this time the metal spiral that makes it pop back to is original position is nowhere to be seen! So now it's just a flabby, no good button.

Anyways, I use the X to accelerate and O to brake with everything else default.
Gear Up-R1
Gear Down-L1
Steering-Left Stick
Look Around- Right Stick
Reverse- Triangle
Circle- Handbrake

I've never bothered with the RA functions.
Throttle = R2
Brake = L2
Headlights = R1
Rear View = L1
Gear Up = Cross
Gear Down = Circle
Reverse = Triangle
Hand Brake = Square
Steering = Left analogue
Left/Right View = Right analogue
Horn = L3
Window Wipers = R3
R2 = Throttle
L2 = Brake
R1 = High Beam
L1 = Driving Aids Selector
Triangle = No Idea
Square = Brake
Cross = Gas
Circle = E-Brake
Right anolog = Nothing
D-pad = Quick car setting adjustments
L1-Rear view
R1-Flash, High/Low beam
Circle-Gear up
Square-Gear down
Right stick-Look around
Left stick-Steering
Select-Change view

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