4 people eh. you when you have a barbi for you 4 you have to buy 4 steaks, not 1 hoping to get the rest for free.
And when you buy a fridge to put the steak in does it refuse the other 3 steaks requiring your family to go out and buy there own fridge... Dont be a dumb a$$.
I dont think you understand what this is all about.... Our rights as gamers! While I dont have any inside information from developers and in no way represent them in any way. While my words are just my view and my opinion, I do know how corporations do things. I work for one of the largest corp. in the world and have a VERY good job with them. Given my income the $48 in question for GT5 will not even be noticed. What this is about is standing up for our rights while we still can and letting them know we will not have it... That goes for Sony, XBox or anyone else trying to hurt honest gamers for the sake of their bottom line profits.
It starts with DLC content that you have to purchase for every profile on your system - Being Done Now.
Then they start coding the disks so that if you want to sell your used disks the person who buys it from you has to pay to "Unlock" it..... O wait that is being done now too with a few games in Europe.
Then you will have to pay a multi counsel fee if you have 2 Game Systems IE: one in living room and one in bed room. Just like the "Unlock Fee" there will be a "multi system fee" to play the disk you OWN.
Then starts the annual fee's on DLC - O Wait that is being done now too IE: MAG charecter B and C slots that use to be just $0.99 for each one permanent unlock and now are $0.99 per month upto to $5.00 per YEAR for each slot weather you use them or not durring that year. IE: Dont Play for a few months you loose the time.
Next to come may be an annual fee on all games where you have to pay $5-10 per year per game. O and I am sure that will be per profile not per system aswell.
Dont miss understand me... I am all for corporations making honest and reasonable profits in a manor that is fair for them and for honest gamers. And I think anyone who partisipates in "FILE SHARING" or "HACKING" to cheet them out of there profits should be heavily fined and baned from usage of the online systems. What I am not in favor of is using this "EXCUSE" as a reason to make profits they are not entitled to from anyone stupid enough to let them do it.
IF WE DONT STAND UP NOW AND VOICE OUR OUTRAGE AT THIS NOW WE MAY NOT HAVE A CHANCE TO LATER. Do I think this will happen overnight? No, It could never happen. But why take the chance?