E-mail from Vauxhall

  • Thread starter DanteSS3
I sent an e-mail to vauxhall AGES ago and i did get a response.

"Thank you for your recent email.

We checked the status of the forthcoming GT5 with a colleague who is in regular contact with Sony.

Sony’s GT5 is in the very early planning stages, it is far too early to discuss specific vehicles. However, when they are ready we will offer them all appropriate VXR vehicles and do the best we can to get them in the game.

I hope this information is of assistance to you.

Yours sincerely

Annamaria Nagy
Customer Care Consultant "

Its not much but it does say that they have someone in Sony trying to get them in.
It says a lot actually:
... Sony’s GT5 is in the very early planning stages, it is far too early to discuss specific vehicles. ...
What the ****? :irked:

When exactly did you receive this?
I don't know, nor do I care, and Anna Maria is spelt wrong.
Don't worry, you did nothing wrong. It's only that one sentence that will heat up the discussion about how far GT5 really is. Kaz said it's closer than we think, whereas that email says that it's still far away. The question is - what's true?

the Interceptor
Intresting 👍 DanteSS3!
Sony’s GT5 is in the very early planning stages, it is far too early to discuss specific vehicles.

Humm...that didn't really surprise me, they have alot to work on.
I don't know, nor do I care, and Anna Maria is spelt wrong.

there's an unwritten law that says names have no grammar... hence there is "Sean" and "Shawn"... "Jon", "John", "Jawn"... "David", er... never mind.
Who are you going to believe? Kaz or an unknown woman from Vauxhall?
I know, but I'm just being awkward :lol:, Speaking of Grammar, should a scentence start with a capital letter, oh look there I go again :lol:;). It's likely that it's a real e-mail but the truth of the matter is, you won't get a proper or correct answer from a 3rd party, they don't oversee the development of the game, they won't be kept upto date on all of GT5's progress or anything liek that. The person at Vauxhall will get inforamtion on it, and so on from Sony, but he won't be passing that info to any Vauxhall employee that asks let alone the gneral public, he'll likely be sworn to secrecy regarding anything GT5 except for what cars from Vauxhall will be in the game, being sworn to secrecy is often the norm in games regarding third party contracts.
Who are you going to believe? Kaz or an unknown woman from Vauxhall?
Very good argument, but it's not like we've already made a lot of ... "bad" experiences with PDs products regarding the release date. I don't see how they can have GT5 ready by 2007 yet, and I don't think it's gonna happen. Not after what we've seen at E3. If they would have had anything there, they'd have shown us, cause I don't see no reason why they wouldn't. Instead, we see a souped up GT4, which they didn't need a single line of programming from GT5 for. And I wouldn't be suprised if there are not that many yet.

the Interceptor
I can see how GT5 will be ready by 2007, PD spent the vast majority of GT4's production gathering data and creating that brand new, upgradable physics engine Kaz was going on about. That means that this time around they don't have to re-collect all that data they already have, and they don't have to create a new physics engine since the one in GT4 is supposed to be future proof, for want of a better phrase.
@ live4speed: hmmm ... I never saw it like that. Well, from that point of view, you may be right, but remember that they have to start on a new platform, which means there's still a lot of work to do, even if all the data's there.

the Interceptor
It depends on what Kaz means by "GT5". If he's talking about this upgraded version of GT4 that we've been seeing, then yes.. it's moving along nicely. If he's talking about the actual GT5, then it isn't.. we haven't seen a single screenshot yet, and only two car models. That doesn't strike me as being "pretty far along". I'd be more likely to believe Vauxhall on that point.. they're not in the position of having to market the game, therefore no need for any BS. And since they are, in fact, lobbying Sony for their cars' inclusion, then they would have little sprinklings of information like that.
I can see how GT5 will be ready by 2007, PD spent the vast majority of GT4's production gathering data and creating that brand new, upgradable physics engine Kaz was going on about. That means that this time around they don't have to re-collect all that data they already have, and they don't have to create a new physics engine since the one in GT4 is supposed to be future proof, for want of a better phrase.

