The right turn after the first tunnel or the right turn before the bridge thingy?... I will try my best to describe how I clear this section.
I widen my drift as I exit the tunnel curved tunnel, I want to be close to the middle of the road as I crest the hill with no angle, though,I begin to drift towards the left rumble strips as I crest the hill and then tap e-brake as I transition to the right drift - I want my left rear tire to come very close to the left rumble strip as I set this slide.
If I set it right, my car will slide without gas or brakes until I sniff the inside wall and then I use gas and counter steer to widen my line from there. As soon as it is widened nearly to the left rock wall, I jump over to the right side of the road before throwing into the left in a high gear (4 when under 300 horse power, 5 when over 350) aimed at the wall, transition from left drift to right drift and gear down; and again sniff the inside wall on the next right turn, widening to the point where I can begin to move towards the right wall of the bridge in the same slide. When I come close enough to ebrake my rear within inches of the wall, I do so, and hammer on the throttle. I usually try to 'tag' my right outside corner about halfway through the mini tunnel, and then clip the left corner/edge of the bricks on the exit with the center of my front bumper. I try always to merge this drift smoothly into full acceleration with no oversteer as I am entering the straight tunnel.
That is how I do that section of the track, I don't know if the way I wrote it is helpful, but we will drive again and you can study. I'm more comfortable with my 400hp FC, I think my uncertainty threw you off before