DS3 Gran Turismo 5 Button Layouts: What's yours?!

  • Thread starter NeoXenzaka
I use standard atm, however after seeing how many people use the L2 and R2 for throttle/brake control, i think i'll give this a try. Will make control for the special event golds a lot easier.
Gear Up-R1
Gear Down-L1
Steering-Left Stick
Look Around- Right Stick
Reverse- Triangle
Circle- Handbrake

depad up- high/low beam

aids- ABS 1
everything else off
The old school set up from past GTs of yore.

I tried the modern set up (I.E. Forza style) and my fingers get really cramped up. I do perform slightly better with this set up, but unfortunately my hands are more important than GT5.
Mine is a bit different from you guys:D

R1/L1= Shift Up/Down
R2/L2= Looking around the cockpit
L3= Horns
Left Analog= Steering
Right Analog= Throttle/Brake
Directional Right= Flash/Switch beam
Directional Left= Wipers
Directional Up= Ghost On/Off
Directional Down= Look behind

I didn't touch the X, Square, Circle or Triangle.

R2/L2 = Gas/Brake
Square = Gear Down
X = Gear Up
Circle = E-Brake
Triangle = Reverse
R1 = Look Back
L1 = Toggle RA Menu
D-Pad = RA Funtions
R Analog = Look around
R3 = Lights
L Analog = Steering
L3 = Horn

the L2/R2 for gas brake is better than Analog stick for one reason alone, you can brake..... and gas.... at the same time...... end argument, lol!
Square/X for gears is good, reminds me of a sequential gear box where you pull back for gear up (X) and push forward for gear down (square), and then Circle of e-brake is still in thumb distance
Ok, I've got a weird one

Right toggle up - Gas
L2 - Brake
L1 and R1 - Shift Up/Down
Left toggle or D-pad - Steering.

Mostly i use the D-pad for steering as i got used to it way back when. I know i could be better with the Left toggle but I'm still faster with the D-pad right now. Been doin it like this since GT3 except for when I had a Driving force for GT4, stupid me sold it to my friend and now wish i had it back.
L2- brake
R2 - accelerate
R1 - toggle high or low beams
L1 - look behind
X - ghost
O - handbrake
Left Anaglogue stick - steer
Rigth stick up and - spshift gear
Right stick down - downshift gear
Right stick left - look left
Right stick right - look right
Square - horn
Triangle - flast light
L3 - open RA Menu
Up and down D pad - RA menus up and down
Left and right D pad - RA menu option adjusting
Left analog stick: steering
Right analog stick: Throttle/brake
L2/R2: Shift up/down
D-pad: RA menu options
Square: Opens RA menu

I do believe those are the only ones I've changed.
L2 - gas
R2 - brake
L1 - lights
R1 - reverse

Triangle - rear view
Square - RA menu
Circle - ghost toggle
X - E-brake

Left stick - steering
L3 - horn
Right stick - look left and right and shift gears
R3 - toggle wipers

D-pad - RA selection and adjustment
L2 - Brake (w/ L2/R2 trigger extenders)
Right Stick Forward - Accelerator (other directions set to N/A)
Left Stick Left/Right - Steering
R2 - Accelerator (but not used)
L1 - Shift Up
L2 - Shift Down
R2/L2 = Gas/Brake
Square = Gear Down
X = Gear Up
Circle = E-Brake
Triangle = Reverse
R1 = Look Back
L1 = Toggle RA Menu
D-Pad = RA Funtions
R Analog = Look around
R3 = Lights
L Analog = Steering
L3 = Horn

the L2/R2 for gas brake is better than Analog stick for one reason alone, you can brake..... and gas.... at the same time...... end argument, lol!
Square/X for gears is good, reminds me of a sequential gear box where you pull back for gear up (X) and push forward for gear down (square), and then Circle of e-brake is still in thumb distance

This is where it's at for DS3 in my opinion, I couldn't agree more with the reasoning too.
I have a DFGT setup here in Australia but while I was living in Canada when F12010 and GT5 came out I was playing the controller and found this best, I think it was close to one of the presets on F12010. Anyone using a DS3 and holding onto Auto driving, I highly recommend to try this.
L2/R2: Brake/Gas
L1/R2: Rear View/ Flash & Toggle High/Low Beam
L3/R3: Horn/ Windshiled Wipers
Square/Circle: Shift Down/ Shift Up
Triangle/X: Reverse/ E-brake
Left Analong Stick : Steering

Its a feel good, being able to change controls to suit any type of person, even those with disabilities.

You can't say GT5 is bad for that now!