Hope your right. 👍

I can see your point about info gathering but we all know what PD are like with thier release dates. :banghead:

Edit: I'm off to type e-mail some of the top brass @ lambourghini.
As for the physics engine, I really hope pd isn't satisfied with the current. It needs work in my opinion. Depending on the car...LOTS of work.
Perhaps we should all start e-mailing the other manafacturers to see what we can milk out of them. :)
Lamborghini gave me no direct responses other than

"We have been contacted by Sony, however, we are not allowed to release anything of our licensing that is not on an official agreement."
Lamborghini gave me no direct responses other than

"We have been contacted by Sony, however, we are not allowed to release anything of our licensing that is not on an official agreement."

I'd still call that a good sign. At least PD is trying to get them.
I'd think that there's been contact for every GT game though, that would go for Ferrari and Porsche as well, Kaz himself said he'd been speaking to Ferrari during GT4's development, they just came to nothing thanks to other contracts or not being able to come to an agreement on the proposed contracts.
Out of the three (porsche, ferrari, Lamborghini) atleast one I would think, would want to be in the next game. We've seen these manafacturers in countless other games of lesser quality and reputation, its definetly about time that pd gets these cars in there.
Interesting... so you E-mail Vauxhall about GT5. I'm not hating you on this. I wonder if someone E-mailed (those three companies) and posted them on GTPlanet. Here's what would probably happen:

(intentionally misspelled, but for role play)
Dear (manufacturer),

I thot it wou b pretty cool if you featured ur models in GT5. It a fun racin game by PD. Heard of PD, (manufacturer)? This game has WAY too many small cars and insignificant cars. Who the hell races a Honda Odyssey? a Mini Cooper? That's y I E-mailed you to get PD to get off there buts and include you in GT5. Ur cars RoxxxOrrz!

A: Ferraris r so cool! I like dat Enzo car. It fast and awesome!!! OMG is it a booty (intended to say "beauty")!

B: Did u guys change your name to Ruf? Or is this some company triing to cash in on your cars? Tell PD to do away wit Ruf and give us ur cars for a change!

C: Lambogini is a great car company. I LOVE your cars, just too bad they aren't in GT4. Can you please help me?

(some guy who can't spell and only cares about supercars)

And what would happen afterwards? Enter John, Stage Left:

A: "JohnBM01" is a Ferrari representative
"Thank you for your interest in Ferrari. First of all, I think you need to spell your words a bit better. Not many of us can understand your spelling. What in Christ's sake is a 'Roxxorz?' What country is that? What car maker builds that? As far as Ferrari goes, I can understand people loving my company's cars and wanting to race them in a video game. Have you heard of 'Forza Motorsport?' People think racing is all about high-speed and little about control, so this XBOX game may give you better hope of racing and tuning our products. It even includes the Ferrari Enzo. We also plan on putting this company and its cars in Forza Motorsport 2. So if you have an XBOX, get that instead. As for Gran Turismo and your chances of seeing them, why not race other sports cars instead? There are no cars better than ours, but at least we're going to try to work a deal to get millions of PlayStation fans to shut up and finally enjoy our cars. We MAY show up in GT5 even. Oh, and if you intend on modifying our cars with neons and having very little driving talent, then stay FAR away from our cars in any game and stick to your NASCAR, or whatever that idiotic American motorsport is. If you want REAL racing, why not compete in our Ferrari Challenge series? We have in Beverly Hills, Washington D.C., Ontario, Houston, and many other groups. If they do show up, we need courses in that game that are close to us and are exciting. You know, like Monza, Mugello, and Fiorano for example.

"Oh, and brush up on your English skills. Even we have great English skills for an Italian sports car company. Just look at Michael Schumacher who races our F1 cars to victory. Come now!"

