Earworms - What's Stuck In Your Head?

  • Thread starter Liquid
For the past couple of weeks, I've had "Death by Diamonds and Pearls" by Band of Skulls circling around in my head. It's been one of those songs that I forget about for awhile and then finding it and repeating it for days.

Suffer, y'all or at least anyone who had or has a 3DS and can't get this outta your head like me.

Being a dad means some seriously annoying stuff has gotten trapped in my brain, and actually for a long time I haven't been able to remember music I actually like, but in an effort to give him a broader musical education (he's not even 2 yet but it's never too early to start... I think) I remembered these guys exist:

It has to be said I mind their music being stuck in my head far less than nursery rhymes, the wheels on the bus, etc.
I am learning to play the bluegrass banjo, and this week, I have been given The sound of silence to learn (proving not to be difficult). However, I cannot get either version (Simon and Garfunkel or Disturbed) out of my head. Am not going to post a video of either - despite listening to both over the last couple of days - they just will not stop!
This persistent Gloria Gaynoresque earworm has got to be the official theme song of specialist videogame subreddits:

As a kid I always preferred the original by Piero Umiliani as it was beatier. pulls on hipster glasses and strokes beard :dopey:

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"Ghost" by Upchurch. (Language Warning)

So this is a song I've been aware of for years now, but I never paid much attention to it since I am not big on Upchurch and I generally don't like his use of profanity in his music. However, upon learning about Ultimate Vocal Remover a while back and seeing how well it works, I've been going back and listening to some songs again since making decent edits is easier than ever thanks to this tool. This song has really had a hold on me since I decided to give it another listen a few days ago and it's been stuck in my head almost nonstop since then.
"Wildflowers and Wild Horses" by Lainey Wilson is one that's been buzzing in my head today and I am not sure why because I ain't listened to it recently, but hey, I am good with this! 😎
I know what it's a parody of. I don't like baseball but I really love the nostalgia feel of this; the twinkly organ notes overlaid to casual play and the fade to sepia are so lovely.

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For some reason I've had Jimi Hendrix's "51st Anniversary" on loop in my head for a couple of weeks now.

Lovely song; about a girl desperate for one more ride on her last day of holiday.