My left arm ends in a stump just 3 inches past my elbow. The lack of custom mapping in console games has been annoying for me. It is so awkward to play games that require L2 for an essential function - It's just not fun. I think every console game should have the custom mapping that GT5 has. Sony should even make it an integral part of the PS3 OS. 80% of my gaming is on the PC anyway, so I don't lose too much sleep over it. But I know other people do.

My strange setup:

Left Stick - Steer
R2 - Throttle
R1 - Shift Up
Square - Brake
X - Shift Down
Left Stick Button - Rear View
Circle - Hand Brake
R2 = throttle
L2 = brake
Circle = shift up
Square = shift down
X = handbrake

Dare I say it, but I prefer this Forza-esque layout, especially after my DFP broke :(
Left Stick=Steer
L1=Hand Brake
Triangle=Shift UP
Square=Shift Down
Circle=RA Menu
Dpad=RA Navigation
R3=High/Low Beam

I like the Shift buttons as Square and Triangle so I can rest my thumb above and between them and just lightly tilt my thumb to the side of the buttons to Shift. However depending on the car I often switch to Auto, just for the convenience.
Left stick: Steer
Right stick: Throttle/Brake
L2: Shift down
R2: Shift up
L1: Look back
R1: Headlights
Triangle: Reverse
Circle: Handbrake
Left stick: Throttle/brake
Right stick: steering

Everything else default.

Backwards stick setup came from first playing GT1 on my friend's Playstation, he was into RC racing where left hand controls throttle and right hand controls steering so had his controller set up that way. Major headache in GT4, where you can't un-assign throttle/brake from the right stick, and it actually overrides inputs from the left stick... but works great.

L2 = Brake
L1 = Rear View
Up = Toggle Ghost
Left = Wipers
Right = Flashing
Down = N/A
LS = Steering
L3 = N/A
Select = N/A
Start = Pause
R2 = Accelerate
R1 = Reverse
Tri = Horn
Sq = E-Brake
Circ = Don't remember
X = Toggle View
RS = N/A
R3 = N/A
I changed mine to somethimg really sttange, but EVERYTHING is mapped. Except ghost.
L and R2 is gears
L1 is headlights full or dipped beam.
R1 handbrake. A bit retro.
X is lights flash
Circle does wipers
Square for the horn
Triangle still reverse.
Dpad does the in race adjuster
Select for view change.
L3 brings the ra menu up. R3 looks back.
Right stick up/down is throttle/brake
Right stick left/right is look about (works in all views XD)
And yes, left stick is steering... does Anyone actually change that ever?
L2/R2 = Downshift/Shift
L1/R1 = Look back/handbrake
D-Pad up = N/A
D-Pad left = look left
D-Pad right = look right
D-Pad down = high beams
L3/R3 = Steering/Throttle
L3/R3 down = Horn/Wipers
X = Throttle
Square = Brake
O = Handbrake
Triangle = Reverse

A lot of duplicate controls, I am just too lazy to switch them to something I can use more efficiently.
R2: Accelerate
L2: Brake
R1: High/Low Beams
L1: Look Behind
Dpad: All of it is used for RA Function
X: Shift Up
Square: Shift Down
Circle: Handbrake
Triangle: Reverse
R3: Look around Cockpit
L3: Enables RA Fuction

Uses all the Buttons!
accelerate: R1
brake: triangle
shifting: L1/L2

strange i know

seems that a lot of you set throttle and brake to L2 and R2. I should give that a go and see how i like it.
Accelerate: R2
Brake: L2
Lights: R1
Look back:L1
Ghost replay: X
Handbrake: Circle
Reverse gear: Triangle
RA Function menu: Square
RA Function: D-Pad
Change view: Select
Steering and gear shifts: Left analog stick
Look around: Right analog stick
Horn: L3
Wipers: R3

GTA4 player customs pushes me to make this button layout...
Accelerate: R2
Brake: L2
Lights: R1
Look back:L1
Ghost replay: X
Handbrake: Circle
Reverse gear: Triangle
RA Function menu: Square
RA Function: D-Pad
Change view: Select
Steering and gear shifts: Left analog stick
Look around: Right analog stick
Horn: L3
Wipers: R3

GTA4 player customs pushes me to make this button layout...

Where is shift up and down?

I use:
R1 shift up
R2 headlights

L1 shift down
L2 look back

Up d-pad RA select +
Down D-pad RA select -
Right D-pad RA adjust +
Left D-pad RA adjust -

Left stick steering
R3 horn

Right stick up throttle
Right stick down Brake
Right stick left/right look L/R
R3 windshield wipers

Triangle reverse
Square ghost
X button Handbrake
Circle RA menu