...using their rights in the correct manor though...
Haha, there's a strip club in my city called The Manor that just got busted for hiring underage girls.
How ironic.
But on a more serious note- discussion like this innevitably brings us to the question of What Is Morality?
("It's what I say is right, and what I say is wrong!" -Pastor Richards)
As many have pointed out, it was a sociatal norm for people to have intercourse during the Victorian age (of all times, jeez). It was
probably somewhat linked to Freud's constant sexual connection with things that people suddenly took attention and gradually became more sensitive to certain subjects regarding sexuality.
Pederasty: What's the difference between that and pedophilia? Pederast's maintain a loving relationship between themselves and said child--sexual or not; a pedophile is one who "loves" a child
because they're prepubescent, and is almost always maintaining a one-sided sexual relationship.
Many sexual activities now considered harmless or even beneficial by many (such as masturbation) have often been considered perversions or psychosexual disorders in various societies, and how to regard these behaviors has been, and continues at times to be, a controversial matter.
Now, I ask the opinion of some of you: Whats worse, pedophilia (or hebophilia) or gerontophilia?
Some interesting (and potentially useful) information:
In every state and federal jurisdiction of the United States, the law states that a minor below the age of consent in that state or jurisdiction cannot consent to sexual activity of any sort involving a partner (with certain exceptions).
[wikipedia]Illegal sexual activities involving an adult and a minor are generally categorized as a sex offense.[/wikipedia]
Situations in which both participants are under the age of consent are generally not prosecuted, if neither minor used force or coercion on the other minor.
In addition, many states include in their penal code a so-called "Romeo exception". This exception deals with situations in which a young adult above the age of consent performs a sexual activity with a someone under the age of consent; it exempts the young adult from being charged with a sex offense if the adult's age is within three years of the minor's age, and the adult did not use force or coercion on the minor.
Another exemption under states sexual abuse laws that exists in some states applies to adults legally married to minors. Thus, said adults can legally have sexual relations with their spouses without violating the law.
And just so we're clear:
The activities identified as sexual abuse of a child varies between countries. In the United States, sexual activity of any kind is prohibited between an adult and a person under the age of consent. Examples of prohibited activities:
* sexual intercourse (oral, anal or vaginal) with any person under the age of consent, which is between 16 and 18 years in the U.S.,
* soliciting sexual activity from a child,
* contact with a child's genitals for the purpose of sexual gratification,
* inducing a child to touch his/her genitals or another's genitals,
* acting as a pimp for prostituted child
* inducing a child to behave sexually in a performance, or to watch any kind of sexual behavior,
* inducing a child to appear in child pornography,
* lewd acts with children, including disseminating pornography to a minor.
Still more:
Offenders are more likely to be relatives or acquaintances of their victim than strangers.[1]
Most reported offenders are male; the percentage of incidents of sexual abuse by female perpetrators is
usually reported to be between 5%[2] and 20%, though some studies have found it to be much higher.
And something else to chew on:
Goldman (2000) notes that "the absolute number of children being sexually abused each year has been
almost impossible to ascertain" and that "there does not seem to be agreement on the rate of children
being sexually abused". A meta-analytic study by Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman (1998) found that
reported prevalence of abuse for males ranged from 3% to 37%, and for females from 8% to
71% with mean rates of 17% and 28% respectively. A study by Fromuth and Burkhart (1987) found
that depending upon the definition of CSA used, prevalence among men varied from 4% to 24%.
That's a pretty huge range, I had no idea it would've been so high...
...and finally, for your viewing pleasure:
Super-wide, forum breaking image...
Explanation of the super long post:
I just think everyone should know as much as they can about a particular subject, especially one capable of starting so much debate-- just to keep things balanced.
Even so, it's still pretty much generally agreed upon that even 15 years old is pushing it for an age of consent law- and Canada's is 14?
I do, however, find it funny that the "Land of Freedom" has some of the tightest (
NO PUN AT ALL INTENDED)sex laws in the world.