BMW M3 Coupe 650PP/R3 Suzuka PRO Online
This car was a customer request who liked it very much, so he wants me to share the setup with all of you! 👍 This car was a winner in the Raising the Bonds event, and it performs equally well in the 650PP event.

Not much to say about than that it is smooth, stable and fast. But then, aren't they always.

So, I hope you enjoy this first tune of 2009 and have fun with it. Let me know what you think.
Power: +2
Weight: 86%
Tyres: R3
Height: -30/-27
Springs: 5/6
Dampers: 3/4
Toe: -0.08/+0.07
Camber: 1.5/1.9
Brakes: 6/5
Angle: 45 (Sixaxis: 40)
ABS: 1
1st: 3.380
2nd: 2.194
3rd: 1.698
4th: 1.340
5th: 1.076
6th: 0.874
Final 3.953