B: "JohnBM01" is a Porsche representative
"Thank you for your interest in Porsche. I am pleased to meet you, sir/madam. We hate to admit it, but Ruf automobiles are more powerful and better capable than our company. But do they have our wonderful (yet recently retired) Carerra GT? We are an authentic car company. We are interested in any sports car lover who has the money to purchase our products. How dare some Americans choose a Corvette over a Porsche? We believe in exotic muscle that you can throw around one of those fancy cities like Los Angeles, New York, Miami, or any place that looks good with our cars. You want to drive fast no matter your income, education level, sex appeal, location, or whatever, right? You NEED a Porsche, don't you? Well guess what, GT fan. We unfortunately can't fill your request. That is because as much as people want our cars, we battle a issues- (A) licensing rights. We simply can't put our car in the game unless we are absolutely proud of the game we are featured in. Those savages just want to take our cars and smash them up. We let them do that in Forza Motorsport, only because we have the guts to allow our cars to be beaten down in 500,000,000 different ways. We appreciate you loving our cars. Also, there's (B) what the game has to offer. There is so much that goes on in getting our cars in a game. Do you really want to take a Carerra GT and take it around that Tsukuba course against other people who can't drive our cars even if their respective lives depended on it? I'm saddened that game doesn't contain online play. We couldn't allow you to share your love of Porsches against others. In the meanwhile, enjoy Ruf. There is no substitute, but Ruf will suffice since that's as close are you're going to get to our cars.

And please, spell better. It took me 10 minutes of my life to read and understand what you were saying. I would have never been hired and promoted up to my current position with spelling like yours!"

C: "JohnBM01" is a Lamborghini representative
"Thank you very much for contacting Lamborghini. Our cars are built to the highest degree and are some of the ultimate automobiles that you can afford. I understand that you hate everyday drivers. Do you really want to mess up our six-figure cars? I was reading some message board with people who are frustrated that we aren't included. What was it... oh, GTPlanet. People had to hack and hybrid our JGTC (now Super GT) Diablo into GT3? Cheaters never prosper.

Some of you American tuner car fans love associating our cars especially with door types. I've heard of something you all call, 'Lamborghini doors?' I'm interested as to what they are. Oh, you mean the vertical doors on our company's classic Diablo model? I think our doors are as much of a trademark as Texas A&M University- College Station and their "12th Man." You want to enjoy vertical doors? I've played GT4 and remember the Toyota Sera with them stock, and especially the beautiful Mercedes-Benz 300SL with the gullwing doors. Some cars simply look better with vertical doors. We don't want people emulating our doors with cars like Hondas and Mercedes-Benz models! Yet, people intend on vertical doors. We created them so that you don't have to spend money at the body shop when you foolishly slam into a shopping cart at the grocery store. We aren't in Forza Motorsport or Gran Turismo. You need a certain degree of talent (which you do not possess) in order to appreciate automobiles as ours. You are crawling before walking- not good. We probably wouldn't even trust you with our old LM002 machine. We wouldn't trust you with it even if we brought it back to market to get rid of those unsightly and ghastly Cadillac Escalades and Ford Excursions. Our fans want us in GT5? We'll be in GT5. But only when you improve your spelling. While you're still in daycare with that spelling of yours, you'll see our company when you graduate from college."

I could be wrong about any of this, mind you... ^_^ Conspiracy and broken records are a-comin'!
John, I don't think they'd actually take 2 minutes to write that. Hell, they'd probably not write back at all. :lol:

My Lamborghini e-mail was a bit old, as I should have mentioned that before. I'm still in constant contact with them through a family friend. He's trying when he can, but no guarantees.
John, I don't think they'd actually take 2 minutes to write that. Hell, they'd probably not write back at all. :lol:

My Lamborghini e-mail was a bit old, as I should have mentioned that before. I'm still in constant contact with them through a family friend. He's trying when he can, but no guarantees.

Quite true. Organizations don't like that.
Say, could anyone get me in contact with the guys who hold the current licenses for Hudson and Nash?
I've kindly sent two e-mail's,

one to 'Pagani Automobili S.p.A' & one to 'Ford Motor Company'. 👍

In God's well, This is true. Pagani has sent me this message _

Re: Invio informazioni

Dear Mr. Rahman,

We thank you for your attention.
For the moment we are not feauturing in Gran Turismo 5 for PlayStation

Best regards.

Catia Pramazzoni
Pagani Automobili s.p.a.
0039 059 952811

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